Papers on History
Documentary...the Cuban Missil
Number of words: 945 | Number of pages: 4.... during which Soviet diplomats denied that installations for offensive missiles were being built in Cuba, President Kennedy, in a televised address on October 22, announced the discovery of the installations and proclaimed that any nuclear missile attack from Cuba would be regarded as an attack by the Soviet Union and would be responded to accordingly. He also imposed a naval quarantine on Cuba to prevent further Soviet shipments of offensive military weapons from arriving there. Kennedy said that, “Any ship found to have any weapons would be turned back.” This later became a prohibition of trade with Cuba.
During th .....
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The Artist And The Art
Number of words: 1146 | Number of pages: 5.... reserved for the function of holding the internal organs. They date back to 1070 to 712 BC. Each jar represented a different species. They were a human, baboon, falcon and jackal. They were also known as the ‘Four Sons of Horus’ . This is an example of beliefs influencing art, however, there are also examples of how life experiences can influence art.
An early example of art influenced by the artist’s experiences can be observed in the High Renaissance. In April 1508, Julius II summoned Michelangelo back to Rome, but he was still not able to start on the papal tomb. In fact Julius II had a new job for him. It involved painti .....
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The Goals And Failures Of The First And Second Reconstructions
Number of words: 5713 | Number of pages: 21.... failed in realizing their goals. My thesis is that
failure to incorporate economic justice for Blacks in both movements led to the
failure of the First and Second Reconstruction.
The First Reconstruction came after the Civil War and lasted till 1877. The
political, social, and economic conditions after the Civil War defined the goals
of the First Reconstruction. At this time the Congress was divided politically
on issues that grew out of the Civil War: Black equality, rebuilding the South,
readmitting Southern states to Union, and deciding who would control
government.1 Socially, the South was in chaos. Newly emancipated slaves .....
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The Medieval Period
Number of words: 738 | Number of pages: 3.... or “philosopher’s stone, alchemy’s long sought after prize. The elixir, or stone, was believed to have the power to transform ordinary metal into precious gold. Alchemists also believed that inorganic things were alive. These inorganic things possessed both spirit and matter values. Because of these beliefs alchemy became known as something strange, something like occult since. They referred alchemy to this because it dealt with properties of matter that could not be inferred by senses from humans. Alchemy became very interesting and popular due to the medieval interest in magic and the unknown. Practical chemist .....
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Maya Civilization
Number of words: 345 | Number of pages: 2.... rivers serve as transportation from city to city. The best soils are found in the southern highland valleys where volcanic eruptions have enriched the earth.
The Maya today number about six million people, making them the largest single block of indigenous peoples north of Peru. Some of the largest groups are found in Mexico. In spite of modernization and intermarriage between the Spanish immigrants, many Maya communities have succeeded in preserving their identity and their ways. The Maya face greater challenges, however, than those presented by tourism. Maya regions have also been subjected to intense political upheaval in r .....
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Number of words: 894 | Number of pages: 4.... the civil war was to free the African-American slaves, to allow them to have equal rights to the white race. But after the war was over, and the slaves were supposedly free, did they still not remain caged? Where could they turn? The newly freed slaves had no money, no land, no food, and no jobs. They remained slaves because they lacked those basic necessities. Therefore, where they really freed?
The first example that kept them in captivity was food. Everybody needs to eat regardless of their skin color. Previously, food had been provided for them by the slave owner, but now that they were free, they were on their own for find .....
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Development Of Art
Number of words: 598 | Number of pages: 3.... era was the time of Greek art. Their work was greatly influenced by the Egyptians. Their early art was very geometric in shape and glorified Gods and people in their works. Eventually as time progressed, they began to soften their edges and lines and concentrate on the human form, which they considered the most beautiful of all creation.
Christian art was the next big leap for art. This art was more colorful and displayed vivid images and scenes. The introduction of the mosaic was probably the greatest contribution of the period. In the fifteenth century, the Renaissance period involved brighter colours and new medium .....
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British Society
Number of words: 2328 | Number of pages: 9.... (the oppressed) were denied basic human rights and their opinion and beliefs were discarded as being useless. These workers wanted change and reform, however they did not speak out against their masters or government because of fear of retaliation by the oppressors, of punishment and also because of the lack of leadership skill to organize a revolt. The leadership that was needed was that of Harold Transome, a radical, and of his political agents that began preaching the need for change and for equality among the workers.
Traditionally, two main political parties existed in Great Britain, the Whigs and Tories, which forced soci .....
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Number of words: 1213 | Number of pages: 5.... componants not only survived but prospered to eventually dominate western Europe. For the King of the Franks, the church provided the means to accomplish the expansion and reformation of his empire. For the Holy Roman Church, Charles provided protection from invaders and new possibilities for missionary work.
The blessing of the church helped to unify and strengthen the resolve of the Frankish people as they withstood or conquered the heathen Viking and eastern Germanic tribes. The fact that Charles was Christian and was backed by the Catholic church must have certainly helped keep other christian powers from allying with these .....
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The Fall Of Rome
Number of words: 617 | Number of pages: 3.... pay the difference. In other words, if a poor person could not pay their full share, the tax collector paid the rest. This concept wiped out a whole class of moderately wealthy people.
Later, slavery split communities. Rome believed the workers of society should not benefit from slavery. Slaves then had to reason to try hard or improve. Eastern slaves started doing technical work. Thus, all technical work was looked down upon. Labor was cheap and worthless. Upper-class Romans were content with what they had become. They felt no need to improve their inventions, they were content with slaves.
Another reason for was political .....
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