Papers on History
Ancient Egypt
Number of words: 1990 | Number of pages: 8.... from the Nile River.
Barges and boats made with papyrus reeds or wooden planks(used after 3,000BC)
were filled with different thing such as grains were floated downstream and
carried by the current, or if they needed to be floated upstream, you would
simply just raise the sails up and the ship would sail upstream, the Egyptians
invented sails at approximately 3,200BC. Although the Nile is such an abundant
source of life, it fertilize just a narrow strip of land, eventually the
Egyptians built large irrigation systems which would carry water into the desert.
Ancient cultures were often plagued with warfare and attacks from oth .....
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Nonwestern Art
Number of words: 418 | Number of pages: 2.... This particular ceramic is decorated in reddish brown over a white background with a Moche priest performing a ritual beneath a starry sky. Such a ceramic would have been actually used in a religious ceremony to store various sacred liquids needed for the completion of such an act.
The most important people, the priests and warriors, were members of the urban classes and lived closest to the large ceremonial pyramids and other temples. They were surrounded by a middle class of artisans and then, in descending order: farmers and fishermen, servants, slaves and beggars. The priests and warriors were both honored and obeyed. T .....
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The Constitution: Discord And Tension In 1850
Number of words: 2819 | Number of pages: 11.... same number of representatives. In the other house (the House of Representatives) each member would represent the same number of people. ‘Quite appropriately this came to be called the Great Compromise. Other major compromises came on slavery and on the control of commerce. The southern states, where the slaves were really treated as property, still wanted the slaves counted as people for the purposes of representation in the New House of Representatives. Some delegates argued that if one kind of property was counted for representation, other kinds should be too. This issue was resolved when slavery and taxation were linked. It .....
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Austrailian Aborigines
Number of words: 1916 | Number of pages: 7.... South Wales, is the largest city with a population of 3,500,000.
The natural vegetation of Australia is comprised of six types, rainforest, sclerophyll forest, woodland, grassland, shrubland, and desert. The interior is comprised of desert, shurbland, and grassland. The Northern Territory, the location of most aboriginal clans and tribes, has woodland along the coast and grasslands and shrublands in the interior.
Ayers Rock in the Northern Territory is a very spiritual symbol for the Aborigines. (See Picture) The most important possession of the Aborigines is the land they live on. They have a special connection with everyth .....
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Julius Caesar
Number of words: 891 | Number of pages: 4.... natural occurrences--the weather is very strange and violent and fire falls from the sky. Most of the people believe that the weather is a bad omen, but Cassius disagrees. He uses the unusual weather to reason that it is only for evil men (such as Caesar) who need to be afraid. The plotting against Caesar continues.
Act II:
Brutus is convinced by Cassius that it is for the good of Rome that Caesar be killed. Some of the other conspirators want to kill friends of Caesar's, but Brutus feels that it is not necessary to kill anyone else. Only the person responsible for the downfall of Rome should perish according to Brutus.
Caes .....
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The Industrial Revolution
Number of words: 821 | Number of pages: 3.... be required to build, market or transport
their product since the new system introduced the art of specialization.
Specialization allowed a person to perform a single task and guarantee them
wages as a source of income. However, as wonderful as this might seem, this
new system led to the emergence of a n working class (proletariat) and
forced them to depend on market conditions in order to survive as producers.
Although seemingly content at first, those who became employed by these
factories were immediately subjected to deplorable conditions. Arnold
Toynbee made a scholarly assessment of this new wave of socio-economic
behavior .....
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Earthquake San Francisco- 1906
Number of words: 400 | Number of pages: 2.... with its surroundings.
A road across the fault ended up 21 feet north of the road to the east
same with the rivers and creeks.
The earthquake's most damage were in Los Bonas 30km east of the
fault yet there was little damage along towns to the east side of San
Francisco Bay such as Berkely, 25km east of the fault. And the capital of
California Sacramento that was 120km east of the rupture showed no damage.
Scientists found out that the earthquake originated north of
Oregon and south to Los Angeles a total of 1170 Km.
Knowing now that buildings could not withstand a earthquake with
unreiforced brick, the new San Franci .....
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Romanticism 2
Number of words: 348 | Number of pages: 2.... composed and interpreted very different. Some people may look at a painting and imagine extremely different attitudes than the artist who painted it had intended. Another area that the Romantic attitude has drastically affected is fashion. As you glance around you’ll probably observe that very few people dress similar and each person has developed their own style of dress. Fashion often reflects a person’s attitude towards life and may express the mood that the particular person has, this gives each person a unique quality to distinguish them from the rest of society.
As you can see, in almost every case, the Romantic grea .....
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The Middle Ages And The Renaissance
Number of words: 2179 | Number of pages: 8.... political structure.
As the Lombards were becoming more politically unified, southern Italy was becoming a place for revolts. As a result, the Lombards, lead by Liutprand, were able to break through the resistance in the now unstable southern Italy. Liutprand's rule over Italy had caused some Lombards to convert from Arianism to Roman Catholicism. In addition, they accepted many other parts of the Roman culture, including speaking Lain, using Roman laws, and administrating, which reflected both Roman and Germanic influences.
While it seemed that the Lombards would have total control of Italy, there was still some resistance f .....
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How Did Athens Take Over The L
Number of words: 1478 | Number of pages: 6.... period of Greek greatness.
The idea of panhellenism - the awareness of Greek unity- appeared as a reaction to the fear of the Persian invasion. This is how Persia helped the Greece to recognise their identity, which gave significance to the year 479 BC to be marked as the beginning of the Classical Greek period. At the other side, the year 479 BC does not represent a vital turning-point in politics. Sparta’s control over her allies was still unbroken. After the Greeks’ triumph on Plataea, when the fear of the Persian invasion decreased, the idea of the united Greeks started diminishing. Phthonos (envy) was what characterised .....
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