Papers on History
Illuminating The Path Of Progress
Number of words: 1393 | Number of pages: 6.... snacks to the passengers
on the train between Port Huron and Detroit. Edison bought a used printing
press in 1862 and published the Grand Trunk Herald for passengers. It was the
first newspaper published on a train.
When Edison was fifteen, he was taught Morse code and became a manager
of a telegraph office. Edison got the idea for his first invention from
working here. His first inventions were the transmitter and receiver for the
automatic telegraph. At 21, Edison produced his first major invention, a stock
ticker. In 1869, when Edison was twenty-two, he patented his first invention
and advertised that he would devote his .....
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Shadow And Custodial President
Number of words: 1834 | Number of pages: 7.... the Radical Republican political party. Grant was already well known for his triumphs during the Civil War and was thus, the popular choice for Presidential Nominee.
Grant was the son of an Ohio tanner. He was educated at West Point, where he graduated 21st out of 39. Grant fought in both the Mexican and Civil Wars. In 1864 President Abraham Lincoln appointed Grant to the Position of General in Chief.
As President, grant had difficulty in making wise judgements. He was a man who tried, in most ways; to be honest, but still found himself in association to dishonest acts.
Grant was known to accept a considerable amount of g .....
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Irish Immigration To Canada
Number of words: 1473 | Number of pages: 6.... with either cholera or typhus.¡¨(Interpreting¡K,online) The lack of food and increased incidents of death forced incredible numbers of people to leave Ireland for some place which offered more suitable living conditions. Some landlords paid for the emigration of their tenants because it made more economic sense to rid farms of residents who were not paying their rent. Nevertheless, emigration did not prove to be an antidote for the Famine. The ships were overcrowded and by the time they reached their destination, approximately one third of its passengers had been lost to disease, hunger and other complications. How .....
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The Civil War
Number of words: 2485 | Number of pages: 10.... not want to change their lifestyles like the North.
On February 4, the seceding states met in Montgomery, Alabama. There, they formed the Confederate States of America. They also made Montgomery their capital. They wrote a constitution, chose a legislature, and elected a president. The president that was elected was Jefferson Davis from Mississippi, and a vice-president, Alexander Stephens.
Jefferson Davis was born in 1808 in Christian County, Kentucky. As a boy he grew up in Mississippi and went to a catholic school. Then he went to Transylvania University in 1821 and graduated at West Point in 1828. After sc .....
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Battle Of Bunker Hill
Number of words: 1993 | Number of pages: 8.... and decisive battle. The was not just an event that happened overnight. The battle was the result of struggle and hostility between Great Britain and the colonies for many years. Many of the oppressive feelings came as a result of British laws and restrictions placed on them. It would not be true to say that the battle was the beginning of the fight for independence. It is necessary to see that this was not a rash decision that occurred because of one dispute, but rather the seeds sown to precipitate this battle were planted a long time ago and had just burst forth. Perhaps two of the most notable injustices, as perceived by th .....
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Number of words: 1351 | Number of pages: 5.... in order to follow a strict discipline of meditation and self-mortification. In the early centuries of Christianity, in the Egyptian deserts, there lived a group of people whose desire was to escape all the evils of the world. They were called eremites, a Greek word meaning "dwellers in the desert", thus the name for the monastic group came about, Eremitic. Other religions, such as Jainism and Hinduism, also have had hermit monks like these.As the number of Egyptian hermits increased during the 3rd and 4th centuries, they began to gather in small groups. These were not really communities, because each hermit followed his own s .....
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American Indians Between 1609
Number of words: 1646 | Number of pages: 6.... to be christianized. The Indians were called the “Noble Savages” by the settlers because they were cooperative people but sometimes, after having a few conflicts with them, they seem to behaved like animals. We should apprehend that the encounter with the settlers really amazed the natives, they were only used to interact with people from their own race and surroundings and all of this was like a new discovery for them as well as for the white immigrants. The relations between the English and the Virginian Indians was somewhat strong in a few ways. They were having marriages among them. For example, when Pocahonta .....
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Immigration To America
Number of words: 652 | Number of pages: 3.... several immigrants saw America has an adventure and a "beacon of hope."
Upon arriving at Ellis Island immigrants underwent questioning, medical examinations, and other upsetting ordeals. Each passenger had to answer a series of about 30 questions that were recorded on lists. These questions included name, age, sex, marital status, occupation, nationality, etc. Several immigrants didn't know how to write or spell their own names, so immigration inspectors created one for them. Passengers were inspected for contagious diseases such as small pox, yellow fever, scarlet fever, and measles. The cultural habits of immigrants were freq .....
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Orgin Of The Korean War
Number of words: 775 | Number of pages: 3.... soon as they found out that the Russia was interested in overtaking the Korea as their sphere of interest. The Soviet Union’s occupying Korea would create and entirely new strategic situation in the Far East. Though the Pentagon decided that interest towards Korea was not going to be a long-term interest to the US, their view changed drastically within three weeks. On August 10, 1945, dropping of the Nagasaki bomb finalized the participation of the US occupation in Korea. Unexpected by the United States, the Soviet Union agreed to accept the 38th parallel as their limit of advance. Russia and the United States met in Potsdam .....
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Buddhism 3
Number of words: 905 | Number of pages: 4.... From then on, he encouraged people to follow a path of balance rather than extremism. He called this path the Middle Way.
"Devotion to the pleasures of sense, a low
practice of villagers, a practice unworthy, unprofitable, the way of the world [on one
hand]; and [on the other] devotion to self- mortification, which is painful, unworthy and unprofitable. By avoiding these two extremes
the Tathagata [or Buddha] has gained knowledge
of that middle path which giveth vision, which
giveth knowledge .....
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