Papers on History
Runaways And The Abolition Movement: The Underground Railroad
Number of words: 1356 | Number of pages: 5.... the work created by courageous agents such as
David Ruggles, Calvin Fairbank, Josiah Henson, and Erastus Hussey. The
identity of others that also contributed to this effort will never be fully
recognized. Though scholars estimate that Underground Railroad conductors
assisted thousands of refugees, the total number of runaways whom they
aided to freedom will never be known simply because of the movement's
secrecy. Conductors usually did not attempt to record these figures, and
those who did only calculated the number of runaways whom they personally
helped. Moreover, these estimations should consider that some runaways
nev .....
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Baleric Islands
Number of words: 284 | Number of pages: 2.... months. With a large area of nightlife, DJs and clubbers, and with one of the most beautiful landscapes on earth, Ibiza is sure to continue long into the future. Ibiza is described as the island of parties. In the 60's, cult religious leader Baghwan Shree Rejneesh chose this island as a center for his quasi-religious events, and introduced a new form of religious worship. Disciples were encouraged to take a drug, originally developed to assist in the combat of mental illness, before dancing themselves into a magical, spiritual trance. The name of the drug was MDMA. Rediscovered by the jet set in the late 80's, ecstasy, as i .....
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Christian Evidences
Number of words: 2324 | Number of pages: 9.... he saw an old man who was decrepit, broken-toothed, gray-haired, and bent of body, leaning on a staff, and trembling. From this, he learned the fact of old age. Shortly afterward, he saw a diseased body lying by the road, and later, a corpse. On a fourth occasion he saw a monk and he thus learned the possibility of withdrawal from the world. He said, "Life is subject to age and death. Where is the realm of life in which there is neither age nor death?" He became acutely aware of the evanescence of the things of the world. At the age of 29, he secretly left his father's kingdom to begin a search for enlightenment. He learned from .....
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Iran Before And After The Revo
Number of words: 2136 | Number of pages: 8.... of the United States many say, because the Shah would constantly confer with the U.S. of all of his decisions as ruler. The after affects of the revolution resulted in similar conditions, however. Human rights are horrible, the government limits all freedoms, the economy has suffered greatly, average salaries are hard to live with, most of the educated people in Iran fled to foreign countries, the quality of public schools is horrible, and the government still controls all television broadcasts and keeps a watchful eye on the newspapers. From bad to worse is what many people feel has become of Iran, but the people are r .....
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Bay Of Pigs
Number of words: 2295 | Number of pages: 9.... of his wealth so that another person can have more material goods and be his equal. The main reason for the attack on Cuba was the change to communism. On January 1, 1959, Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista fled the country for the safety of the Dominican Republic (Goode, Stephen 75). Fidel Castro and his guerrilla warriors overthrew the old government dictated by Batista. During the next couple of weeks, Castro established a new government and on February 16, he was officially declared premier (Finkelstein, Norman H. 127). The United States accepted this new regime as a relief from the harsh, corrupt, and unpopular government o .....
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Apartheid In South Africa
Number of words: 467 | Number of pages: 2.... against all colored people and it also became as accepted practice making coloreds inferior. The coloreds were denied an education on the grounds that field workers didn’t need an education. The minority readily accepted the majority to be ignorant. The coloreds were made to give up their cars on the whims of the minority; along with whatever else they wanted at that time. They were told where they could eat and where they could live.
The self-respect and dignity where stripped from the majority when the minority declared itself the superior race. The coloreds were made to carry a pass indicating where they were allo .....
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Industrial Revolution 7
Number of words: 826 | Number of pages: 4.... the progressivism era. Even though the wage was low, working hours were long and working condition was less than satisfactory, these women had no choice but to work, for they need to support their family. The tale of Rose Stokes is a good example. The factory owners were getting richer and richer, by cutting wages, and providing less compensation for his workers. Many times, women went on strike to protest the wage cut and hour increase. Nevertheless, it proved useless, because of the rapid influx of poor immigrants arriving into United States from Europe: to earn a living, these immigrants were willing to accept even lo .....
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Elizabeth 1
Number of words: 2050 | Number of pages: 8.... religious toleration through the Edict of Nantes. With his minister Sully he spent the rest of his reign restoring order, industry, and trade. His slogan, "A chicken in every peasant's pot every Sunday," has remained famous. In 1600 he married Marie de' Medici, having had his earlier marriage annulled. His gallantry and wit, his concern for the common people, and his exploits with the ladies have become legendary. --Columbia-Viking desk encyclopedia, 1953
Henri III
Henri III, 1551-89, was elected king of Poland in 1573 but returned to France in 1574 to succeed his brother Charles IX. His reign was almost continually .....
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Assassination Of Martin Luther
Number of words: 2123 | Number of pages: 8.... of the future outlook for the development of business, industry, and agriculture. Other nicknames were the Toothpick state (an allusion to the knives), the Hot Water State (for its hot springs), and the Guinea Pig State (for its willingness to be used as a proving ground for government experiments in agriculture during the 1930s).
5 California
The nickname Golden State comes from its golden poppies, which is also the state flower. Another reason California received this nickname was because of the gold discovery there in 1848, which made California one of the leading industrial states in mining.
6 Colorado
As a state, Co .....
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The Five Institutions Of The Middle Ages
Number of words: 826 | Number of pages: 4.... the very wealthy and powerful with the king as the
highest lord and the knight as the lowest vassal. The main purpose of the
feudal system was to provide fighting men who could ensure protection.
Feudalism was the first emergence of organized government in the Dark Ages.
Charlemagne was a born leader and a talented general, but also a
man so convinced of the value of religion and education that he made a
genuine attempt to revive the spiritual and cultural life in the Middle
Ages. Charlemagne was a brilliant administrator by carefully selecting
powerful Germanic nobles to help him and by creating the missi dominici. He
wa .....
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