Papers on History
Data Mining
Number of words: 320 | Number of pages: 2.... to pre-process the data” (SAS Institute).
There are several different types of models and algorithms used to “mine” the data. These include, but are not limited to, neural networks, decision trees, rule induction, boosting, and genetic algorithms.
is largely, if not entirely used for business purposes. The highest users of include banking, financial, and telecommunications industries (Two Crows). will have a different effect on different industries in the business world.
The key to succeeding in this rapidly changing industry is to understand the customer, or the market that the customer represents. Through .....
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Analysis Of Political Situatio
Number of words: 1490 | Number of pages: 6.... in understanding the goal of the sender state. Getting Iran's attention to recognize the seriousness behind US actions seemed prevalent to policy makers: "this crisis calls for firmness and it calls or restraint. I thought depriving them of 12 billion in assets was a good way to get their attention" (Baldwin, 252). Economic sanction against Iran intended to send a message: the US would not stand for Iran's behavior, but wanted a safe and peaceful resolution.
Baldwin introduces secondary goals by the US. These goals are crucial in understanding the long term effects desired when imposing economic sanctions. The immediate .....
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Medieval Castles
Number of words: 357 | Number of pages: 2.... the middle of the castle there was a huge building called
the keep. This is where the king and queen slept, the kitchen and
armory was also located inside. The dinning quarters (the largest
room inside) was used very frequent and many employees were
assigned to it.
The castle was the heart and soul of the country. The king
and queen and all of their loyal servants were inside, running the
country. That’s why villains would raid the castles for land or
money, knowing that they could hold the king and queen for
A interesting fact about castles were the kids who’s job was
to go to a certain spot insid .....
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Civil War
Number of words: 1637 | Number of pages: 6.... slavery because the slave population held more
than 40 percent of the entire population and also they needed slavery for their
industrialization. Therefore, if they freed all the slaves, someone would
predict, many whites would have no jobs and many things would be up-side-down.
As the result, controlling over slaves was very important for the Southern. But
the Northern were opponent of slavery since the slavery population took less
than 10 percent of the entire population and Southern states were already free.
Then something really happened when Abraham Lincoln, a known opponent of slavery,
was elected president. The Southe .....
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Number of words: 588 | Number of pages: 3.... the
first man, Adapu (Adam), speading his time fishing"(Hotbot Babylon). From the little known
information about this culture, they were believed to be a considerably culture for being so early
in development.
Babylonians were a very technological advanced people and known for their tall, highly
fortified walls construction and waterways, such as canals and aqueduct (grolier 254). This made
them a hard country to conquer because the highly fortified walls, so that the position could not
get in and because they had water running throughout the city, to make it hard to cut off th .....
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Charles Lindbergh
Number of words: 1005 | Number of pages: 4.... Lindy” because he would attempt
daredevil stunts with his airplane, and always seem to evade punishment from upper
officers. In 1925 he graduated as the top pilot in his class. He soon began working as a
mail deliverer between St. Louis and Chicago.
Lindbergh soon heard of an offer given in 1919 by a New York hotel owner named
Raymond Orteig. The offer was this: the first aviator to fly nonstop from New York to
Paris would receive 25,000 dollars. Nobody had succeeded by 1927, and Lindbergh
decided he could do it if he had a suitable plane. Remember, in 1919 this was a very scary
thing to do! There w .....
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Letter From Birmingham Jail
Number of words: 693 | Number of pages: 3.... But this did not mean he would stop from voicing his opinion about the problems that were present. One example of the problems that Dr. King tried to bring to the peoples attention in an attempt to fix it was the “law” that all the African Americans could sit only at the back of the bus and not the front, something that was abolished after Rosa Louise Parks made a choice to sit in the front of the bus because of her sore feet.
As a noble man, with a good education and a firm belief in the constitution, King was quick to see that the rights which were promised to all Americans was not being used fairly especially when it .....
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American Revolution 4
Number of words: 1193 | Number of pages: 5.... expansion. Another legislation that promoted the violation of the colonists' rights was the writ of assistance. A writ of assistance is a general search warrant permitting customs officers to search any ship or building where stolen goods where thought to be. The evil in this law lies in the fact that no evidence of probable cause is necessary to search. The writs cut down heavily on smuggling but at the price of the colonists' privacy. By far, the best examples of the Parliament altering the status quo to serve them better are the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, and the Townshend Duties. These taxes put the burden on the colonies .....
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The Cuban Revolution
Number of words: 459 | Number of pages: 2.... some of which were owned by foreign investors,
collecting some of the revenue to help Cuba's economy. Some of Batistas
followers and the wealthy fled to the U.S. to escape the taking of their wealth
or being jailed. On April 17, 1961 the CIA arranged a invasion with 2000 exiles
to invade Cuba to spark a uprising against Castro, this was known as the Bay Of
Pigs. The invasion failed, this opened a window of opportunity for the Soviet
Union to change the global power balance towards the Soviet. In 1962 a event
known as The Cuban Missile Crisis was born, the Soviet Union plant Nuclear War
Heads in Cuba to prevent the U.S. from a .....
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Number of words: 1840 | Number of pages: 7.... return of
Agamemnon's son, Orestes, who kills his mother and avenges his father.
Orestes is
pursued by the Furies in punishment for his matricide, and finally finds
refuge in Athens,
where the god Athena relieves him of his persecution.
The events of Agamemnon take place against a backdrop that would have been
familiar to an Athenian audience. Agamemnon is returning from his victory at
Troy, which
Palmieri 2
has been besieged for ten years by Greek armies attempting to recover Helen,
Agamemnon's brother's wife, stolen treacherously by the Trojan Prince, Paris.
(The events
of the Trojan War are recounted in Homer's Iliad .....
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