Papers on History
Code Of Behavior
Number of words: 1577 | Number of pages: 6.... birth—or, often, higher rank—had to prove his devotion by heroic deeds and by amorous writings presented anonymously to his beloved. Once the lovers had pledged themselves to each other and consummated their passion, complete secrecy had to be maintained. Because most noble marriages in the Middle Ages were little more than business contracts, courtly love was a form of sanctioned adultery, sanctioned because it threatened neither the contract nor the religious sacrament of marriage. In fact, faithlessness of the lovers toward each other was considered more sinful than the adultery of this extramarital relationship.
Liter .....
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Industrial Revolution
Number of words: 935 | Number of pages: 4.... markets helped stimulate the textile and iron industries in England.
In most industries, before the Industrial Revolution, labor was done by
hand. This was called the "cottage industry." One industry that helped spur the
revolution was the textile industry. In the early 1700s, there was great demand
for cotton cloth. The demand for cloth was so great that people could not supply
enough cloth to satisfy demand.
In order to meet this demand, John Kay developed the flying shuttle. The
flying shuttle was a machine that reduced weaving time by half. Now, there was
a new problem as there was an insufficient supply .....
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Civil War 8
Number of words: 784 | Number of pages: 3.... called Abolitionists. The South
relied strongly on the slave trade and when the North spoke of abolishing
it, the South spoke of forming there own country, The Confederate states of
America. The South began to see that the North was going to take action
against the South's inhumane slave policy. In early 1860, South Carolina
formed under a new flag, Confederate States of America flag, so that they
could continue to operate their slave trade. What followed was an ordinance
of succession which saw the other slave populated states also swear an oath
to the Confederate States of America, also so that they could conti .....
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Andrew Jackson From A Biddle P
Number of words: 977 | Number of pages: 4.... veto power had only been used nine times, and only when questioning the constitutionality of something. Andrew Jackson was scared of the bank. He had told me before that ever since he had heard about the South Sea Bubble (18th century British economic crash driven by speculation and uncontrolled banking), he had been afraid of the bank. He argued that the bank was a danger to our national independence, which it certainly was not, because it had financial support from foreign investors. It just shows he has a poor foreign policy, not trusting foreign nations because they are dangerous to the United States’ independence. He .....
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Labor In America
Number of words: 4704 | Number of pages: 18.... women who made sure that the girls lived by strict moral standards. The girls were encouraged to go to church, to read, to write and to attend lectures. They saved part of their earnings to help their families at home or to use when they got married.
The young factory workers did not earn high wages; the average pay was about $3.50 a week. But in those times, a half-dozen eggs cost five cents and a whole chicken cost 15 cents. The hours worked in the factories were long. Generally, the girls worked 11 to 13 hours a day, six days a week. But most people in the 1830s worked from dawn until dusk, and farm girls were used to get .....
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Black Plague
Number of words: 1071 | Number of pages: 4.... plague had struck other parts of the world before it was first reported in Europe. The disease had been found in China and throughout India around 1332. Nomadic horsemen may have carried the plague westward between China and the Black Sea, where it apparently spread into Russia. Rumors had spread to Europe about the strange and terrible things happening in the East. Europeans began fearing this plague not knowing of its origin or cause. Eventually, the same unusual things started to occur in Europe and the plague was then reported to be in Europe.
As the bubonic plague spread across Europe it was called many names. .....
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Dredd Scott Decision
Number of words: 2556 | Number of pages: 10.... as a slave state, but no state may allow slavery if that state falls above the 36 degree 30 minute latitudinal line. Later, in 1854 under the Kansas-Nebraska Act, states were allowed to vote on whether they will allow slavery or not, known commonly as popular sovereignty. In St. Louis, Scott was sold to an army surgeon named Dr. John Emerson in 1833. A year later, Emerson, on a tour of duty, took Scott, his slave, to Illinois, a free state. In 1836, Emerson's military career then took the both of them to the free Wisconsin territory known today as Minnesota. Both of these states, it is important to recognize, where both free stat .....
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The Great Depression
Number of words: 601 | Number of pages: 3.... care or food. This caused many people to turn to relief, which is government support to help families get through the month. Relief was a sign of laziness and an embarrassment to the parents and children. Even with the support of the government many children were malnutrition and many people died of starvation. People fought for food in the streets and even though there were food shelters to help people, impact city life greatly.
Yet the city was not the only place that The Depression was felt. Farm life was also a large concern. Even though the farmer had lots of food it was more than they could sell, sen .....
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European Union 2
Number of words: 1293 | Number of pages: 5.... a decision-making process, and definition of the legal forms to bring those decisions to reality. Over the years, the Treaties have been substantially amended, affecting the Union's competence, institutional structure, and decision-making processes.
Some future objectives of the Union are:
- to implement the Treaty of Amsterdam, which revises the basic treaties on which the EU is founded. It contains new rights for citizen, freedom of movement, employment, strengthening of institution.
- to enlarge the EU, to include countries from central and eastern Europe as well. This was specified in 'Agenda 2000', a detailed strategy .....
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Greek Olympics
Number of words: 1126 | Number of pages: 5.... carried Greek statesmen and merchant princess. Most of them had traveled all the way from Italy, Sicily, Marseilles, the Black Sea and even the coast of North Africa. Among the arriving guest are poets, philosophers, princess, politicians, historians, soldiers, sculptors, and horse breeders. There were ever hobos from Elis and nearby Pisa. There were fishermen from the coast and off shore islands.
On second day early in the morning of the Olympia festival the low stands around the hippodrome began to fill up with crowds eager to see the chariot and horse races. They pushed and shaved and elbowing their way of their favori .....
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