Papers on History
Themes Of Italian Renaissance Art
Number of words: 854 | Number of pages: 4.... Ghiberti studied the anatomical
proportions of the body, Filippo Brunelleschi was
interested in mathematics in architecture, Leone Battista
Alberti, who was skilled in painting, sculpture and
architecture, stressed the study of mathematics as the
underlying principle of the arts (Fleming, 285). Leonardo
also looked at the geometric proportions of the human body
(Calder, 197). In painting, but especially in sculpture,
artists were inspired to express the structural forms of
the body beneath its external appearance. Their anatomical
studies opened the way to the modeling and the movements of
the human body. In .....
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The Socratic Logos
Number of words: 488 | Number of pages: 2.... of virtue, but is unable to do so because he cannot list all the aspects that are a part of virtue. Also, in the Meno Socrates attempts to define shape as that which "Always follows color."(Meno, 75c) Intuitively this account of shape does not sound right, and it is shown to be false when the definition of logos is applied to it. Because a gas or liquid can have color, but not shape, this characterization of shape is incorrect. Socrates then defines shape as "That which limits a solid."(Meno, 76a) This concise explanation of shape is incorrect because two-dimensional drawings are not solids, but do have shape.
The incorr .....
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Australian History - Populate
Number of words: 689 | Number of pages: 3.... to attract immigrants. The war had taught Australia that it needed to be less dependent on Britain, and that it needed to speed up its economic development. To do this more people were needed. In the 1920s the Empire Settlement Act was introduced, in order to encourage British people to emigrate to Australia and boost the dwindling population.
Immigration has been the major contributor to Australia's population growth since the end of World War 2. At the same time as Australia wanted to increase its population, there were large numbers of people in Europe who wanted to start a new life in a new country. These included the people .....
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History Of Asia
Number of words: 2310 | Number of pages: 9.... soil, Chinas soil. Japan felt it was treated unfair by the U.S. and Great Britain and eventually signed the Anti- Comintern Pact in 1937with Germany. Russia had already begin planting its Communist ideas in China, Japan needed an ally. By 1940 the United States had banned exports to Japan such as scrape metal and fuel. Japan leaders were worried they had been using reserves. Japan invaded Dutch Indonesia and only received a small amount of fuel. Japan asks all British and American s to leave. On Dec 7, 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The Pacific War could have been avoided if Japan and the United States had more open lines of .....
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Events Leading To The American Revolution
Number of words: 997 | Number of pages: 4.... his
subjects born within the realm, and all due subordination to that august
body, the Parliament of Great Britain." This statement can be used as a
summation of the entire document that the Stamp Act Congress had initiated.
The statement depicts the colonists has having to be submissive and servile
in the view of Great Britain, this policy angered the colonists very much,
and was another component of the transition of the colonists' rights and
When the Declatory Act was passed in March of 1766, many colonies were
attempting to claim that they were "seceding" from England.
"Whereas several of the houses of rep .....
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African And Native American Slavery
Number of words: 645 | Number of pages: 3.... course, they didn't,
the Europeans captured the Indians to be used as slaves. They were also
slaughtered and raped because of resistance to leave their land. If any Indians
refused to leave their land they would be killed. The women were raped for sick
and disgusting reasons. Europeans didn't feel that the women, or men for that
matter, were worth anything as humans so they were beat and raped without any
thought about what they might be doing.
As we watched the movie Roots, I noticed a part in the movie where they
were on a ship and a man brings in a black woman, who was a slave. The man
offered her to the ship's captain and .....
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Description Dominance Of Greco-Roman Culture
Number of words: 966 | Number of pages: 4.... independence do
so because they are strong, and that if we fail to
attack them it is because we are afraid.
The Athenian people were not directly threatened by the Melians and therefore had no practical reason to attack them. Their primary motivation was, obviously, to assert their dominance, their excellence, upon the Melian people. In his "Funeral Oration", Pericles declares the excellence of the Athenian people, "Taking everything together then, I declare that our city is an education to Greece, and I declare that in my opinion each single one of our citizens, in all the manifold aspects of life, is able to show himself t .....
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Canda At War
Number of words: 1836 | Number of pages: 7.... is common. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association (1994) indicates that "New onset of oppositional behaviors in adolescence may be due to the process of normal individuation." On the other hand, youth who persistently and progressively engage in problem behaviors with significant impairment in personal development, social functioning, academic achievement, and vocational preparation are of great concern to caretakers. Also of concern is the broad category of "antisocial behaviors" that have an appreciable harmful effect on others, in terms of inflicting physical or mental harm on others or causing property loss or damage.
T .....
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The Fall Of The Roman Empire Could Be Linked To Many Different Aspects: Army, Citizens, Barbarianism
Number of words: 1600 | Number of pages: 6.... a “substantial field force where he recruited many regiments
from Germany. He greatly increased the German generals” (1). “Aurelius also
introduced the German element into the Empire. He established a precedent for
settling Germanic peoples, barbarians to the Romans, in Roman territory to try
secure peace”(2). He felt the only way to preserve the Empire was to host all
those who wished to live within its territory.
These German units under Roman commanders did not easily fall to the
traditional Roman discipline and command. The reluctance to submit to Roman rule
allowed Rome to lose the tactical superiority that it once .....
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The Good Friday Agreement
Number of words: 2796 | Number of pages: 11.... want to get complete independence from Britain and their reasoning was give us back our independence and we’ll stop the violence. They targeted Nationalist areas for shootings and bombings but this was with a difference. This was the Omagh Bombing that took place in August 1998. The difference with this and what Republican violence is usually about - targeting Nationalist areas - is that the majority of the people injured or killed were Republicans. I chose not to say Catholic because being Catholic doesn’t necessarily mean that you are a Republican.
The backlash against Republican violence is Loyalist violence. They .....
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