Papers on History
Number of words: 1058 | Number of pages: 4.... he was very strict. Alois Hitler never had a pleasant relationship with any of his children.
Hitler was said to have a really good singing voice and took part in his school's choir. He also was a very smart boy, doing well in school.
Hitler was very religious, idolizing his priests. At age nine, he was caught smoking a cigarette by one of his priests but was forgiven and had no punishment.
Hitler was obsessed with German Nationalism when he was in school.
Hitler once said of himself that he was an argumentative ring leader who liked to stay outside and hang around tough boys. Although his toughness, he had a hobby of draw .....
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Contributions Of Ancient Egypt
Number of words: 1378 | Number of pages: 6.... of writing known as hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics was a style of writing which incorporated the three characters of pictographic, syllabic, and alphabetic. Both pictographic and syllabic characters were primarily established within Sumerian cuneiform. It was later that the Egyptians combined the Sumerian cuneiform along with an alphabetic system all into one that became the rough foundation for what is now known as the modern day alphabet. Although the Egyptians were but a step away form establishing a complete alphabet by separating the alphabetic system from the syllabic into 24 symbols they were to become ingenious for t .....
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Number of words: 1540 | Number of pages: 6.... how Texas got a reputation for lawlessness and violence" (The ). Being a cowboy, for some, had a special status. in the Western Plains called themselves cow punchers and thought of themselves as more important than others. "The man himself, the clothes he wore, and the horse he rode were all outgrowths of life on the range. The long days in the open, and riding alone with the cattle gave him self-reliance. The danger of stampeding cattle, of undependable horses, of hostile Indians and of bitter winter blizzards demanded endurance and courage. The whole job of driving, roping, and handling cattle required expert horsemans .....
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Saddam Hussien War
Number of words: 1802 | Number of pages: 7.... Iraqi oil field of Rumaila and otherwise conspired to reduce Iraq's essential oil income.
By invading Kuwait, Iraq succeeded in surprising the entire world. The USA ended her policy of accommodating Saddam Hussein, which had existed since the Iran-Iraq war. Negative attitude toward Iraq was soon a worldwide phenomenon. The United Nations Security Council passed 12 resolutions condemning the invasion. The ultimate decision was to use military force if Iraq did not withdraw unconditionally by January 15, 1991. Then, when the deadline was set, it was time to start preparing for the worst-the war.
President George Bush confronted li .....
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Hiroshima 4
Number of words: 589 | Number of pages: 3.... to take six and a half hours until they reached Hiroshima on the Honshu Island on Japan (U.S. National Archives “Hiroshima” 1999). Even though the crew knew their destination, Hiroshima, their target, the iota T-bridge, and that they were dropping a bomb, they didn’t know that it was an atomic bomb that would take out almost the entire city. (Peter Wyden “Day One” 1984)
The name of the Bomb was named the “Little Boy” and it weighed 10,000 lbs. 137.5 of that was pure Uranium. When the bomb detonated the Uranium split into two and it started a fission chain reaction (“Hiroshima” 1998). The fireball created b .....
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Expansion Of Government Power
Number of words: 750 | Number of pages: 3.... every able man to enlist in the army. Men of ages 17-50 were drafted in the South (20-45 in the North); bodies were needed. And the government made sure that they got what they needed.
Along with drafts, the federal government also monitored elections in order to control who the people were voting for. Ballots only contained candidates which were appropriate according to the government, and various colored slips were associated with the different nominees. Everyone could see what color slip everyone else was holding, and people holding slips that they “weren’t supposed to” were later caught and punished.
The power o .....
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Oda Nobunaga
Number of words: 2486 | Number of pages: 10.... Province since about 1400. Though his father Nobuhide was a vassal of the Kiyosu branch of the Oda, he was actually a sengoku daimyo. The Oda were shugodai of Owari's lower four districts. As the lord of Nagoya Castle, he had the power to compete with daimyo of neighboring provinces. He made peace with Saito Dosan (neighboring daimyo) by marrying Nobunaga to Dosan's daughter. Nobuhide's abrupt death from a disease in 1551 left Nobunaga to fill his shoes at the age of seventeen. At his father's funeral, he grabbed a handful of incense and threw it at the mortuary tablet. This kind of strange behavior earned him a reputatio .....
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South Africa
Number of words: 909 | Number of pages: 4.... In 1652 South Africa was forever changed when Dutch
established a "rest stop" in South Africa.Apartheid also
unofficially started. At that time, the area was occupied by
the Khoi/San clans. The pressure on the Khoi/San increased
as more Dutch and French settlers arrived. By the 18th
century, most Khoi/San had lost their land to these European
Cape Town became a major port as a way station for the
Europeans. The colonists were mostly farmers and cattle
herders. They became known as the Boers. They developed
their own culture and language (Afrikaans). In the 1770's,
the Boers encountered t .....
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The Spanish-American War
Number of words: 1531 | Number of pages: 6.... defeat them.
American newspapers, especially the yellow press of rival
publishers, William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, printed outlandish
stories of the Spanish oppression in Cuba. They included wildly exaggerated
accounts that a quarter of the Cuban population had been killed at the
hands of their Spanish oppressors. President William McKinley was urged to
pressure Spain into granting Cuba limited self-government. Under the
disguise of a "courtesy call," the United States Navy battleship ‘
Maine',was sent to Havana in January, 1889, to protect US citizens and
interests in Cuba.
On February 15 a mysterious explosio .....
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American Revolutionary War 2
Number of words: 474 | Number of pages: 2.... want, was the
British taking care of their taxation. They did not want
taxation without representation.
The Townshend Revenue acts of 1767 were another
justification for the Americans’ rebellion. This taxed
imported goods, such as paper, glass, paint and tea. The
Americans felt again that their rights were being
dishonored. The Colonies lead by the Massachusetts assembly
tried to figure out ways to get around the Townshend Acts.
The Americans surely refused when asked, by the parliament
to revoke the circular letter passed by the Massachusetts
assembly. This created more unity among the colonies, which .....
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