Papers on History
Coca-Cola - The History
Number of words: 2046 | Number of pages: 8.... death the remainder was sold to Candler. Pemberton was forced to sell because he was in a state of poor health and was in debt. He had paid $76.96 for advertising, but he only made $50.00 in profits. Candler acquired the whole company for $2,300(Coca-Cola multiple pages).
Candler achieved a lot during his time as owner of the company. On January 31, 1893, the famous Coca-Cola formula was patented. He also opened the first syrup manufacturing plant in 1884. His great achievement was large scale bottling of Coca-Cola in 1899. In 1915, The Root Glass Company made the contour bottle for the Coca-Cola company. Candler aggressively adv .....
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Digital Image Analysis Of Yell
Number of words: 624 | Number of pages: 3.... it has only one spectral band available for analysis. The term non-conventional will refer to imagery that has multi bands available for manipulation and analysis.
Methods of enhancement utilized in the multi-band portion of this project include:
- colour and histogram image enhancement
- normalization and image algebra enhancement
- filtering image enhancement
- band transformations (eigen pictures) image enhancement
- coventional methods of enhancement
Methods of classification utilized in this project include:
- signature training ( sampling)
- supervised classification, PPD, Mindis, Maximumlikliehood
- unsuper .....
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Important Presidential Electio
Number of words: 3205 | Number of pages: 12.... commissioner, championed construction of the Erie and
Champlain canals
The method in which these candidates received nomination was by the
Electoral College, or by King Caucus. The idea of political conventions
had not been present at this time. There were no third-party candidates in
this election.
The major issue of this election was the War of 1812. The War of 1812, or
"Mr. Madison's War", had been very unpopular among different sections of
America. Mainly the ship owners in New England. The war was supposed to
protect. This war was supposed to help their shipping, but instead, it had
kept th .....
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Origin Of The English Laguage
Number of words: 497 | Number of pages: 2.... to England. They belived in Pagan ways and thatlife was in the hands of fate. Each Anglo-Saxon tribe had a king whom was choosen by a Witan. Under the King were the Earls, then there wecond class which included freemen who owned land and could ingage in commerce. These freemen had surfs who would work the land and then there were the slaves or milatary prisoners. The Britons were affraid of the Anglo-Saxon's and fled to Wales. Some fled to Northern England now known as Scottland. This is were the celtic language came from.
The last two groups of people were the Vikings and the Normans. The Vikings began to envade Europe throughout .....
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Cuban Missile Crisis
Number of words: 1472 | Number of pages: 6.... and Cuba are established following Mikoyan’s visit to the island. One reason why Cuba has turned to Russia is because the US had cut off their oil supplies and imposed an economic embargo on the island because of the naturalization of US owned companies and citizens by the Cuban government. This calls for a massive oil shipment from the Soviets but unfortunately, Russia was unable to handle such a demand because of their limited overseas shipping capabilities. Subsequently, Russia puts an order for extra oil tankers from Italy, a capitalist country. When Italy agrees to the business proposition, the US is infuriated that another .....
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The Slave Trade And Its Effects On Early America
Number of words: 1211 | Number of pages: 5.... and many of the women too, bore
baskets or bales of food. Little boys and girls trudged along beside their
parents, eyes wide in fear and wonder” (McCague, 14).
After they were marched often hundreds of miles, it was time for them to
be shipped off to sea, so that they could be sold as cheap labor to help harvest
the new world. But before they were shipped off, they had to pass through a
slave-trading station. The slave trade, which was first controlled by Portugal,
was now controlled by other European nations. In the late 1600's, Spain,
Holland, England, France and Denmark were all sending ships to West Africa. The
slav .....
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La Amistad 2
Number of words: 579 | Number of pages: 3.... slaves ashore and unloaded. They refilled their water buckets, which had recently been emptied. One of the men on the ship catches their attention and they see another ship coming up along side of theirs. They jump in their boat and row back to their ship. They are captured and taken to shore. They are thrown into jail. After this, it is a fight to free the slaves and in turn, bring an end to slavery all together.
One of the most moving scenes in the movie happens on board the slave ship. A woman has just had a baby, she knows that it will not be taken care of well if she dies, and she does not want it to have to live a life as a .....
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Causes Of Civil War
Number of words: 1814 | Number of pages: 7.... completely ignore the Missoure Compromise. The Compromise of 1850 stated that should be equal number of free and slave states. The Missouri Compromise said that any state above the latitude of 36 30' can not be a slave state. "Bleeding Kansas" was where people were fighting over the issue of slavery and cost many American Lives. The California Gold Rust occurred when gold was discovered in California and people rushed out to California.When California apply for statehood, it cause huge problems because North and the South wanted control of the gold in the state. Manifest Destiny was where Americans believe that they had the right .....
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On The Chinese Dynasty
Number of words: 456 | Number of pages: 2.... of things exchanged for itself. Two nicknames for it are paper money and flying money. One last achievement is trade. Trade is one of the most important systems to the Chinese. They traded silk and other things and eventually got a lot of things back. The Chinese got a lot of things back from trade. These are some examples of the trade system.
The Chinese dynasties are really amazing. The Sui Dynasty lasted between 589-618 A.D. Yian Jian conquered the Chen kingdom and unified China. That was the first time in 400 years it was unified. The Tang Dynasty lasted between 618-907 A.D. In 618 Li Shi Min captured Changan and .....
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Donner Party
Number of words: 556 | Number of pages: 3.... James Reed was banished from the party. The party was badly demoralized before they ever reached the Sierra. Due to the short cut the party took they arrived at the Sierra late, out of provisions, and faced with an early snow. They did not have the strength to ascend through the snow to the summit and most of the party returned to winter over, at what was known as Truckee Lake. The Donner brothers and their family, were in even worse condition. They had many problems with the wagons, and George Donner injured himself trying to make the repairs. The family was forced to endure the winter in tents at Alder Creek. Apparently, .....
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