Papers on History
Watergate Scandal
Number of words: 1995 | Number of pages: 8.... four months later, the story changed rapidly from a small story to a national scandal. It ended only when Richard Nixon was forced from office.
Watergate was connected to Vietnam, it eventually exposed a long series of illegal activities in the Nixon administration. Nixon and his staff were found to have spied on and harassed political opponents, planned contributions to the campaign, and tried to cover-up their illegal acts. These crimes that they did were called the , named after the building that it happened.
For years Nixon was carrying on the crimes and they were not noticed until now. 1969 was the really date in which Waterg .....
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African Americans In The Civil
Number of words: 2363 | Number of pages: 9.... occurring. However, even he could not stop the outbreak of the Civil War (Fincher).
With the war just beginning, ex-slaves and other African Americans wanted to get in on the action. They wanted to fight against those who had enslaved them and their families for generations. They began volunteering and trying to enlist, but everywhere they went they were rejected. “In general, white soldiers and officers believed that black men lacked the courage to fight and fight well” (History of African-Americans in the Civil War). Even some abolitionists believed putting them in the battlefield would be putting African Ame .....
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Number of words: 622 | Number of pages: 3.... medieval art that didn't have a religious theme, and most art was made by hired artists for a church, to teach people about there faith and encourage them to lead better lives so they could go to heaven.
The middle ages did not, of course, end abruptly. Some people still clung on to the medieval view of the world but slowly this view ended almost completely.
During the Renaissance period people became tired of the world view in the Middle Ages. To them, the feudal period had been a period of inactivity and sluggish growth. Instead, Renaissance people admired the classical age and the great artists and thinkers of ancient Greece .....
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Burial Practices Of The Ancien
Number of words: 1468 | Number of pages: 6.... of the
substance were placed inside the body cavity to facilitate the process of
dehydration. After thirty-five days the ancient embalmers would anoint the
body with oil and wrap it in fine linen. If the deceased was wealthy
enough a priest donning a mask of Anubis would preside over the ceremonies
to ensure proper passage into the next realm.
One of the practices overseen by the priest was the placing of a
special funerary amulet over the heart. This was done in behest to secure a
successful union with Osiris and their kas. The amulet made sure the heart
did not speak out against the individual at the scale of the g .....
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Number of words: 632 | Number of pages: 3.... cities of more than 100,000 inhabitants, and another 62% inhabit smaller cities and towns. The largest cities are, the capital, Amsterdam; one of the worlds leading seaports, Rotterdam; the nation’s administrative center, The Hague; and a manufacturing hub, Utretch. The official language of the is Dutch, which is spoken throughout the country. Roman Catholics constitute about 33% and Protestants about 25% of the Dutch population. From the time of the reformation the 16th century, the has had a high level of basic education and comparatively high literacy rates.
The has played a major role in the European economy for ma .....
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Abraham Lincoln 2
Number of words: 1360 | Number of pages: 5.... last his lifetime. He became a regular attendant of the new Salem Debating Society, where he met a more intellectual group of people. The intellectual citizens of New Salem welcomed Lincoln who turned out to be a very good speaker with passion and well versed onhis subjects. The president of the society remarked that all he lacked was culture.
Lincoln decided to take a turn to politics and in 1832 declared himself a candidate for the office of State Legislature. His platform was internal improvements, better educational facilities, and a law to limit interest rates.
Governor John Reynolds called for volunteers for the stat .....
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Indians 3
Number of words: 647 | Number of pages: 3.... River. All the Mohegan people lived within three different clans. The three clans made up the Mohegan tribe. Every one of the clans had its own chief. The chiefs had only limited power within the clans. If the Mohegan people did not believe in what the chief had to say, then the people did not have to obey it. One of the ways the Mohegans obtained food was by burning their land around their villages and planting crops. During the spring the woman planted, while the men were on fishing trips. In August the men returned from their fishing adventures to help with harvest. The Mohegans sustained themselves with fishing and .....
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Bible - Role Of Abraham
Number of words: 1612 | Number of pages: 6.... violent, immoral place. Chapter 14 of Genesis describes the many bloody wars that are occurring around Abraham, and cities like Sodom and Gomorrah are full of men who are "wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly". Abraham stands as a unique figure for his time, avoiding fights whenever possible and always following God’s orders, meant as an example to the rest of the world. Instead of the mass destruction akin to the flood, God’s new plan is to change the world through Abraham’s and his descendants’ good deeds and righteous living, effectively a moral evolution. Every extraordinary quality that .....
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Nikola Tesla
Number of words: 2197 | Number of pages: 8.... were realizing this new source of harnessed power could bring glorious miracles to business, thus providing them with even more glorious profits. But first, the washing machine, truly in honor of my great grandmother, who will be 105 years old this year. Before the days of washing machines, people got dirt out of their clothes by pounding them on rocks and washing the dirt away in streams. Sand was used as an abrasive to free the dirt. Soap was discovered at Rome's Sapo Hill where ashes containing the fat of sacrificial animals were found to have good cleaning powers. The earliest washing "machine" - the scrub board - was .....
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Impact Of New Deal On The
Number of words: 1361 | Number of pages: 5.... a vast impoverished region. This agency was heavily criticized, although it did provide jobs for the unemployed and once completed, it would supply cheap source of electricity. The New Deal shifted more toward reform in 1935-1936. New Deal during this time is known as the second New Deal. Major second New Deal measures included Social Security Act, National Housing Act which created Federal Housing Administration, and Works Progress Administration. "...between 1935-1941 the WPA employed an annual average of 2,100,000 workers, including artists and writers, who built or improved schools, hospitals, airports, and other facili .....
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