Papers on English
Young Goodman Brown - Symbolism
Number of words: 742 | Number of pages: 3.... as the wife was aptly named . . . " (184). Faith is persistent in trying to keep goodman Brown off the path of sin in the first part of the story: " . . . pr'y thee, put off your journey until sunrise, and sleep in your own bed to-night" (184). Hawthorne does an excellent job of turning the main characters into symbols that are prominent throughout the story.
Nathaniel Hawthorne also uses different objects in the story as symbols. One of these is the staff of the devil : "But the only thing about him, that could be fixed upon as remarkable, was his staff, which bore the likeness of a great black snake . . ." .....
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Number of words: 917 | Number of pages: 4.... change in his behavior does not spark a
question of doubt in his mother's mind. The connection
between his recent return home and his changing behavior is
not made. Harold isolates himself from his family and his
community. He does not "want any consequences." The
psychological damage he receives from the war causes him to
act cold and emotionless. Harold's mother asks him, "Don't
you love your mother," and he replies, "no." His mothers
love for him is selfish because she refuses to acknowledge
the affect the war has on her son.
The grandmother in Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is
Hard to Find," is simil .....
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A Wife For My Son
Number of words: 1084 | Number of pages: 4.... in the story. The other point the author might have been trying to bring out is the differences in how each generation thinks. There was a constant battle between the older generation verses the newer generation and their modren way of thinking.
Galme was able to achieve his goal by taking the tradition of arranged marriages that has been in the Muslim society for thousands of years and show the disadvantages of such a tradition. He showed how this tradition that might have worked many years ago does not always work anymore in this time of age. He also showed the clashes between the younger generation and the older one throu .....
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The Crucible-thomas Putnam
Number of words: 690 | Number of pages: 3.... it yourself,” Putnam tells Parris, “you have discovered witchcraft”(16). At this point, Putnam captures everyone’s attention, and then he strikes.
Thomas Putnam is behind the accusations toward many people. “Did you ever see Sarah Good with him,” he questions Tituba, “or Osburn?”(46). With fear and panic, Tituba confesses she sees the Devil with them. Sarah Good and Osburn are insignificant in Salem. They certainly don’t satisfy Putnam’s fastidious demand, so he moves on to the next victim and eventually accuses Rebecca Nurse. “For murder, she’s charged! .....
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Heart Of Darkness 2
Number of words: 756 | Number of pages: 3.... allow the brick maker to think he had more influence in the company
than he actually had. This lie would help Kurtz in two ways. Firstly
it would help Marlow to get the rivets he needed to fix the boat, and
that would provide Kurtz with a means of communication, or a way out
of the jungle. Secondly it would provide Kurtz with an ally who was
perceived as influential. Marlow knew that others were jealous of the
success of Mr. Kurtz. Some saw him as the next "Director of the
Company," and some were trying to find a reason to hang him. If Marlow
was considered powerful, he might be able to help Mr. Kurtz. This .....
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A Land Rembered
Number of words: 1583 | Number of pages: 6.... the decision that the war was getting to close to the scrub, and that moving South would be a good idea. The MacIvey clan packed up their wagon and headed south along the St. John’s and Kissimmee rivers and settled in a hammock along the Kissimmee river.
In Kissimmee is where Tobias begins his empire that turns the family into one of the wealthiest families in Florida. In the swamps of Florida, wild cows live and Tobias tries his best to capture these cows and make a drive, but without horses and dogs, Tobias makes little headway in his project. In the woods one day, Skillet, a freed slave, was found. Skillet agreed to st .....
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Walt Whitmen
Number of words: 2063 | Number of pages: 8.... have been put in and taken out
through the years with the revisions of the book. Two poems
that can be found in Calamus today are “I Saw in Louisiana a
Live-Oak Growing” and “To a Stranger.” These two poems have
not been Calamus together since the beginning of the book,
but now they are together and very similar.
Since love and friendship are two major aspects that
Whitman was looking for in life. He wrote many poems on
those topics alone. Calamus is group of poems that explain
love and friendship. “I Saw in Louisiana a Live-Oak
Growing” and “To a Stranger” are two poems that explain his
loneliness and hi .....
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A Jury Of Her Peers 2
Number of words: 769 | Number of pages: 3.... a thing that can be considered right, done by a women is shown to be wrong. This fact can be supported by the character of John Wright who is an abusive husband. Even though he treats his wife improperly, his actions are not condemned; where as Minnie’s character, who killing her husband just to stand up for herself is shows to be wrong. In this story men are given a bad role just to make a reader aware of that fact that how women were ones treated in our society.
Women in this story play a major role not just because they are more talked about but simply because it makes a women reader to stand up for herself imagin .....
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The Great Gatsby - The Charact
Number of words: 621 | Number of pages: 3.... in her arms.” Reading a newspaper would be an unlikely action of a woman of that time, and even her muscles reveal her masculine features. Fitzgerald’s masculine depiction of Miss Baker in this fashion shows the reader the coming of a self sufficient woman into our times.
In addition to Jordan’s physical features, her beliefs and values show that she is far from a typical woman of the time. At her first big golf tournament, there had been speculation concerning Jordan moving her ball from a bad lie, indicating her defiance of the rules of the game as well as her habits of being dishonest and being a cheater. .....
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Pragmatics Deixis And Conversa
Number of words: 3318 | Number of pages: 13.... a person tells a story and forgets to give the essential information a deictic term refers to, we will grow aware of the weakness the deictic system features. Or if the fax machine just receives the second page of a letter, beginning with "Then he was quite embarrassed about it " - the adressee will never be able to guess what "then", "he" and "it" stands for. Similar gaps arise if we read about an utterance made in the past and lack information about the references. Although the adressee at that time could easily have understood the sense, we may not be capable of getting the original meaning. Even if we knew the context i .....
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