Papers on History
William Penn
Number of words: 1393 | Number of pages: 6.... was because their beliefs and culture was different from the
Anglican Church. At that time, any religion that was practiced in England other than
the Anglican Church would be persecuted. They believed that religion shouldn't be
practiced in a church as much as in your heart. The differences that were between the
Quakers and the Anglican Christians was that the Anglicans practiced strict discipline
in their prayers. They would go to prayer every morning, and ask for forgiveness of
their sins. They believed that the sacred authority was the Bible, the only way to
make your way to heaven was to go to sermon; they should glorify Go .....
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Number of words: 1610 | Number of pages: 6.... to Haifa; although officially neutral, some
commanders assisted one side or the other.
After the British had departed and the state of Israel had been
established on May 15, 1948, under the premiership of David BEN-GURION, the
Palestine Arab forces and foreign volunteers were joined by regular armies
of Transjordan (now the kingdom of JORDAN), IRAQ, LEBANON, and SYRIA, with
token support from SAUDI ARABIA. Efforts by the UN to halt the fighting
were unsuccessful until June 11, when a 4-week truce was declared. When the
Arab states refused to renew the truce, ten more days of fighting erupted.
In that time Israel great .....
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Boston Massacre
Number of words: 977 | Number of pages: 4.... on the other hand to remind the patriots of the great British military.
The last reason would be the revolt of the Townshend Acts. The patriots and Americans did not agree and strife with the British soldiers over it. The Act built tension between the two. (Griswold 23)
On March 5, 1770 the dreadful day came. A mob of people went in front of the Customs Office in Boston Massachusetts and started to throw stuff and give insults at the soldiers. As a result to this so-called harassment the soldiers fired on the crowd. The first to die was a black man named Crispus Attucks. He was a native of Frainghan, Massachusetts. He esca .....
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Enlightenment 2
Number of words: 1668 | Number of pages: 7.... there were many philosopher and scientists engaged in the enlightenment period bringing new ways of thinking there are only a few that kick open the doors of this way of thinking. Decartes 1597-1650. He changed the way of thinking though the enlightenment period he replaced all other forms of knowledge with a single echoing “Which may be the” truth: Cogito, ergo sum, "I think there for I am". From that point onwards in European culture, subjective truth would hold a higher and more important epistemological place then objective truth; skepticism would be built into every inquiry. The main figures of the enlightenment are w .....
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Evaluation Of The Agricultural
Number of words: 885 | Number of pages: 4.... in the Middle Ages.
Every village had a number of fields which were divided into long thin strips. Each family would have at least one strip in each field so that everyone got a share of the best and the worst land. However, this system was very inefficient, because of the following facts. A lot of time was wasted by travelling between the stripes. Also all farmers didn't like the idea of growing the same crop in each field.. The small field area of the stripes didn't encourage an ambitions of peasants to buy machinery. The old techniques were used, mostly the wooden plough. Only few animals were kept, so without manure to f .....
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Hiram Ulysses Grant
Number of words: 404 | Number of pages: 2.... victories. On one occasion, the commander of a Confederate fort asked on what terms Grant would accept his surrender. "No terms," he replied, "except an unconditional and immediate surrender." From then on he was known as "Unconditional Surrender Grant" since his initials were U.S. On March 8, 1864, President Lincoln made him commander of all the Union forces. Grant helped to bring the war to an end in a little over a year.
In 1868 Grant was elected Republican president of the United States. Although Grant was a wonderful soldier, he made a poor president. He was honest, but some of those he appointed to high office were n .....
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Men In Black
Number of words: 543 | Number of pages: 2.... and quickly flashes an identity card. After the encounter the members of the MIB do not seem to have any record with the government. Witness’s of the encounters are told not to tell anybody of what they saw and often feel ill several day’s after the encounter.
The MIB are said to have a supernatural feel. Dogs, which are normally very aggressive, seem to be scared of them. Also they usually port wigs or
Make-up to make them more “human looking.” They also are known to be fascinating with the simplest things such as bowls of Jell-Oä or ballpoint pens, and often ask very mundane and rude questions. Most of their attempts t .....
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The Aztec Civilization
Number of words: 1224 | Number of pages: 5.... seeds to create roots and develop more solid land for building homes in this marshy land. Canals were also cut out through the marsh so that a typical and a simple Aztec home had its back to a canal with a canoe tied at the door. In the early 1400s, Tenochtitlan joined with Texcoco and Tlacopan, two other major cities in the Valley of Mexico. Tenochtitlan became the most powerful member of the alliance. Montezuma I ruled from 1440 to 1469 and conquered large areas to the east and to the south. Montezuma's successors expanded the empire until it extended between what is now Guatemala and the Mexican State of San Luis Potosi. Monte .....
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Russian Revolution
Number of words: 2246 | Number of pages: 9.... of revolutionary change: elation and hope, fear and discouragement, and ultimately the prolonged agony of bloodshed and privation, both from war and repression, and the "bony hand of Tsar Hunger," who strangled tens of thousands and, in the end, brought the revolutionary period to a close after the civil war by forcing the Bolsheviks to abandon the radical measures of War Communism in favor of a New Economic Policy (NEP).
Throughout, the events in Russia were of worldwide importance. Western nations saw "immutable" values and institutions successfully challenged, COMMUNISM emerged as a viable social and political system, and .....
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The Holocaust
Number of words: 1487 | Number of pages: 6.... German schools simply because of their religious beliefs. After that, people were beginning to be sent to ghettos. Ghettos were places where the Jews were isolated from other people. There were usually walls or fences to keep them in their own place, because they were basically rejected from society.
After spending some time in the ghettos, they were transported by cargo trains to what was called a concentration camp. It was basically like a prison, they had no rights, they were worked like slaves, and they were exposed to horrible conditions that killed over two thirds of the Jewish population in Europe.
People were packed onto t .....
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