Papers on History
A Background Of Argentina
Number of words: 608 | Number of pages: 3.... that is very influenced by western nations. It is broken into 23 separate provinces and consists of three branches; judicial, legislative, and executive. President Carlos Saul Menem has been in office since 8 July 1989 and Vice President Carlos Ruckauf has been in office since 8 July 1995 although they also have 4 year terms. In Argentina the president is both the chief of state and head of government. Similar to many countries, Argentina is still trying to find a stable government.
Argentina has a steady economy now, although when the republic began, Argentina was in heavy debt. Through the mass exports of oil, feed, and steel .....
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The Watergate Complex
Number of words: 2139 | Number of pages: 8.... to prison terms by District Court Judge John J.
Sercia was convinced that relevant details had not been unveiled during
the trial and offered leniency in exchanged for further information. As it
became increasingly evident that the Watergate burglars were tied closely
to the Central Intelligence Agency and the Committee to re-elect the
president. (Watergate)
Four of these men, that were arrested on the morning of June 17, 1972, came
from Miami, Florida. They were Bernard L. Barker, Frank A. Sturgis,
Virgillio R. Gonzalez, and Eugenio R. Martinez. The other man was from
Rockville, Maryland named James W. McCord, Jr. The two c .....
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“how Important Was The Role Of
Number of words: 608 | Number of pages: 3.... in the munitions factories has never been sufficiently recognized. They had to work under conditions of real danger to life and limb, and what some of them dreaded still more, of grotesque disfigurement some of the pearls of the shell filling factories was toxic jaundice resulting from TNT poisoning. This turned their faces a bright repulsive yellow. The poor girls were nicknamed “canaries”. They were quite proud of this designation as they had earned it in the path of duty.” From the war memoirs of Lloyd George.
The crisis caused by the second U-boat campaign lead to the creation of the woman’s land army in 1917. Many .....
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Number of words: 718 | Number of pages: 3.... to the abode of the sun. Placing Kedalion on his shoulders, proceeded to the east, and there meeting the sun-god(Helios) was restored to sight by his beam. After this he dwelt as a hunter with Diana(Artemis), with whom he was a favorite, and it was even said she was about to marry him. Her brother was highly displeased and often chid with her, but for no purpose. One day, observing wading through the sea with his head just above the water, Apollo pointed it out to his sister and maintained that she could not hit that black thing on the sea. The archer-goddess discharged a shaft with fatal aim. The waves rolled the dead body of .....
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Ground War In The Persian Gulf
Number of words: 450 | Number of pages: 2.... of the approximately 85 missiles that Iraq fired against Saudi Arabia and Israel.
President Bush's decision to terminate the ground war at midnight February 28 was criticized for allowing Baghdad to rescue a large amount of military equipment and personnel that were later used to suppress the postwar rebellions of its Shiite and Kurdish citizens. In his own defense, the president asserted that the war had accomplished its mandate, given by the Security Council, to expel the Iraqi forces from Kuwait and reestablish Kuwaiti independence. His decision was probably influenced by his desire to maintain coalition unity, particularly .....
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Oscar Claude Monet
Number of words: 363 | Number of pages: 2.... coasts to study the effects of light and color.
By mid 1880’s Monet was generally the leader of the impressionist school and he achieved significant recognition and financial security. Monet was recognized, as the master of meticulous observation and true feelings for is paintings. In 1890, Monet was able to purchase some property in the village of Giverny, not far from Paris. In Giverny Monet began to construct a water garden ( a lily pond arched with a Japanese bridge and overhung with willows and clumps of bamboo). In 1906, Monet’s paintings of the water gardens remain with him for the rest of his life. Monet .....
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Images Of Control Progaganda
Number of words: 2593 | Number of pages: 10.... different ideologies, certain trends in their use of propaganda can be found to be in common. These primarily being: the glorification of individuals or groups as heroes, the glorification of the leader of the state, and the dehumanizing of the state’s enemies.
After Adolf Hitler was proclaimed Chancellor of Germany in 1933 he started to establish a Nazi government. It became immediately apparent that the new government would have to get the people’s unquestioned support. Although the Nazi party had been relatively popular before Hitler became Chancellor, there was still opposition to be found in some people. One .....
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Jamestown Fiasco
Number of words: 472 | Number of pages: 2.... as a whole to produce food and exports to make money. Those with shares would get part of the profits, but meanwhile the idea of private farming was lacking. The contribution of a worker had no affect on his share of the profit. The loafer would get the same amount in the end as the person who worked hard.
Still another explanation for the dilemma is one that John Smith often pointed out, which was the character of the immigrants. There were a variety of groups, among them were the "gentlemen" which make up an incredible number of the population proportionally compare to England. Out of 105 settlers when the colony started, .....
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Anti -semitism
Number of words: 1069 | Number of pages: 4.... He never completed high school and was a poor student. He twice applied to the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, but was not accepted for lack of talent. He read large amounts of books which helped him develop an anti-Jewish and anti-democratic attitude. Hitler fought in World War I for the Bavarian army. Although a courageous soldier he was never promoted above private first class because he was lacking in leadership qualities. In September 1919 he joined the nationalist German Workers’ Party. In April of 1920 he went to work full time for the newly renamed National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party. In 1921 .....
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Augustus Of Primaporta
Number of words: 494 | Number of pages: 2.... an almost warm, fuzzy feeling in the viewer once again, without threatening his power to command and control the great civilization of Rome.
The shoulder-clasps of the cuirass (breastplate) are in the form of sphinxes: the Sphinx was the image on Augustus' seal (later he used an image of Alexander, and finally his own portrait). The reliefs on the cuirass focus on the return of the captured Roman standards. Centrally, the Parthian king hands over a standard with the eagle on its end and embellished by military decorations. The Roman receiving the standard may represent Romulus or Tiberius, Livia's son and the commander of the Roman .....
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