Papers on History
Byzantium Civilization
Number of words: 522 | Number of pages: 2.... were portrayed in sculptures in two different styles. One style expressed power, authority, and grandeur. The other style expresses adoration, sympathy, prayer, and distress.
The Attarouthi Treasures consist of fifteen objects: ten chalices, three censers, a wine strainer, and a dove. The artifacts were found buried in the vicinity of the ancient town Attarouthi. This town was a stopping point on the trade routes. The chalices were used to hold wine during the Liturgy. Upright frontal figures decorated most of the chalices with Christ appearing as a beardless young man. The dove represents the Holy Christ that descended over Chr .....
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Number of words: 3164 | Number of pages: 12.... the way that the play is viewed. However, the idea of considering him a martyr has many flaws, several of which are evident when considering who was before he turned to necromancy and what he did once he obtained the powers of the universe. Therefore, inevitably, the audience in this play should realize that was a great man who did many great things, but because of his hubris and his lack of vision, he died the most tragic of heroes.
Christopher Marlowe was borne on February 6, 1564 (Discovering Christopher Marlowe 2), in Canterbury, England, and baptized at St. George’s Church on the 26th of the same month, exactly two mont .....
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The Truth
Number of words: 543 | Number of pages: 2.... leave out the early settlers such as the Spanish and the Dutch. These civilizations settled America long before the Pilgrims arrived and with these civilizations came what was to make it easy for the Pilgrims to settle in America – disease. Most of the Native Americans had never but subjected to diseases much less the diseases Europeans brought with them. Killing off most of the Natives, the diseases made it easy for the English to come and take over the land. For the English seemed immune to the “plague” that was sweeping the New World and this was the will of God, punishing the Natives so the English could settle. Ther .....
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Ford Car Company
Number of words: 831 | Number of pages: 4.... of the cars without having to ship parts to or from other locations in the country.
The next collection of photographs is of the exterior of the Rouge plant. These photos were obtained from the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. These pictures are of the Rouge during the switch of all production, from the Highland Park plant, to the Rouge. It was also the time that the Model A was beginning production.
This collection shows examples of four exterior views of the plant, allude to the many different factories within the Rouge plant. The Rouge was a steel mill, a foundry, a power producer and, an assembly line. This .....
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Hostile Takeover Of The New Wo
Number of words: 2926 | Number of pages: 11.... the want of the Indians to simply live on their lands peacefully. The "Trail of Tears" was a great tragedy and many thought it would be the last now that all of the Indians were out of the eastern United States. But the U.S. government became land hungry and due to their idealism of "Manifest Destiny," the "Trail of Tears" was only a starting point on the path to the destruction of the Indians of the West. By 1850 gold had been discovered in California, and white settlers were heading West to strike it rich and lay claim to the entire continent. (Utley and Washburn, page 163) New violence erupted as the white man moved into .....
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World Art
Number of words: 1930 | Number of pages: 8.... believed all life was sacred and all beings were divine, including animals. The tribal teachings taught that man and nature are one. Hunting and gathering was a sacred ritual because they would often believe they were at one with the animal being hunted. Shamens and shamenesses, spiritual healers and seers between the people and spirits of animals, would often lead hunts and call forth the spirit of the animal to which they would ask the animal to offer their life willingly for a successful hunt.
An illustration in Art Through The Ages, 1-4, (Hall of the Bulls found in Lasacux, c 15,000-13,000 b.c. Largest bull approx. 11 .....
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Rainforest Proposal
Number of words: 428 | Number of pages: 2.... happy and excited but its a fair deal on my behalf. I
think this is fair because the government had a chance to make
urbanization and it didn’t work out to good. I just don’t want
to ruin the rainforest We need it for air.
With this as the new land reserve, I know that the Rubber
Tappers, Enviromentalist’s, and especially the Native
Amazonians. But they will still be very angry to see the
rainforest being cut down to grow crops that don’t grow good in
the rainforest soil.
I also think that the government,Ranchers, and settlers will be
satisfied because they can understand( I HOPE) that .....
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Bystanders Are The Real Criminal
Number of words: 613 | Number of pages: 3.... of most bystanders to rescue these innocent victims resulted in the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Jews and this shows the guilt of the bystander. Also, another instance showing bystanders’ guilt occurred during World War II, when German bystanders did not act by still supporting their leader Adolf Hitler - or acting as if they did in an attempt to protect themselves from the government they elected. They supported Hitler by attending his rallies, serving in the German military and disclosing the locations of hidden Jews. If, perhaps, more bystanders acted, the German government would have collapsed and provided a resoluti .....
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Dickinson; A Biography
Number of words: 311 | Number of pages: 2.... all white, and withdrawn from contacts beyond the family.
Emily Dickinson led a simple life. She was devoted to her parents, her sister Lavinia, and to her brother Austin whom she helped through an unhappy marriage. She was likewise in love with and devoted to Judge Otis Lord, a widowed friend of her father. Her pieces range from feeling of wonder to alienation. This was much to do with her struggle with her femininity and love for Judge Lord.
Emily Dickinson chose not to publish many of her poems for fear she would be misunderstood. During her final years she neer left her house or garden. Since her death of Bright's disease, Dick .....
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Mi Vida Loca
Number of words: 1692 | Number of pages: 7.... friends that become enemies over a boy, Ernesto. Sad Girl is the main narrator of the movie. This drug dealer first falls for Mousie, but then gets Sad Girl pregnant also. He spends most of his money on his two babies and his prize possession, Suavecito, his mini-truck. The two young mothers arrange a fight one-on-one for a bloody confrontation. Neither of them gets hurt, but Ernesto is shot by one of his Caucasian clients on the same night. With Ernesto out of both of their lives, they can move on and earn back each other’s friendship.
After Ernesto’s death shadow takes over his brother’s drug dealing business with th .....
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