Papers on History
The Shooting Down Of An Iranian Airliner By The USS Vincennes
Number of words: 1124 | Number of pages: 5.... to the USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS striking a mine and taking serious damage in early 1988. These events were probably still fresh in Captain Rodgers mind then he received word from the USS MONTGOMERY that they were tracking several Iranian gunboats the might be attacking a neutral tanker.
It is my opinion that Captain Rodgers saw this as an unprecedented opportunity to teach Iran not to mess with the United States. With that thought in mind, he heads towards the conflict along with the Montgomery at full speed. While on route, Captain Rodgers sends the Vincennes helicopter ahead to investigate. When the helicopter arrives on the scen .....
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Gold Strike, Relating To Cry,
Number of words: 338 | Number of pages: 2.... Johannesburg, and references were made to the mining industry throughout the book. Many characters voiced their opinion that it was the black men that economically supported the white men in South Africa, and they were diseased and injured by it. That they worked for cheap, were exposed to dangers, and then when they needed medical attention the non-European hospitals were less than inadequate. John Kumalo gave speeches on strikes against the gold mines. Gold was found in a new area, Odenaalrust, and the white men wanted to change the name because it was too hard to pronounce. The novel had realism to it because it was somewh .....
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Why Puritans Came To America: Freedom
Number of words: 827 | Number of pages: 4.... of rights, which was drafted for political
motivations, and it evolved into a document which shelters American
people's civil liberties.
When the Bill of Rights was adopted, political motivations superceded
libertarian views. James Madison claimed that this "nauseous project of
amendments" would "kill the opposition[for the ratification of the
constitution] everywhere..." In the beginning, the Bill of Rights was
first drafted up to appease the Anti-Federalists and coax them into
ratifying the constitution. For without the Bill of Rights the constitution
may have never been ratified. After its ratification, the Bill of Right .....
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Monets Green Reflections
Number of words: 940 | Number of pages: 4.... style, being both scientific and painterly.
This particular painting has captivated many admirers with its pretty pastel colours, prevalent in many of Monet’s works. The yellows and pinks of the lilies are in strong contrast to the deep blues and jungle greens of the water.
Monet brought the study of the transient effects of natural light to its most refined expression, through the “Waterlilies” series. Therefore tone is an important aspect of the painting. It is used with great success, giving the appearance of shade on the right hand side. The tone also gives the impression of water reflections.
The “Waterlilies .....
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Agony Ang The Extacy, Ethical Considerations Concerning Mich
Number of words: 739 | Number of pages: 3.... to have complete freedom with what he was to paint. Considering these facts was it ethical for the Pope to force Michelangelo into devoting years of his life to doing this job that he didn’t want to do in the first place? Or one could ask, was it ethical for Michelangelo to butt heads with the Pope, the ruler of the entire Holy Roman Empire. I will start by defending the Pope, Julius II merely recognized the extreme beauty that was the end result in Michelangelo’s work and felt that it would be cheating the rest of the world not to share it. Considering, Michelangelo went on to be one of the greatest artists of the Rena .....
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History Of Th People Of Crete
Number of words: 465 | Number of pages: 2.... with a white leatther shoes.Men wore no clothing above the waist.At the waist the men wore a short skirt or a waist cloth.The skirt had a slit at the side of workingmen.When there were dignitaries and ceremonies the skirt reached to the ground for both male and female.The men sometimes wore drawers in the winter time along with a longer outer garment of wool or skins.The clothing was tightly laced at the middle for both male and female.the bodice of the womens dress was laced below the bust, opens in a circle then closed in a medici collar at the neck.The sleeves were short, and at times puffed.The skirt widened out from the hips, .....
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Early Leaders And Great Kingdo
Number of words: 628 | Number of pages: 3.... trade, established Ghana. They were superior metalworkers and produced iron swords and other weapons by which they conquered neighboring peoples and maintained control over their territory. The empire's growth and development were relatively slow until Ghana began to trade with Arab ports on the Mediterranean coast and with other kingdoms of East Africa on the Red Sea. The Mali Empire differed substantially from the Ghana empire. Its rise to power began in the seventh century, when two great African leaders -- Sundiara Keita and Mansa Musa, transformed a small Mandingo state on the upper Niger River. Although Sundiata .....
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Who Was To Blame For The Cold War?
Number of words: 1589 | Number of pages: 6.... of the tsars that preceded him, or worse, spreading
communism across the world now that his “one-state” notion had been fulfilled.
It also must be mentioned that Stalin is seen as wanting “unchalleged personal
power and a rebuilt Russia strong enough to withstand ‘caplitalist
Admittedly, the first view of Stalin, as an imperialist leader, may be
skewed. The Russians claim, and have always claimed, that Stalin's motives were
purely defensive. Stalin's wished to create a buffer zone of Communist states
around him to protect Soviet Russia from the capitalist West. In this sense,
his moves were not ag .....
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Brazil Context
Number of words: 3190 | Number of pages: 12.... 20% are rural dwellers. 55% is under 20 years of age and less than 10% is over 60. The average life expectancy is 63 years old.
The majority of Brazilians are of European or African descent. Besides the original Portuguese settlers, other significant ethnic groups include Africans, Germans, Italians, and Japanese. The official language is Portuguese, but English is widely used in the business community. The predominant religion is Roman Catholicism. There is religious freedom, and religion is not a source of social unrest.
The general level of education requires much improvement. About 75% of children above ten years old ar .....
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The Cuban Missile Crisis
Number of words: 2625 | Number of pages: 10.... hoped to find local support. Ninety of the invader's were killed and twelve hundred captured. This failure was a big embarrassment to the Kennedy administration.
As of 1962 the Soviet Union was loosing a desperate arms race, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev conceived an idea of placing intermediate-range cruise missiles in Cuba. This deployment would double their strategic arsenal as well as act as a deterrent to a potential U.S. attack. Ever since the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, Fidel Castro was also looking for a way to prevent what he felt was an inevitable second attack. In the summer of 1962, the Soviet Union quickly w .....
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