Papers on History
Awakenings-awakenings Within Movie
Number of words: 797 | Number of pages: 3.... the L. Dopa drug made possible Leonards 'awakening.' He saw this drug as having potential and gave it a try. As the drug was given to Leonard, Dr. Sayer noticed little effect, but this made him more persistent and the dosage was raised. Initially, it was 200mg, and through Dr. Sayer's persistence, the dosage reached 1000mg, and this produced the amazing result of awakening Leonard.
At first, Leonard was scared of going to sleep with the fear of never waking again. His mother had to sing him to sleep, as she did when he was younger, and unaffected by the neurological effects of the devastating disease encephalitis. As time went .....
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Causes Of The American Civil W
Number of words: 1739 | Number of pages: 7.... all sections of the country. Finally, there was the economic distress factor, of both foreign and domestic roots, that included everything from tariffs to the financial crash of 1857. These in turn caused sectional disputes over the use of the federal government’s public lands.
In early 1848, when gold was discovered in California, “a horde of adventurers poured into the valleys.” (Bailey, 400). “Free-soilers” and “slaveryites” argued over the proposed issue of slavery in the territories, and thus, whether the terrain itself was suitable for a slave economy. In Congress on August 8, 18 .....
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Boston Tea Party
Number of words: 998 | Number of pages: 4.... tea. American tea merchants, unable to compete with this new low price, were put out of business. (Jones) This Act infuriated the colonial citizens who felt it unfair to favor their British tea dealers over American ones. In retaliation, Samuel Adams led a group of 150 or so men disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded three British tea ships and proceeded to dump 343 chests of British tea into the ocean. (Cornell) When Bostonians refused to pay for the destroyed property, King George III and Parliament passed the so-called “Intolerable” Acts. One result was the closing of the port of Boston and forbid public meet .....
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Betsy Ross
Number of words: 839 | Number of pages: 4.... held in the back room of her home, and was kept very secret. During the course of the meeting George Washington presented Betsy with his idea for the flag. George Washington's idea included a six-pointed star (1. Encyclopedia Britanica). Betsy saw the need for a few changes in the idea including changing the six-pointed star to a five-pointed star. Washington disagreed because he thought the five-pointed star would be more difficult to sew. Betsy quickly changed his mind by making a few simple folds in a piece of scrap cloth, and one snip to unfold a five-pointed star (2. Spencer). Betsy also wanted the flag .....
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Oskar Schindler
Number of words: 2120 | Number of pages: 8.... he got sad and started crying when he tough that the clothes he was wearing could have saved more people. One thousand Jews survived the Holocaust because of him.
Nowadays, there are approximately 6000 descendants of those Jews. They remember Schindler as their father to whom they owe their lives.
Schindler will be always remembered as a good person that realized that life has no sense when we only get. He also realized that spiritual wealth could be multiplied by giving it to others. We must give to be completely happy because the feelings that we have by giving are much better than those we have when we receive are.
Givin .....
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The Holocaust: Tragedy In The 20th Century
Number of words: 1642 | Number of pages: 6.... unpunished. Those who have survived the holocaust have firsthand knowledge of the evil people, which so unfairly struck and deprived them of what was rightly theirs.
To refer to the holocaust as a “monstrous, inhumane event” is to miss the point. The Holocaust was imposed by men and women on other humans. “It was a time when there were people, not only the Germans, but the others too, who wanted to kill all the Jewish people. After they killed off the Jewish people, they weren’t satisfied yet. They started killing the black people, then the brown, and then the yellow people. People with blonde hair and blue eyes .....
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Greek Theater 2
Number of words: 596 | Number of pages: 3.... David Taylor writes, " The spectators seats were in a curving area, a little more than a semi-circle and slope down to the center" (Taylor 19). Even though all classes of people attended the theater there were reserved areas for the more prestigious, such as the king.
" The audience arranged in rows, looked out across a rounded orchestra" (Kennedy 1102). Because most of the early dramas were religious and required a sacrificial ceremony, a thymele (an altar or sacrificial table) was located in the center of the orchestra. The orchestra was where the chorus and actors performed. Arnott states, " the nucleus of the drama was .....
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Civil War Journal
Number of words: 4262 | Number of pages: 16.... those in order is a war in itself.
-Jonathan Cort
Dear Journal, August 17, 1863
The war front is quite an unimaginable experience unless you go through it yourself. We have little rations of horrid food. Hard tack full of meal worms and chicory coffee. Our Mamie's collared greens is what I miss most right now. I do not feel kindly towards the food, but as long as we are able to keep alive on hard tack and goobers, we will fight to the very end. I am on of the newcomers of this regiment. This infantry has been here since the C.S.A. was established. I have made some acquaintances in my company, Company B. Ther .....
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Number of words: 909 | Number of pages: 4.... defeat in 1918 he returned to Munich remaining in the army till 1920. His commander made him the education director, with the mandate to immunize his charges against pacifist and democratic ideas. In September 1919 he joined the national German worker's party, and in April 1920 he went to work full time for the party, now renamed the national Socialistic German workers (Nazi) party. In 1921 he was elected party chairman with dictatorial party.
Organizing meeting after meeting terrorizing political foes with groups of party thugs, spread his gospel of racial hatred and contempt for democracy. He soon became a key figure in .....
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Conflict In Vietnam
Number of words: 1278 | Number of pages: 5.... war going on between the eastern and western superpowers who supported the war efforts on either side. North Vietnams goal was to unify both north and south Vietnam leaving one communist state even if it meant using military force, at this time the cold war was still going on an since the u.s.a. Feared the spread of communist in Asia, John F. Kennedy gave economic and military aid to south Vietnam in order to prevent the takeover of the south by the north although all though the conflict was still a civil war and the united states where not officially involved they where the force behind the south. The North Vietnamese resented .....
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