Papers on History
John L Lewis
Number of words: 815 | Number of pages: 3.... and moved to southern mining town in Illinois. There the men in the family soon established themselves among the large labor force as hard workers. In 1910 John was elected president of the local mining union 1475, one of the largest in the state. Shortly before leaving Iowa, he had married Myrta Edith Bell, the daughter of a local physician. She provided a stable home life but she did not care for her husband's politics. They kept their personal life and his political life very separated. John's leadership in southern Illinois led to advancement in the labor movement. He was now the legislative agent for the UMWA of Illinois. .....
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The Effectiveness Of Eisenhower's First Term: 1953-1956
Number of words: 4856 | Number of pages: 18.... be
confronted with a plethora of events both domestic and international. Shortly
after Eisenhower's inauguration, Joseph Stalin (the Soviet Première) died of a
stroke on March 5, 1953, leaving the United States questioning who would rise to
power in Russia and continue the Cold War against the US. Meanwhile, in the
United States, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare was created on
March 12, 1953. On December 8, 1953, Eisenhower gave his "Atoms for Peace"
speech calling for the cooperation of both the United States and the Soviet
Union to help develop a program for the peaceful development of atomic power.
Another .....
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Charles Et Secondat, Baron De
Number of words: 1082 | Number of pages: 4.... technique used in this witty book was previously
used by other writers, Montesquieu did a great job making fun of the
European values. At that time he already believed in the immorality of
European practices such as religious prosecution. The book gave roots
for Montesquieu's later arguments and ideas.
When in 1728 Montesquieu, with the help of his Parisian connections he
got elected to the French Academy, he was happy to sell his office of
president a mortier. In the course of the next three years he traveled
all over Europe, visiting Germany, Hungary, England, Holland, Austria,
and Italy. It is not surprising that out of .....
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Character Differences Of Sadda
Number of words: 728 | Number of pages: 3.... To change that, Gandhi risked his own life fasting for long periods of time until all fighting and bloodshed stopped. It is selfless acts such as these that rang out to the population. Soon his ideas changed the characters of people around the world. This all could not have been accomplished if not for his great perseverance. Gandhi always believed in fighting, but not at the cost of violence. Rather he dies than to see his fight be for nothing. Things such as this are what brought about great men like the Dali Lama and Martin Luther King Jr. (Doc #2). Though Gandhi is dead, his character beliefs and ideals were so much of a .....
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Grant Hill
Number of words: 402 | Number of pages: 2.... and 7 rebounds per game. At a fourteen -and- under national tournament in Seattle Washington where he ranked most valuable player.
5. The Sea Hawks (Grant's team) depended on Grant this last ten seconds. The captain of the team Jerome Scot said, "get the ball to Grant ". The team was very uncooperative and did not listen until there was one second left. Grant won the game for his team because of an alley-oop dunk.
6. Grant was voted player of the year, as the Sea Hawks (27-2) won their first northern region title.
7.Grant was accepted at University of Duke. In February of 1991, the month was closed out after beating .....
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Social Sciences In Theatre
Number of words: 337 | Number of pages: 2.... used in everyday life?
Helbo uses sociology and biology to site instances through which theatre is used in everyday life. Sociologists see theatre in the social structures we face on a daily basis. A handshake, tipping a doorman and even the forbidden middle finger is what Erving Goffman terms “rituals of interaction.” Every culture is immersed in some aspect of performance, even biologists can see theatre in everyday occurrences. The biologist Laborit sees behavioral functions associated with theatre as liberating. He also states that theatre releases people from “the prohibition of capitalist, consumer society. .....
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Explain How The Inherent Stren
Number of words: 414 | Number of pages: 2.... formed an alliance and were able to defeat easily the Danish. The reason that Prussia allied with Austria-Hungary was that, she wanted to prevent the confederation of forming an army, that’s because Prussia wanted those states to be week.
However the wars weren’t over, in fact in 1866 Austria-Hungary and Prussia got into war. The reason for this new conflicts was that the two were in dispute over the territories that used to be under Denmark’s control. Once again the winner was Prussia, that with good diplomatic moves, managed to keep neutral Russia and Britain and make an alliance with Italy. Prussia started g .....
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City Of Berlin
Number of words: 752 | Number of pages: 3.... art galleries, cinemas and restaurants. The Ku-damm is the heart of what was formerly West Berlin. It is always pleasurable to stroll along it, day or night, or to sit at one of the many sidewalk cafes and watch the passers-by. Sidewalk musicians, comedians and mines are a constant source of entertainment as they earn a few marks for their performances.
At the East End of the Ku-damm we see the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church. The bombed-out tower was left as a remembrance of the tragedy of war. The modern church and bell towers were built on either side of it.
If you look to your left, you'll see the Tiergarten, a former royal hun .....
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Dynamic Change In The U.S.
Number of words: 3631 | Number of pages: 14.... and forty percent of all the livestock had been killed. In contrast, the Northern economy thrived during the war. During 1860 and 1870, the Northern wealth increased by about fifty percent, yet during the same period, Southern wealth decreased by almost sixty percent. This just shows part of the effects of the war on the economy. The war also set the South back at least a generation in industry and agriculture. Factories and farms were devastated by the invading armies. The labor system fell into chaos. Not until the 20th century did the South ever fully recover from the economic effects of the war. In contrast again, the N .....
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Chinese Americans
Number of words: 2212 | Number of pages: 9.... possessed not only the despair of having an identity, but also faced the pressure from the elder generation of their origin cultures. It is true and inappropriate that the newer the generation, the more they refuse their own cultures. However, from what it took the elder generations of Chinese/Asian Americans for the younger generation to be able to live under the aegis of liberty, freedom, stable society, and satiating living; I think that the younger generations should be proud of, and respect the elder generation and who they really are. Chinese who still tried to enter the United States needed to pretend that they were mercha .....
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