Papers on English
River Of Names
Number of words: 1461 | Number of pages: 6.... influences this perception. Allison is from the back woods of South Carolina and presents these people in a way that challenges the expectations of the American public and at the same time does not romanticize their lives. The story is told by a narrator, who is nameless, and her experiences while growing up in this type of family and follows all the stereotypical images that come to mind: “broken teeth, torn overalls, and the dirt.” She does not gloss over the ugliness of this poverty. Her words are not simple, but hard edged truths. Dorothy Allison speaks through this narrator with unflinching honesty about a world .....
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Catcher In The Rye - Holden
Number of words: 1250 | Number of pages: 5.... caused him to create stereotypes of a hooligan that would try to corrupt the children of an elementary school. Holden believed that children were innocent because they viewed the world and society without any bias. When Phoebe asked him to name something that he would like to be when he grew up, the only thing he would have liked to be was a "catcher in the rye." He invented an illusion for himself of a strange fantasy. He stated that he would like to follow a poem by Robert Burns: "If a body catch a body comin' through the rye." He kept "picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. .....
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Crime And Punishment - Style
Number of words: 1407 | Number of pages: 6.... crime. He knows that his theory is wrong, but he has been created by the society in which he lives, which allows him to conjure up wild fantasies and delusions of grandeur. The sympathy Dostoyevsky enforces upon the reader for Raskolnikov is held by the overwhelming signs pointing towards the notion that he knows that he is wrong in his doings.
The first indication of Raskolnikov’s need for punishment for his crime appears in his preparation for the crime itself. It is by no means meticulous. To be sure no one will suspect him, he rehearses the crime, counts the steps to Alyona’s house, and even devises a noose to carry .....
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The Stranger (spanish)
Number of words: 913 | Number of pages: 4.... Esto resume, completamente, la filosofía del narrador, Meursault durante la primera parte del libro. Este señor es tan apatiático que no le importa ni cuando murió su madre. “Está contento solo con el acto de vivir[2].”Pasa la primera parte del libro con esta actitud; una persona típica le da más importancia a la vida de un ratón lo que Meursault le da a la vida de su madre. Con esto viene un desafío al valor de la vida. Si no hay importancia a ningúna parte de la vida, entonces la vida en si no tiene valor. Demuestra Camus que no hay razón para darle a ninguna parte de la vida importancia. Si u .....
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Was Prince Hamlet Wacko
Number of words: 2124 | Number of pages: 8.... murder. This quote allows the reader to follow Hamlet's train of thought in regards to his role as student, mourning son, and Prince to the throne:
"I'll wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past That youth and observation copied there, And thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain" (1054, line 100). Hamlet is stating his utmost commitment to nothing short of revenge of his fathers' death. At this juncture in the play, there is little doubt about his state of mind, or intentions. However, the next act belies Hamlet's sanity and reason.
In act .....
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Essay On Mystery
Number of words: 658 | Number of pages: 3.... the mixture of these two
classic and celebrated styles, I will use the sheet I was thankfully given by Ms.
Milliorn to nit-pick at the details of these two styles. If I would have to pick
one of the styles that my book more closely resembles it would be the detective
story. The main character and protagonist is Liz, the sister of the recently
slain movie star Lisa. She does in fact interrogate suspects and ferret out
clues, but the difference is that she does not even recognize that she is
getting some juicy clues, while the detectives do not let on that they have
identified a clue, but in truth they have and already trying t .....
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Red Badge Of Courage 2
Number of words: 732 | Number of pages: 3.... Trying to justify his act of running, he compares himself to a squirrel that ran from an acorn that he had just thrown. By saying that it was just because of the natural inclination of self-preservation, Henry makes himself feel a little better, but there is still that element of unclarity that he faces. That element however will be a Godsend to Henry, because it will indirectly leads him to his next stage of his consciencenes, acceptance of the war.
Before he reaches that next stage of enlightenment, he spends a lot of time with other soldiers. Just by being around them, he sees how religious some soldiers are. When faced wi .....
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Mancur Olson’s The Logic Of Collective Action
Number of words: 1892 | Number of pages: 7.... theory is the rationality of man that is, people maximize benefits while minimizing costs. This cost-benefit analysis says that people want the maximum amount of benefits or results with the least amount of cost (money, time, etc.). A rational person will not join an interest group because the benefits do not outweigh the costs of joining. Olson limits the by-product theory to large and latent groups. This is done because according to Olson’s central theory of collective action small and intermediate groups do not face the collective action problem. In order to properly explore the merits and failures of the by-produ .....
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Analysis -- Buffy The Vampire
Number of words: 1713 | Number of pages: 7.... penetrate its heart with a stake.
These rules are also applied in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and some others are devised in order to enhance storylines. This would associate Buffy the Vampire Slayer with the horror genre, although there is more to the show than vampires: there are situations involving teenage angst (especially in the given episode, because it deals with the consequences of Buffy running away from home). Some people have likened Buffy the Vampire Slayer to a hybrid of Dracula and Beverly Hills 90210, which might be an accurate description ¡V the show does contain elements of a horror movie and tries to include situa .....
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War - How British Literature H
Number of words: 460 | Number of pages: 2.... lot about it. In his story “My Oedipus Complex,” he talks about a boy who’s father has been away at war and then returns home. This gave us an idea of what life would be like at home while a war occurred. O’Connor definitely gave a different look at war.
Continuing with the authors of war, here’s one with a powerful message. His name was T.S. Eliot, and perhaps his most emotional poem was “The Hollow Men.” I don’t believe this poem had much to do with the war but it could have more to do with the effects on people after the war. But with Eliot’s words he opened up new door .....
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