Papers on History
Number of words: 715 | Number of pages: 3.... is painful and struggling. The characters seem random, everyday people of the city, but united by the will to survive because there is nothing else, nothing but fear. Death to the replicants is represented by their own mortality and the outside embodiment of the Blade Runners; stalkers. Roy and his followers: Pris, Zora and Leon are Milton's fallen angels. They are created by Tyrell ( God ) and given a limited life span. Roy a symbol of mankind is separated by his maker, when he is sent off world ( expelled from heaven ). And like Lucifer, is obessed with the same questions of mortality: How much time do we have? Were a .....
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Destruction (holocaust)
Number of words: 1066 | Number of pages: 4.... local militias, murdered over a million men, women, and children. It was the story that did not end until 1952 when Otto Ohlendorf, the last surviving commander of an Einsatzgeuppe, climbed the steps of the gallows to pay for the 90,000 murders his command committed.
There have been many genocides in human history, but only one Holocaust. I believe the Holocaust was the destruction of millions of Jews by Nazis. Between 1933 and 1945 about six million Jews and five million of non-Jews were removed from their homes, humiliated, and murdered in cold blood. How could this conceivable have been accomplished? At first, with conven .....
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The French Revolution
Number of words: 926 | Number of pages: 4.... Paine a radical thinker of the era once said ‘Time makes more converts
than reason’. With this quote we can see why revolution was successful in England, but
not France. England slowly used the Magna Carta (1213), Petition of Rights (1628), and
the Habeas Corpus Act (1679) to limit it’s monarch. It was a long road that was by no
means perfect. With monarchs who paid little attention to the act(s) in place during their
reign and parliament, like James (1603-1625) and Charles I (1625-1649) it was hard to
see progress quickly. These acts played a vital role in Britain’s journey to democracy,
through them came p .....
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Allegory Of American Pie By Do
Number of words: 2399 | Number of pages: 9.... secrets have been revealed, many "scholars" of the sixties will agree that the mystery of this song is one of the reasons it has become so successful- everyone wants to know the meanings of its allegories.
Proof of "American Pie’s" truth lies in the allegory of the song. Many People enjoy the song but have no idea what it means- Who is the Jester? What is the levee? When the deeper story is found, the importance of the song is unearthed. "American Pie" is not only a song, it is an epic poem about the course of rock’n’roll in the sixties. The song is centered around the epic’s hero, Buddy Holly. Holly was a 50s rock and ro .....
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Pythagorean Philosophy And Its Influence On Musical Instrume
Number of words: 1335 | Number of pages: 5.... were the building
blocks of everything, Pythagoras began linking numbers and music.
Revolutionizing music, Pythagoras' findings generated theorems
and standards for musical scales, relationships, instruments, and
creative formation. Musical scales became defined, and
taught. Instrument makers began a precision approach to device
construction. Composers developed new attitudes of composition
that encompassed a foundation of numeric value in addition to
melody. All three approaches were based on Pythagorean
philosophy. Thus, Pythagoras' relationship between numbers and
music had a profound influence on future musical e .....
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Women In World War I
Number of words: 895 | Number of pages: 4.... most honorable status in society they ever received as Jeannette Rankin, of Montana, was accepted as the first woman in the House of Representatives. In 1920, women composed 23.6% of the labor force, more than ever in American history, and beside that, these women were married with families, and had taken over their husband's jobs in factories as well as in big business. Formed in June of 1920, was the Women's Bureau, a federal agency designed to report on the conditions of women working industrial jobs, as well as to promote the welfare of women in the workforce. Also during the 1920's, women formed the WTUL (Women's Trade U .....
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Number of words: 305 | Number of pages: 2.... during his time.
As a society, we have learned to deem different types of behavior either acceptable or unacceptable. However, there is a danger in rejecting some types of conduct as not appropriate merely because the practice would be morally reprehensible in our society today. Boccaccio would have wanted us to reflect on values present in other cultures, not to judge them, but to apply principles that we drew from the reading to our own lives.
Should we be moral relativists or not? I believe that Boccaccio would answer “no” to that question. He would have argued the advantages of evaluating other civilizations, .....
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Johann Sebastian Bach
Number of words: 797 | Number of pages: 3.... arrangement, Johann Sebastian won a scholarship to study in
Luneberg, Northern Germany, and so left his brother's
A master of several instruments while still in his
teens, Johann Sebastian first found employment at the age of
18 as a "lackey and violinist" in a court orchestra in
Weimar; soon after, he took the job of organist at a church
in Arnstadt. Here, as in later posts, his perfectionist
tendencies and high expectations of other musicians - for
example, the church choir - rubbed his colleagues the wrong
way, and he was embroiled in a number of hot disputes during
his short te .....
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Rebellion Of Company Rule In 1857 In India
Number of words: 927 | Number of pages: 4.... In the 1850's, many soldiers from the Bengal army were alienated and lost some of their pay and prestige.
There were rumors of gun cartridges being greased with animal fat from cows and pigs, which came as an insult to the integrity of the some of the soldiers. The Hindus and Muslims were offended at this attempt to pollute their religious convictions before forcing them to convert to Christianity. Those who did not load the rifles with these cartridges were sentenced to jail time. In May of 1857, after hearing about this insidious attempt, the native cvalry based in Meerut, mutinied and marched to Delhi. In Delhi, many peasant .....
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Fredric Remington
Number of words: 551 | Number of pages: 3.... a saloon. On October of 1884 he marries Eva Caten in Gloversville, New York then as a couple they return to Kansas City. In 1885 they move to Brooklyn, NY. In 1886 he attends Art Students League, NY. Then he travels to the southwest and learns and studies it and does many illustrations. In 1887 he travels to North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and western Canada he does an art exhibits for the first time. In 1888 his illustrations appear in Theodore Roosevelt's serialized articles for Century Magazine. It was later published as Ranch life and the Hunting Trail. In March he wins Hallgarten and Clark awards at the National Academy o .....
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