Papers on History
Art Appreciation
Number of words: 291 | Number of pages: 2.... and portrays a special connection between organic forms of the natural world and the spirit.
In this special piece of art, Georgia O’Keeffe used somewhat a chromatic way of coloring by using all kind of brown tones, but she adds some gold color. She does an excellent use of the shading process. She darkens the contours of the shapes, but she also leaves diffused white spots. This combination of dark shades and light created by the white spots gives the vision of depth, especially where she diffused the shadows, like under or below the objects.
If I compare Georgia O’Keeffe’s Dark Rocks design, to Severin Roesen’s .....
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The Transition Of Religion And Superstition To Science And Technology In The Middle Ages
Number of words: 681 | Number of pages: 3.... Church
believed strongly in the powers of God and the Holy Ghost. It was thought
that God controlled the entire universe, from life to death, from the
Creation to Doomsday.
At this point in time, the earth was the center of the universe,
with all of planets and stars surrounding it. This belief, originated from
the Church, was called the heliocentric theory. However, as in every
civilization, there were small groups of people who refused to believe what
the Church was telling them. The Church was not necessarily telling them
lies; they were simply dominating religion over common reason and
Clearly, .....
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The Great Depression
Number of words: 786 | Number of pages: 3.... crisis. In fact, from 1929 through 1932, the economy went from bad to worse.
Unemployment approached 20 percent. Black Unemployment hit 50 percent. Private construction investment went from $6.6 billion in 1929 to $1.3 billion in 1932. Overall manufacturing was 54 percent of what was in 1929. Automobiles were created at 20 percent of 1932's, and steal was at 12 percent of 1929. Farmer's income slid from $12 billion in 1929 to $5 billion in 1932., but the farmer's mortgages continued to escalate. 70,000 banks went under before the Great Crash in 1929, and 9,000 more went under from 1929 to 1932. Marriages were down 250,000 from 1929 .....
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Jujitsu - The Gentle Art
Number of words: 820 | Number of pages: 3.... Jujitsu was the Samurai’s main set of combat techniques, after the sword. Jujitsu was a part of the Samurai’s fighting skills, something he could use when he was unable to use his favourite weapon.
There are many different styles of Jujitsu that exist around the world, and many different ways to actually spell the name. The original spelling derived directly from the Japanese was Jujitsu. As the popularity and practice of this martial art spread across Europe, the spelling and pronunciation was forced to change. This occurred during World War II, when the name Jujitsu had to be changed to Jiu-jitsu (pronounced Jeeu-jits .....
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Buddhism 2
Number of words: 919 | Number of pages: 4.... in India. When his father refused,
Siddartha stood in one place for days on end, until his
father agreed. So Siddartha left his enclosed palace
and set out on his own.
Not long after he started his venture out of
his home, Siddartha ran across four things he had never
seen before. These four things were to be called the
four signs. The four signs were; old age, sickness,
death, and true serenity. These four men were really
gods put there so Siddartha could learn what else lies
beyond the pure luxury that he knows so well.
Siddartha soon realized that the first three men stood
for the presence of suffering, and t .....
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Congresswoman Rep. Maxine Wate
Number of words: 4354 | Number of pages: 16.... crack cocaine's origins in South Central Los Angeles.
This paper will critically examine some of the speeches, press release, letter and other documents by Rep. Maxine Waters in her quest to "…punish those responsible for creating the devastating drug addition sales, gun-running, violence, and death associated with crack cocaine throughout this nation" (press release 9/5/96). Before I perform a critical analysis, I will examine the history of CIA complicity in drug trafficking which has led up to the allegation by Waters and others. I will also examine Waters' ideology. I will then go into great detail about how the Rheto .....
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Brief History Of The Dominican
Number of words: 306 | Number of pages: 2.... the country into decades of debilitating wars, conspiracies, and despotism that drained its resources and undermined its efforts to establish liberal constitutional rule.
In the late 1980s, the republic was still struggling to emerge from the shadow of the ultimate Dominican caudillo, Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina (1930-61), who emerged from the military and held nearly absolute power throughout his rule. The apparent establishment of a democratic process in 1978 was a promising development; however, the survival of democracy appeared to be closely linked to the country's economic fortunes, which had declined steadily since .....
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Covenanted Governments
Number of words: 1592 | Number of pages: 6.... the Mayflower Compact. This compact stated that all aboard the ship headed for the “new city of God”, were under the rule of God. Here is the clincher: even though it was a government under the rule of God, the agreement was that the people in God’s name would run the institutions of government. People executed God’s will his “permission”. In these times, people believe that they were carrying out God’s name and very will. These people weren’t bound together by caprice and whim, but for and out of necessity and deep-rooted religious beliefs. They formed a civil body politics so they may increase their chanc .....
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The Situation In Kosovo
Number of words: 1125 | Number of pages: 5.... fathers, and mothers that are being sent over there? Aren’t they just as important as the students at Columbine High? I would certainly say they are!
I think that it is noble, perhaps, to be concerned about a school shooting. It is something that has deeply affected a part of our country. However, this is a situation that will be investigated and put behind us. It is important, but again, what about Kosovo? What happens in Kosovo affects us as a whole, and has the potential to change our lives forever. There are speculations that this could be the beginning of World War 3. How do you feel about that? Are you concerned .....
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Harlem Renaissance
Number of words: 594 | Number of pages: 3.... and promoting a talented group of well-educated African-Americans to become leaders and role models in their communities. To achieve greater understanding and harmony between the two races, Locke declared that "...there is a growing realization that in social effort the cooperative basis must supplant long distance philanthropy." This meant he felt that Negro people would have to develop self-sufficiency and no longer rely on seemingly altruistic efforts of other people.
Langston Hughes was one of the poets who published many works of literature during this time. He acquired a medal give by the National Association for the Adv .....
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