Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Customers For Life By Carl Sew
Number of words: 976 | Number of pages: 4.... you does not ensure you’ll do the job right the first time, every time. Only systems guarantee that. There are two major components of a system. The first being to do the job right the first time and the second one is having a plan in place to deal with things when they go wrong. Being nice to the customers is only 20% of providing good customer service, the other 80% of good customer service is providing the customer with what they need and want.
3. Underpromise, overdeliver. Customers expect you to keep your word, but rather than merely keep it, exceed it. You never want to charge the customer more than the estimate. T .....
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Number of words: 2276 | Number of pages: 9.... lips look soft and rosy, her skins smooth, with slightly blushed cheeks, her blue eyes seem radiant and sparkling. Most likely, the man will be attracted to her. He may not notice that she is wearing because it is very subtly applied. If we were to take a close look at her we would see that her skin looks so smooth and blushed because of the carefully applied make up and the touch of blush. Her lips look so soft because of the slightly tinted lip-gloss she is wearing; her eyes so radiant because so the carefully applied eyeliner and mascara. If all that would be removed we would probably have a very pale with chapped lips. The ma .....
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Online Shopping
Number of words: 388 | Number of pages: 2.... pay for shipping and handling which can cost a pretty penny especially when your only buying a CD you pay $3.00 or $4.00 for this service. Another downfall is you have to use your credit card. Which I’m sorry to say is not fully protected. A lot of companies say that there web sites are protected but there are always hackers who can get your card number and charge a lot of money on your credit card, which has been done to me before. The worst thing about for me is you have to wait about a week for your product to come to your house.
As you can see definitely has some pros and cons. What it comes down to is your opinion on .....
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The Issue Of Authority And Res
Number of words: 763 | Number of pages: 3.... like Lonnie. Lonnie is in care of her father; her mother had passed away some time before. Her father never notices her and does not show his affection for her, she is pretty much on her own. The narrator considers her as a ‘Blue-Baby’ and privileged. The narrator also sees her mother as ‘shameless and obscene’; she tries to direct her friend’s attention away from her mother as much as possible. In the story, we are told by the narrator that she was ‘never comfortable for a minute’ in high school and ‘was close to despair at all times’. She hated being called upon to d .....
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Number of words: 305 | Number of pages: 2.... capacity of the blood.
The Heart: Abuse of inhalants can result in “sudden sniffing death syndrome”. This is due to a sudden and unexpected disturbance of the heart’s rhythm. All inhalants can produce sudden sniffing death syndrome.
The Lungs: Repeates use of spray paint as an inhalant can cause damage.
The Liver: Halogenated compounds like trichloroethylene ( a component of aerosol paints and correction fluid) have been linked to damage of this organ.
The Kidneys: Inhalants containing toluene impair the kidney’s ability to control the amount of acid in the blood. This is reversible when toluene leaves the body b .....
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An Analysis Of Jung
Number of words: 857 | Number of pages: 4.... human race. The Theory of Evolution does support the idea that all human beings derived from Australopithecus of Northern Africa. Therefore, it is conceivable that should a deeper level of unconscious exist, it would be universal or collective. Further evidence dwells in the records of ancient civilizations. Here we can find reference to mythological and cultural beliefs that could only be known to persons of that time; repeated in the dreams of today's human being. People suffering from schizophrenia, often refer to some type of mythological character, who plays an intimate role in their activities/lives. Beneath, the repress .....
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Number of words: 3549 | Number of pages: 13.... At this time, Pastuer was the Dean and professor of chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences in Lille, France. He was originally asked by a friend to investigate difficulties he was having manufacturing alcohol by the of beetroot. Often, instead of alcohol, the s were resulting in lactic acid. At that time, leading to the production of wine, beer, and vinegar was believed to be a simple and straightforward breakdown of sugar to the desired molecules. It was believed that the chemical breakdown of sugar into alcohol during the of wine and beer was due to the presence of inherent unstabilizing vibrations. Yeast cells were found in .....
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Illegal Drugs
Number of words: 421 | Number of pages: 2.... should support school locker searches, random drug tests, and neighborhood watch programs. Implementing these programs may be hard at first, but with support people believe that they can help the drug problems in America.
Pros - If this choice worked as it claims, the crime rate would decrease. Since a third of all crime is commited under the influence of and a large number of people commit crimes to support their drug habits.
Cons - This approach wants 'zero tolerance' but the government can't possibly lock up every offender. The overcrowning of prisons would be even worse that it is now. Which would turn out to be extremely cos .....
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Deception Experiment
Number of words: 1095 | Number of pages: 4.... impossible to find anyone who can control or manage the many different channels of nonverbal communication. For this reason even persons who lie frequently and are highly practiced at this task, often reveal the fact that they are lying through some channel of nonverbal cues.
Some of the deception detectors are microexpressions, or fleeting facial expressions that last only a few tenths of a second. These expressions are very quick and according to (Ekman, 1985) are very are very difficult to oppress.
Another cue is inter-channel discrepancies. This is when there inconsistencies between nonverbal cues from different basi .....
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Number of words: 1219 | Number of pages: 5.... deaths result from motor vehicle accidents.
- Nearly half of these fatalities (38.9 %) were caused by alcohol-related accidents.
- Estimates are that 2,222 persons’ ages 16 - 20 died in alcohol-related accidents in the year
(NHTSA, 1995)
- Based upon 1992 data, an estimated one out of every 280 babies born today will die in a crash involving an intoxicated driver.
(NHTSA, 1996
- More than 40% of all the 16 - to - 20 - year Olds that passed away in the year 1994 were killed in car accidents. The excessive use of alcohol was the cause of nearly half of these accidents.
Alco .....
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