Papers on History
The Sedition Act Of 1798
Number of words: 2337 | Number of pages: 9.... under which popular governments have everywhere perished." James
Madison wrote in Federalist Papers #10, "By a faction, I understand a
number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the
whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of
interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and
aggregate interests of the community." He went on to explain that faction
is part of human nature; "that the CAUSES of faction cannot be removed, and
that relief is only to be sought in the means of controlling its EFFECTS."
The significant point Madison was to m .....
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Economics Of Eisenhower .
Number of words: 1891 | Number of pages: 7.... for cutbacks in the spending on these programs. Unfortunately for them the
newly elected president was not opposed to the programs Truman had began and
improved upon. Over the course of his administration Eisenhower often did not hold the
same opinions as some of the members of his party.
As the Chief Economic advisor to the President of the United States there are
many different issues which I must consider. These issues are both large and small,
foreign and domestic, and affect the upper, middle, and lower classes. At this point in
time there are several important concerns which I have. The Korean War is ending a .....
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Who Was To Blame For The Cold War?
Number of words: 1591 | Number of pages: 6.... of the tsars
that preceded him, or worse, spreading communism across the world now that
his "one-state" notion had been fulfilled. It also must be mentioned that
Stalin is seen as wanting "unchalleged personal power and a rebuilt Russia
strong enough to withstand 'caplitalist encirclement.'"1
Admittedly, the first view of Stalin, as an imperialist leader, may
be skewed. The Russians claim, and have always claimed, that Stalin's
motives were purely defensive. Stalin's wished to create a buffer zone of
Communist states around him to protect Soviet Russia from the capitalist
West. In this sense, his moves were not .....
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Mercantilism Helped To Shape The American Nation
Number of words: 2172 | Number of pages: 8.... focus turned toward the colonization of the New World. The Portuguese, Spanish, and English directed many efforts of colonization and development toward this new land in an attempt to establish themselves as the economic leaders of the world. As mercantilism began to change, so did the power flux of the European countries. Thus began the shaping of North America as we know it.
The Age of Expansion brought many changes to medieval Europe. During this period, the countries of Europe began to look beyond their borders. In Europe, there was nowhere to grow. This being the case, the only place to turn was west. Portugal came into exi .....
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Number of words: 531 | Number of pages: 2.... asked Congress to spend more money on space exploration, with the goal of landing a man on the moon by the end of the decade. In 1963, clashes between the police and demonstrating blacks in Birmingham, Ala., and elsewhere, especially in the South, induced the president to stress civil rights legislation. Kennedy's new civil rights message included bills to ban discrimination in places of business; to speed up desegregation of public schools; and to end discrimination in the hiring of workers on federal construction projects. On Nov. 22, 1963, Kennedy was shot to death in Dallas, Texas, the fourth United States president to die .....
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Lane Frost A Fallen Champinion
Number of words: 913 | Number of pages: 4.... he got married to Kellie. In 1987, Lane became the youngest cowboy ever, at the age of 24, to win World Champion Bull Rider. In 1988, Lane took a challenge to be the first man of 309 to previously try to ride Red Rock for eight seconds (Mahrley 1-24).
Red Rock's owner and Lane had a deal that Lane would have eight chances to ride Red Rock for a large sum of money. Red Rock was born in Oregon, in 1976. He is named after a rock formation near the ranch. He started rodeo when he was two. His owner became a local legend for having a bull no one could ride for six years. In 1984, Red Rock was sold to a stock contractor in Califor .....
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Guitar History
Number of words: 2166 | Number of pages: 8.... in the middle and far east, deriving from gut, is the Arabic word for four, and tar, the Sanskrit word for string. The earliest European guitars did have four courses of gut strings. A
course is a pair of strings tuned in unison. These early guitars were distinguished from lutes by body sides that curved inward to form a waist and by four courses of strings. Some but not all early guitars had a flat back, while lutes always had a flat back. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance the lute was the dominant fretted instrument. The lute with was pear-shaped and had five or more courses of strings was generally regarded a .....
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Adolf Hitler 2
Number of words: 823 | Number of pages: 3.... Workers Party in 1919. He later joined the party, became its leader and changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers Party, later called the Nazi Party. In 1920, the 25 Points of the Nazi Party were proclaimed, one of which called for the removal of the Jews from German society. The Nazis tried to seize power by force in November 1923 (called the Beer Hall Putsch), but were thwarted by the Munich police. Hitler was Convicted of high treason and sentenced to prison, where he served about a year. During that time, he began to write Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"), which later became the second Bible in Nazi Germany. Hitler .....
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Hercules His 12 Quests
Number of words: 1861 | Number of pages: 7.... to kill the Nemean lion, a terrible beast that had defied all would-be captors. The combat between Hercules and the lion was brutal and cruel. .Seeing that his club and arrows were of no avail in the battle, Hercules grasped the lion in his hands and strangled it to death. He returned to Eurystheus, wearing the skin of the lion as a cloak and the head as a helmet.
The Hydra, or Water SerpenL Hercules was ordered next to slay the Hydra, a many-headed water serpent that had taken a heavy toll in the country of Argos. The middle head of the Hydra was immortal, indestructible. Hercules attacked the monster valiantly, but as he stru .....
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The John F. Kennedy Assasination Conspiracy
Number of words: 3472 | Number of pages: 13.... which stated that the committee had come to the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone as the sole assassin of President Kennedy. Of course, there was no actual trial because Oswald had been shot while in police custody on November 24 by Jack Ruby. Ruby claimed that he shot Oswald for the good of the American people, and also to spare the widow Jackie from having to go through the horrific ordeal of a trial. The commission based its conclusion on a variety of key points which implicate Oswald:
1. A riffle bearing Oswalds palm print was found on the 6th floor of the book depository (Zirbel, 210).
2. Oswald’s fing .....
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