Papers on History
The New Immigration
Number of words: 536 | Number of pages: 2.... often cruelly mistreated them.
Until 1899, U.S. immigration officials asked arrivals which nation
they had left, not their religion or ancestry. So oppressed people were
listed under the countries from which they fled. Armenians who escaped
from Turkey were recorded as Turks, and Jews who had been beaten by mobs
in Russia were listed as Russians.
This so called "new immigration" was different in many other ways
from previous immigration. For the first time, Catholic an Jewish
immigrants outnumbered Protestants, and still other arrivals were Muslims,
Buddhists, or Greek or Russian Orthodox church members. .....
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Boom Towns Of The Amazon
Number of words: 418 | Number of pages: 2.... the states and territories of Para, Ampa, Amazonas, Roraima, Acre and Rondonia. This section of Brazil has had the highest rate of urbanization than the rest of the country in recent years. This article examines the nature, causes and durability of frontier urbanization in the Brazilian Amazon. The rate of urbanization has been low in Amozonia. There is a mercantile dependence on extractive boom and bust cycles, which has created a scattered population of river settlements. Two cities, Belem and Manuas, which are the historical commercial centers that are located on the main watercourses, dominate this region. Instead of t .....
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Mi Familia
Number of words: 896 | Number of pages: 4.... a year to get to the other side. Finally he reached Los Angeles. The border in those days was just a line in the dirt. El Californio was the name of the only living relative Jose had. They called the old man "El Californio" because he didn't come from anywhere else; he was born here in California when it was still Mexico. Children soon followed, first Paco then Irene. Jose Sanchez was always working in the milpa (corn in the back and beans in the front). Then came the day that everything changed, when Maria (Jose's wife) didn't come home from the market. It was the time of the great depression. Some politicians got it into their he .....
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The Evolution Of The World
Number of words: 513 | Number of pages: 2.... see, many maps, had different centers. Each map had a
different center, each based on a different religion.
Many years before the birth of Jesus Christ, the Greeks theorized that
the earth was a globe. But after that, there was a period in history
called "The Great Interruption." This period was categorized by a
complete silence where people in general, forgot about the issue of
whether the earth was flat or whether it was a globe. Another reason
that brought the theories of a globular world to rest was because the
priests told the general public that the earth was flat. Priests such as
St. Augustine and others invente .....
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Annexation Of Hawaii
Number of words: 569 | Number of pages: 3.... the monarchy in public. I complained to the U.S. government about Stevens’ attitude and conduct but no action was taken.” (1)
Since there was speculation concerning the reasons Stevens was sent to the islands, many people believe that Stevens did, in fact, have plans for annexation in Hawaii long before he reached shore. “Because of the prominent part that Stevens was to play in the dethronement of the queen, and the initial attempt at annexation to the U.S., and because of the absence of any official instructions to Stevens in the State Department files, there has been considerable speculation as to whether Stevens recei .....
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The Battle Of Gettysburg
Number of words: 899 | Number of pages: 4.... began on July 1 with Confederate troops attacking that Union cavalry division on McPherson Ridge, west of town. Out-numbered, the Union forces managed to hold, and even drive the Confederate army back, after the addition of John Reynold's Infantry division (and Reynold's subsequent death on the front lines). They prevailed until afternoon, when they were overpowered by additional southern troops, and driven back through town. In the confusion, thousands of Union soldiers were captured before they could rally on Cemetery Hill, south of town. Long into the night Union troops labored over their defenses while the bulk of Meade's army .....
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Watergate Scandal
Number of words: 941 | Number of pages: 4.... Richardson, appointed a
special prosecutor, Harvard Law School profesor Archibald Cox, to conduct a
full-scale investigation of the Watergate break-in. In May of 1973, the Senate
Select Committee on Presidential Activities opened hearings, with Senator Sam
Ervin of North Carolina as chairman. A series of startling revelations followed.
Dean testified that Mitchell had ordered the break-in and that a major attempt
was under way to hide White House involvement. He claimed that the president had
authorized payments to the burglars to keep them quiet. The Nixon
administration immediately denied this assertion.
The testimony of .....
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Race In America
Number of words: 593 | Number of pages: 3.... 132) Had the Federal government properly written the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, the earlier battle for civil rights would not have taken over one hundred years. African Ameerricans would have been equal and history would have been a lot different.
Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe was written during an era where white people were in denial that slavery was harmful to the black race. The novel was an eye opener for many whites. "Uncle Tom's Cabin presents slavery as an evil to be opposed."(Loewen, 133) The novel told the people of America that the black people were not supposed to be slaves. Th .....
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Amadeus Anaylisis
Number of words: 537 | Number of pages: 2.... to become Mozart, which eventually turned him against himself and everything he ever believed in. Salieri was convinced he was the best composer in Vienna, until he meets Mozart. The central idea of the film is how he becomes so frustrated with himself and his music, that he turns against himself and God. Now he has devoted his life to ruining Mozart instead of focusing and trying harder on his music. Turning against himself was the worst idea. It is almost as if he sold his soul, and could never get it back. Because once he made that decision he could never change it back.
Amadeus is a great film. The way the director brought this .....
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Importance Of The American Revolution
Number of words: 575 | Number of pages: 3.... angry civilians and four ill-tempered British soldiers. With all these events occurring it angered the Americans so much that they waged war with Britain. The first battle of the American Revolution took place in Lexington, Massachusetts. There were many soldiers awaiting the first shot of the revolution, then suddenly a shot came from the dead silence. This was the first shot of the war and was known as “The Shot Heard ‘Round the World.”
Later came a man named Ethan Allen from Vermont he was a very strong man and was said to be able to grip a sack of salt with his teeth and throw it over his head. Not only was he p .....
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