Papers on History
Janet Jackson
Number of words: 457 | Number of pages: 2.... not in charge
of anything..
That's when Paula Abdoul stepped in. She created the most
wonderful choreagraphys for her videos and shows. And one day.. Janet
started saying.. no i don't like that certain move.. though i like
that one.. And slowly she started producing and inventing her
own steps and foot works! She developped a much higher self-esteem.
In an interview with janet jackson she revealed that she liked
being sexy and retroactive. She always wanted to be famous. And
she realized her only dream.. singning! Now she is the world
most famous black artist. She raised m .....
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Buddhist Art--two Periods Of B
Number of words: 2923 | Number of pages: 11.... Bodhisattva (2nd/3rd century, made of schist) displayed in the Art Institute. Next, the paper will discuss the Gupta Dynasty, this is period in which the culture of the period was more concerned with aesthetic values of sculpture, which I will illustrate through my discussion of the Preaching Buddha of Sarnath (c. 475 ad, Buff Sandstone). As a result, the art from the Gandharan region will show how regional location and influences affected this period’s sculpture, and the art from the Gupta Period will illustrate how aesthetic preferences of the culture influenced the sculpture of this period. By discussing the Ga .....
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Rain Of Auvers (Art Analysis)
Number of words: 473 | Number of pages: 2.... and sensitive lines in the sense that they are not always visible but they still define the object.
The painting has been painted to a deep 2D form. This form creates an illusion of a large amount of space. As if to create the illusion that you were looking out past the village towards the horizon. This was important so to capture the full effect of havoc reaching the harmony.
The shape of the artwork is soft and flowing into each section. By using this format the artist has created a piece of volume and depth.
A peaceful village in a sense of harmony with an on coming storm, darkness and gloom. The .....
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World War 2
Number of words: 787 | Number of pages: 3.... was one of the greatest causes of World War 2.
Although there are many other reasons, he was definitely one of them.
Another reason was the Treaty of Versailles. This was the treaty that was
signed at the end of World War 1. This treaty outlined the rules that
Germany must follow because of their defeat by Britain and France. Many
Germans were angered by the treaty, for most of the rules in the treaty
were unfair and Germany lost a great amount of wealth. One of the cruelest
reasons for the war was Hitler's racist hate for Jews. He would send them
off in cattle cars to places called concentration camps were they would be
s .....
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Celtic Invasions
Number of words: 399 | Number of pages: 2.... is present day Spain. Next, they went on to conquer the Etruscans, and then Rome. The Celtic chieftain Brennos, who invaded Greece and nearly conquered Delphi, was defeated by the Greeks who crushed his army. Another explanation of the outcome of this battle was the natural disasters involved. There was an earthquake and possible flooding at the time. This defeat initiated the downfall of Celtic civilization in Eastern Europe. By 100 BC, they had been pushed back to the British Isles. There they fought with the Saxons until around 500 AD for the British lowlands. The Saxons gradually took over and the Celts had to move up to t .....
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Civilization In Egypt
Number of words: 727 | Number of pages: 3.... 1800B.C. The strong kings began to weaken. The nobles began to gain some of the power. Egypt was invaded by the Hyksos, which were mixtures of the Semites and Indo-Europeans. They were not driven out until 1570B.C. Then a new and revived empire began. Egypt was not interested in the development of their civilization or the progress of it. They were mainly interested in the stable and long lasting terms of civilization. They wanted to keep it long lasting and permanent.
The Egyptians were smart people. Egyptians built pyramids to put the dead pharaohs in and painted the tombs and decorated them with gold and other valuables. .....
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Rennaisance Art
Number of words: 552 | Number of pages: 3.... and more permanent than that actually found in nature. Artists such as Donatello in sculpture, Masaccio in painting and Fillipo Brunelleschi in architecture were part of this period. Masaccio for instance gave figures the “illusion” of live beings when characters and reactions were individualized. He also made use of perspective by exploring linear (a vanishing point), and atmospheric perspective (effects produced from a single light source). He also made use of gradations or light and darkness (Chiaroscuro) to give illusions of weight, substance and bulk to the bodies.
The art of high renaissance, however sought a ge .....
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Irish Potato Famine
Number of words: 1093 | Number of pages: 4.... the facts have been revealed, one may move to explore the truth (or falsity) of the history which
developed around the circumstances. This information can lead to a sound judgment in this scenario.
The world was lead to believe that the Irish famine was caused solely by a blight, "which destroyed the potato
crop, the food on which more than half the population lived." Much of the world perceived the situation to be a
great, albeit unavoidable tragedy; the use of the word "famine" in most news reports (fed to agencies by British)
cast the impression of a complete lack of food within the country. True, the potato was the s .....
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Number of words: 1190 | Number of pages: 5.... Elizabeth was not only outcast because of this, but because of her protestant religious beliefs and affiliations. Her half sister Mary, along with her sister’s husband Philip II of Spain, ruled the English Empire at this time. They were both strict to the catholic faith and when they felt the threat of their protestant relative. They had her arrested and brought to the Tower of London for interrogation, and hopefully a confession of treasonous heresy. But in a turn of events, Mary dies without giving way to signing Elizabeth’s death warrant. Suddenly a “protestant heretic” is upon the throne of England. So Elizabeth .....
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How Has Film Influenced Lifestyles And Human Behavior In The
Number of words: 609 | Number of pages: 3.... Even during the darkest days of the Depression, movie attendance was between 60-75 million per week. The balancing act for film making was to both reflect the realism and cynicism of the Depression period. They also provided escape entertainment to boost the morale of the public by optimistically reaffirming values such as thrift and perseverance.
During The Golden Age of Hollywood, movies were under strict enforcement and censorship. Film studios submitted their films for review and if they met the strict standards of decency they could be released. Regulations of the code included censorship of language, references to sex .....
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