Papers on History
Euripides! Master! How Well Yo
Number of words: 1295 | Number of pages: 5.... as disparaging. She is said to "maneuver like a man," and Cassandra exclaims, "What outrage--the woman kills the man!" The chorus asks her "What drove her insane" enough to kill a man. Her lover, Aegisthus, although he gloats over the body he cringed from cutting down, allows that "the treachery was the woman's work, clearly." Far from denigrating women, however, I believe these parrotings of the prevailing attitudes, when juxtaposed with Aeschylus' portrayal of an intelligent, capable Clytaemnestra, a gullible, ususpecting Agamemnon and a spineless, parasitical Aegisthus, achieve the result of satirizing those attitudes. At t .....
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Earthquake San Francisco- 1906
Number of words: 400 | Number of pages: 2.... with its surroundings. A road across the
fault ended up 21 feet north of the road to the east same with the rivers and
The earthquake's most damage were in Los Bonas 30km east of the fault
yet there was little damage along towns to the east side of San Francisco Bay
such as Berkely, 25km east of the fault. And the capital of California
Sacramento that was 120km east of the rupture showed no damage.
Scientists found out that the earthquake originated north of Oregon and
south to Los Angeles a total of 1170 Km.
Knowing now that buildings could not withstand a earthquake with
unreiforced brick, the new San Franci .....
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Exxon Valdez
Number of words: 1594 | Number of pages: 6.... with an enormous socio-economic effect that has left many people wondering when and where the next oil spill will be. Many associated with the recovery process, and its more than one hundred projects per year, say it will take longer than a human lifetime to determine if a full recovery is possible (Fine 1999).
The oil spill was initially thought of as a two to three year clean-up project. As time went ahead, scientists and clean-up crews realized that it would take a longer period of time and require a lot more effort than originally planned. Up to this point, the oil has contaminated a national fore .....
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Attack Of The Normans In 1066
Number of words: 843 | Number of pages: 4.... unit, although most--perhaps even all--spoke a similar language. In his history, the Venerable Bede tells us of Angles, Saxons and Jutes (from Jutland), but these were by no means the only tribes who descended on Britain.
There is scant evidence available concerning the Anglo-Saxon invasion or life in England during this unsettled time. Various societies rose and fell, until by the 7th century England was a collection of seven primary kingdoms, which historians sometimes call the heptarchy. The kings were frequently at war with one another as they jostled for supremacy, yet at the same time monasteries were established and ther .....
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Creation As Seen Through Greco
Number of words: 3637 | Number of pages: 14.... If we take a closer look at some of the different theories of creation one of the most interesting reoccurring themes is the belief that all was created from nothingness. Each culture has a name for it but it is commonly referred to as the void.
For example, The Greco-Roman theory of creation refers to the void as Chaos. “In the beginning, there was only Chaos, who is not quite a god but a shapeless and confused mass of elements. This was all there was for who knows how long” (3). “The Norse believed that at the beginning of time there was Niflheim which was an icy region, Muspell which was a fiery regi .....
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JFK Assination - Conspiracy
Number of words: 3026 | Number of pages: 12.... the assassinations of two other major political figures; the civil rights leader, Dr Martin Luther King and the Presidents brother Robert Kennedy, in 1968. Naturally this aroused immense suspicion and the American public started questioning why so many key US figures had been assassinated in the space of just four years when previously this type of incident had been rare. At the time there was also an increasing amount of corruption and scandal within the government. This alarmed the public who had completely trusted the government before. The Watergate Scandal in 1974 involving President Nixon had clearly shown that this was not .....
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Enclosure Act
Number of words: 330 | Number of pages: 2.... farmers. The landlords, who were concerned about profits, did not care like they did during the village method about waving rents and look out for the farmers. Now all they wanted was their money.
One of the bad things that happened during the enclosure of land was what happened to the small farmers. In some cases the population of the poor cottagers, common pasturagers, and small farmers dropped. The landlords were not taking care of them like they us to during depressed times. The broke up small traditional communities.
After the in England agriculture was a growing business across Europe. Many other countries enclose .....
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A Contemplative Look At Henri Matisse
Number of words: 2120 | Number of pages: 8.... merchant. Matisse's father perhaps played a less influential role, but never the less, a significant one. He was stricter and more disciplinary, but for the most part he also supported his son during times of financial and emotional hardship.
On a personal level, Matisse was a kindhearted and mischievous person. He never gave in to doubt, despair, or impossible ideas, although he often had good reason to do so. He never hesitated to explore new projects even though they seemed wrong or upsetting by other artists. For example, when Matisse was working on the Vence Chapel, Picasso was thoroughly upset that Matisse, an unbeliever, .....
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True Romance
Number of words: 672 | Number of pages: 3.... however, acts of this nature happen in the real world every day. I guess this is his way of giving us a "reality heck." Shit like this happens to people. We are so sheltered in our comfortable little worlds we don't even realize this kind of stuff goes on. Variety. Isn't it supposed to be the "spice of life?" Well, Tarantino gets so damn spicy it can make yo sweat bullets.
What is it about violence that is so attractive to the general public? There are so many people who would rather see a violent movie than a movie filled with romance or adventure. If you were to compare the revenues from box office earnings I'm almos positive t .....
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The Italian Renaissance
Number of words: 539 | Number of pages: 2.... Paintings in the Middle Ages focused on religion. People were painted flat, rigid, and all different sizes according to levels of importance. The paintings were symbolic from corner to corner. Artists of the Middle Ages almost never signed their names, because that was not what was important. In the Renaissance, every painting and sculpture was signed. The Art from the Renaissance was not at all extended from the Middle Ages.
Woman in Renaissance society had total different objectives than the woman from the Middle Ages. As most would think that the woman’s status would have rose in this period of prosperity, it actually d .....
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