Papers on History
Cuban Missile Crisis
Number of words: 2565 | Number of pages: 10.... overthrow Fidel Castro and implement a more U.S.-friendly government, but the force was crushed in an embarrassing defeat. This left the world stunned. How could President Kennedy allow such a thing to happen? It marked the first of many events that led to the , which occurred over a year later. The Bay of Pigs incident broke all of the little trust that the Cubans had left I the United States, and ignited the support of Castro by the Soviet Union. Khrushchev's strong backing of his ally was a direct result of the invasion. The day of the incident, he wrote a note to Washington expressing his unhappiness and pledging that he woul .....
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JFK Assasination
Number of words: 1613 | Number of pages: 6.... trip to the hospital. The Warren Commission’s report to the President will be summarized and many conspiracy theories will be established. President and Mrs. Kennedy arrived in Dallas at 11:40AM CST on Friday, November 22, 1963. The couple had been in San Antonio, the first leg of a two day trip through the state, where they met with Vice-president Johnson and Texas Governor Connally. The Texas trip was planned in hopes of reviving the President’s popularity in Texas after it was hurt during the election of 1960. Until midmorning, cloudy skies had threatened to cancel the motorcade-style parade that was planned for the day. .....
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Debate - “crito,” By Plato, An
Number of words: 1805 | Number of pages: 7.... only the opinion of the authority should be taken into consideration. Socrates also says that he shouldn’t mind dying considering he had a long and full life. He goes on to point out that, the point of living is not to live long but to live well. Moreover, that to live well, one has to live honorably. He feels that he has lived a good life and if he were to escape, then he wouldn’t be living honorably, thus not making life worth living. Crito gives him a few other reasons including; thinking about his family (who would raise his children?), thinking about his followers (they don’t want him to die), and that the guilt .....
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Maurice Sendak
Number of words: 1689 | Number of pages: 7.... They were nightmarishly scary stories of pogroms, death, love affairs, and other Jewish tales. His brother wrote stories, and his sister bound the stories into books that they sold on the sidewalks. Sendak loved hearing his father tell stories, and associates good books with being close and spending time with his father. Everyone in his family also read stories, and growing up, Sendak was jealous of his older siblings who could read words. He would even beg his sister to bring him books from the library (as opposed to children’s books), just so he could smell, touch, and taste them. His sister also gave him his .....
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An Analysis Of The Book Our Am
Number of words: 1259 | Number of pages: 5.... of them; proving the unkempt conditions.
The children don't ever see anything more than the long strip of housing developments that run consecutively down one strip of Chicago's south side. These projects are like jail because once you grow up around them it is hard to get away or out of them. Some children in the book have never been anywhere else expect for school and then back to their homes.
Attending school was not something to look forward to. The school's environment was not conducive to learning. The appearances of the schools were depressing. The building had small windows and no welcoming banner. There were no play .....
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Ideal Nude
Number of words: 1033 | Number of pages: 4.... of the two centre and left centre with FIG 2-1, (taken out of a womens fashion magazine). The poses are very similar, I feel that this classical type of pose is still recognised to portray the female as confident. It is interesting to note Picasso has not included pubic hair on the women, this could be recognised as innocence, (where as pubic hair is portrayed as sexual dominance/power).
Greeks created the natural human image in art, their statues consisted of highly detailed and realistic figures. The Greeks made their ‘ideal’ male and female, Male being in the form of Apollo a very muscular god-like man. The female being V .....
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Annexation Of The 50th State
Number of words: 578 | Number of pages: 3.... government. Instead, he often criticized the monarchy in public. I complained to the U.S. government about Stevens’ attitude and conduct but no action was taken.” (1)
Since there was speculation concerning the reasons Stevens was sent to the islands, many people believe that Stevens did, in fact, have plans for annexation in Hawaii long before he reached shore. “Because of the prominent part that Stevens was to play in the dethronement of the queen, and the initial attempt at annexation to the U.S., and because of the absence of any official instructions to Stevens in the State Department files, there has been considerable .....
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Kosovo 2
Number of words: 740 | Number of pages: 3.... Macedonian, In Serbia the two provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina were given autonomous status.
By 1992 the Yugoslavian Federation was falling apart. Nationalism had once
again replaced communism as the dominant force in the Balkans. Slovenia and then Croatia were the first to break away, but only at the cost of renewed conflict with Serbia. The war in Croatia led to hundreds of thousands of refugees in the 1940's. By 1992, a further conflict had broken out in Bosnia, which had also declared independence. Since the revocation of Kosovo's self-rule the Serbian authorities closed schools in the Albanian language, massively dismisse .....
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Holocaust Surviovor Testimony
Number of words: 1221 | Number of pages: 5.... way in order for them to be stacked up, he simply went over and beat me for it, without my knowing why. I couldn't even cry. When I came home, this is when I burst out crying. I knew one thing. I had to do the best I can - it was forced labor. But why? I mean, what right? What? It was incomprehensible to me."
Baruch later discussed the scars with which he is left with, particularly the lack of an extended family and some difficulties in dealing with his son. He also reflected upon his religious beliefs and his hope that people will learn from his experience and others like it, so that history will not be repeat itself.
Peter S. wa .....
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King Arthur And Camelot
Number of words: 1905 | Number of pages: 7.... the medieval period in general, and King Arthur in particular, have an air of mystery, romance, fantasy, and adventure that are popular themes in all times and cultures. We see King Arthur's magical powers when Sir Bedivere throws Excalibur into the lake, causing lightning to strike in the splendor of the moon. Main characters in romance literature are god-like characters that have no fear, retain their youthful qualities as they age, and never become a victim of sickness. Sometimes a main character in a romance is motivated by love.
Morte d’ Arthur is a mysterious, magical and perhaps realistic view of the medieval p .....
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