Papers on History
Plains Indians
Number of words: 1751 | Number of pages: 7.... the ceremony to seek aid for revenge for family members killed in warfare. The entire event surrounding the Sun Dance generally lasts from four to seven days, though longer events exist. On the first day a tree is selected to serve as the sun-pole, the center pole for the Sun Dance Lodge, or New-Life-Lodge, as called by the Cheyenne. (Atwood) The selection of the tree is usually done by the eldest woman of the camp, who leads a group of elaborately dressed maidens to the tree to strip off its branches. On the next morning, right as the sun is seen over the eastern horizon, armed warriors charge the sun-pole. They attack the tree .....
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Grant Scandals
Number of words: 351 | Number of pages: 2.... and vice-president Schuyler Colfax took stock in the company. The scandal marred Grant's first term. Schuyler was replaced for the election in 1872. This began the uncovering of several scandals.
The Whiskey Ring 187
A national tax evasion scheme where indictments were brought against 86 government officials, including the chief clerk of the Treasury Department as well as President Ulysses S. Grant's private secretary. A group of distillers was falsifying reports and cheated the government millions in tax dollars. Many of Gran't appointees were involved in the scandal.
Belknap Fraud 1876
In 1876, Secretary of War, William .....
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History Of Theatre
Number of words: 502 | Number of pages: 2.... Performances were set in the town square, with several stage settings around the square. This was as such, because there were no proper theaters, or areas large enough to hold the entire stage.
Elizabethan Theater
England's theater developed rapidly in the years following the defeat of the Spanish Armada. The dominant feature of Elizabethan theater was the stage. There were three parts to the stage:
1 The fore stage, which jutted out into the audience a fare way, this was used for outside scenes.
2 The inner stage, this was used for scenes inside a building.
3 An upper stage or balcony, which was used for miscellaneous pu .....
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Effects Of Watergate
Number of words: 800 | Number of pages: 3.... of the ability of the American people to come together in times when abuses of political power appear and threaten our political system.” The people were not willing to accept without question the proclamations of presidential press secretaries. In the process, the peoples’ self-image had to change. They matured and of course were willing to challenge authority. This is something that was unheard of in the 1950's. The effect on our political institutions was dramatic. It was a wake up call to Congress that their responsibilities within the system of checks and balances were of extreme importance.
As the result of Wate .....
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Holocaust Revisited
Number of words: 1292 | Number of pages: 5.... consideration of the uniqueness of the Holocaust as a historical event. The authors examine many opinions on this topic, and why or why not the Holocaust was unprecedented in its practical annihilation of a population and the reasons behind the wished elimination of the Jews. The other questions in the book are in regard to what happened in the concentration camps, and what is true and what is debatable.. These questions can be answered in many ways, and are supported on both sides by widely respected writers and historians. It is, in the end, up to the individual to determine his or her thoughts and feelings on these partic .....
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Wallstreet, Movie
Number of words: 1838 | Number of pages: 7.... welfare state. He says that people pursuing self-interest demand comfort and security and that they don't take the risks that result in growth and achievement.
At the start of Wall Street, Bud Fox is young and very naïve about the business world. He is a typical broker seeking new clients and offering second-hand advice regarding the buying and selling of stock. “Just once I’d like to be on that side,” he says, dreaming of the day when he will be a corporate big shot controlling the flow of millions of dollars, like his hero, Gordon Gekko. In pursuit of his dream, Bud makes a visit to Gekko’s office with a box of .....
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Slavey Then And Now
Number of words: 1097 | Number of pages: 4.... goes on in today’s society? What about the people who are forced to do hard labor like many years ago?
Many people do not realize it but indeed we do have modern-day slavery. What is today’s modern day slavery? There are several things that can be put into today’s slavery. This is one problem that is often over looked in today’s society. It may not have as much impact as it did years ago, but if we stop and think about it, this problem is still as harsh and crude as it was years ago. I would think that up to some extent the problem has grown now because it is in fact often overlooked.
For example in Sudan, as a result o .....
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Canada- Facts And Figures
Number of words: 9671 | Number of pages: 36.... exclusive responsibility for education in the
provinces. Each provincial system, while similar to the others, reflects its particular
region, history, and culture. The provincial departments of education--headed by an
elected minister--set standards, draw up curriculums, and give grants to educational
Responsibility for the administration of elementary and secondary schools is
delegated to local elected school boards or commissions. The boards set budgets, hire
and negotiate with teachers, and shape school curriculums within provincial
A broad federal role
The federal government plays an indirect but .....
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Consensus Historians
Number of words: 1731 | Number of pages: 7.... in the introduction that points in the direction of consensus history. Hofstadter states that it is "of the need for a reinterpretation of our political traditions which emphasizes the common climate of American opinion," the existences of which had been "much obscured by the tendency to place political conflict in the foreground" (Kraus & Joyce Pg.314)
After The American Political Tradition and the Men who made it, Hofstadter went on to publish a book on Turner, Beard, and Parrington. Hofstadter recognizes the personal contributions that Turner, Beard, and Parrington had to offer to the field of History, but Hofstadter felt t .....
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War Of 1812
Number of words: 1010 | Number of pages: 4.... the belligerents seized nearly 1500 American vessels between 1803 and 1812, thus posing the problem of whether the United States should go to war to defend its neutral rights.
Americans at first prepared to respond with economic coercion rather than war. At the urging of President Thomas Jefferson, Congress passed the Embargo Act of 1807, prohibiting virtually all U.S. ships from putting to sea. Subsequent enforcement measures in 1808-1809 also banned overland trade with British and Spanish possessions in Canada and Florida. Because the legislation seriously harmed the U.S. economy and failed to alter belligerent policies, i .....
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