Papers on English
The Joy Luck Club
Number of words: 676 | Number of pages: 3.... Though not many of them grew up terribly poor, they all had a certain respect for their elders, and for life itself. These Chinese mothers were all taught to be honorable, to the point of sacrificing their own lives to keep any family members' promise. Instead of their daughters, who "can promise to come to dinner, but if she wants to watch a favorite movie on TV, she no longer has a promise" (p. 42), "To Chinese people, fourteen carats isn't real gold . . . [my bracelets] must be twenty-four carats, pure inside and out." (p. 42)
Towards the end of the book, there is a definite line between the differences of the two generations. .....
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Jane Erye - Feminism
Number of words: 2493 | Number of pages: 10.... with increased delight to the playfulness and general epigrammatism of the general style". In 1809 Jane Austen, her mother, sister Cassandra, and Martha Lloyd moved to Chawton, near Alton and Winchester, where her brother Edward provided a small house on one of his estates. This was in Hampshire, not far from her childhood home of Steventon. Before leaving Southampton, she corresponded with the dilatory publisher to whom she had sold Susan (i.e. Northanger Abbey), but without receiving any satisfaction.
She resumed her literary activities soon after returning into Hampshire, and revised Sense and Sensibility, which was accepted in .....
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In Step With Inclusion
Number of words: 548 | Number of pages: 2.... for the past 26 years at the Elementary and High School levels I have witnessed firsthand the advantages and disadvantages of including disabled students in the regular music classroom. As a band director, I have had physically handicapped as well as severely learning disabled students participate in the high school marching band. For the most part these students contributed to the overall success of the program and cherished the opportunity of being able to participate. As was stated in the article by Renee Forrest, general music teacher at Schenk Elementary School in Madison, Wisconsin, regarding disabled students .....
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The Crucible
Number of words: 1060 | Number of pages: 4.... and who was evil. The people who followed the ‘rules’ were in turn deemed ‘good’, the nature of their true character being basically irrelevant. This is relevant to our time because history has shown us that it has happened before, for example, McCarthyist America where all communists were bad, all capitalists good, or in Nazi Germany - Jews were evil and were to be persecuted while all Aryans were good. In fact, McCarthyism was an underlying factor behind Miller writing the play. In those cases, evil was not the people who committed the real atrocities, but those who did not conform to the rules of their s .....
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Bridge Of San Luis Rey
Number of words: 734 | Number of pages: 3.... Pepita's life even worse then it already was. As her companion Pepita was ignored constantly and lived a life of solitude.
Pepita is that life in the novel, she is the only good love that exist in a world of those who either love too much or those who love too little. The Marquesa drove her daughter away, because she loved too much. Although she was able to realize this before she died, it was too late. She was not able to show this newfound love to anyone. In the case of Esteban, he was not able to love anyone else except for Manuel. While Manuel was able to love another, this caused strife between them. When Manuel died .....
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With Malice Toward None
Number of words: 2485 | Number of pages: 10.... on only three sides with a roaring fire for the fourth. The nearest water supply was a mile away, and the family had to survive on the abundance of wild game in the area.
Less than two years after the move to Indiana, Mrs. Lincoln caught a horrible frontier disease known as "milk sick.". Thomas Lincoln returned to Kentucky to find a new wife. On December 2 he married Sarah Bush Johnston, a widow with three children, and took them all back to Indiana. Although there were now eight people living in the small shelter, the Lincoln children, especially Abe, adored their new stepmother who played a key role in making sure that Ab .....
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The Essence Of Hamlet
Number of words: 2259 | Number of pages: 9.... of the self is by first considering Hamlet's interpretation of man in general. Then we consider Hamlet's interpretation of himself, his analysis of his own behaviors and his inner thoughts. Through these two methods, we notice Hamlet's apparent resignation of his soul to fate once all of his doubts are resolved. It seems that Hamlet's obvious priority in terms of the self is not the physical body; instead, he is concerned about the well-being of his soul.
Throughout the play, Hamlet makes it clear that he is not impressed with humans. This is especially apparent the moment he opens his mouth for his first soliloquy .....
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Hymn To Intellectual Beauty
Number of words: 1248 | Number of pages: 5.... image of the Power’s awesome and intense status.
The second stanza is a question Shelley asks of the Power. Lines 2 and 3 are particularly important, as it is where he says the Beauty (another form of the Power) "shine[s] upon | …human thought". On line three, the question is posed to Beauty: "where art thou gone?" However, he recognises the futility of such a question with lines 4–8, which are a series of even more rhetorical questions. At the same time, he asks why it is that humanity remains disinterested in worshipping or deifying the human intellect, which he believes is the reason for our "scope .....
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Responsibility And Duty As The
Number of words: 895 | Number of pages: 4.... reason, and eventually pursuing only their true happiness.
After being "reasonable" for the twenty-eight years of her life, Edna breaks down. She wants to pursue love and disregard her duty to her husband and children. She falls in what she considers "girlish" love with the character Robert. She proclaims to him:
"I love you . . . only you; no one but you. If was you who awoke me last summer out of a life-long, stupid dream . . .Oh! I have suffered! Now you are here we shall love each other. Nothing else in the world is of any consequence."
In keeping with Kant's philosophy, Edna's life has been riddled with reason and d .....
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Generation Ecstasy
Number of words: 702 | Number of pages: 3.... narrative in favor of sensation-he comes up with a portrait of hi-tech millennium that resonates well beyond its subculture confines.
There are those who might find a book to analyze music that often aims for the effect of a sledgehammer to the head a mite pretentious. Yet the radicalism of dance music lies precisely in its "meaninglessness," which, paradoxically, requires intellectualization in order to get at its significance. This problem is particularly acute for Reynolds, who wants to both valorize everything about techno that makes it resistant to rock-crit "literary" analysis, and also explain exactly why it really did me .....
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