Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Business - A Case Study
Number of words: 1212 | Number of pages: 5.... million - $2 million in funding,
- to be split evenly over four years
2. To shorten the completion time of the three stages
Develop Strategies:
Once our objectives had been set, Dr. Lingwood and I began to develop goal-achieving strategies. When deciding on a suitable strategy we decided to take snap shot of Dr. Lingwood’s department in a "perfect world". In other words, we looked at how the department would operate at peak efficiency and work to find ways to achieve that level of performance.
Objective 1: To obtain $1.5 million - $2 million in funding
Strategies: a) Apply for a grant from the Canadian Cancer Soci .....
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Tattoo History
Number of words: 1793 | Number of pages: 7.... ago. He was found frozen intact in an Italian glazier. During examination he was found to have both arms, legs, and torso, covered with elaborate tattoos representing mythical creatures. Also reported at 15000 BC ice age rock carvings show tattooed figures, and 4200 BC Egyptian mummies wore tattoos.
The process of being tattooed as a man is much unlike that of a women. Each tribe completes the process in different and unusual ways. Kayans usually began the tattooing process during boyhood. If a man takes the head of an enemy he can have the backs of his hands and fingers covered with tattoos (Hose). Samoa tribes take seve .....
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Wake Island
Number of words: 1709 | Number of pages: 7.... the first bombing of the island. The bombings by the Japanese continued until December 23, when under continuous shelling, the Americans, under U.S. Navy Commander Winfield Scott Cunningham, were finally forced to surrender. Although the Japanese finally took the island, they incurred heavy losses. Three cruisers and one transport sustained heavy damage, two destroyers and one patrol boat were sunk, while 820 Japanese soldiers were killed, with another 333 wounded. In contrast, American military casualties included 120 killed, 49 wounded, with two missing in action.
Initially, Japanese strategists assumed that the tiny isla .....
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Political Correctness In Schools
Number of words: 496 | Number of pages: 2.... Many educators on
recess duty who have observed children at play have come to believe that
rough play which might look innocent can and often does lead to real
violence. The goodness of teaching political correctness in the classroom
is its ability to protect our children from violence, discrimination, and
the unfairness that exist in this world.
Political correctness is a good thing for kids to learn. I think
that being politically correct is just being polite and considerate for the
feelings of others. I encourage parents and teachers to teach children
about the fairness and equality that political correctness implies. Ho .....
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Allen Ginsberg : Howl
Number of words: 2787 | Number of pages: 11.... movement known as the Beat Generation. Ginsberg's subject matter focused on the activities of his social circle and included such things as drug use and homosexual sex. These topics hadn't been written about so openly, without some sort of literary masking before. Ginsberg's far-ranging, wildly expressive style greatly impacted the evolution of modern literature. His literary odyssey created a vast legacy of poetry and the publication of many books of poetry and prose. Perhaps most notable, "Howl," was published in 1956 by Lawrence Ferlinghetti's City Lights bookstore in San Francisco. A landmark court decision found "Ho .....
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Responces To Hunger
Number of words: 919 | Number of pages: 4.... were able to use these kinds of atrocities to classically condition a very large audience to associate pleasure with human death and suffering. Immediately afterwards, the soldiers who had been spectators were treated to sake, the best meal they had in months, and so-called comfort girls. The result? They learned to associate committing violent acts with pleasure.
There are also some clear-cut examples of classical conditioning established by the media today. Our culture watches vivid pictures of human suffering and death, and we learn to associate it with our favorite soft drink and candy bar, or our girlfriend’s/b .....
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Veterans People To Remember
Number of words: 484 | Number of pages: 2.... sacrifices made, by those who serve during what passes for peacetime in today's, and tomorrow's, ever-changing the unstable world.
The men and women who serve in our American Army are among our best and our brightest. The many soldiers who have risked their life toward the benefit of our country have earned our respect and our thanks.
Ceremonies, speeches, displaying the flag, visiting veterans' cemetery, spending time with a veteran in a hospital -- these are all wonderful ways to honor our veterans. Veterans and men and women in the army now have protected our country and given us many rights as citizens, freedom of speech, v .....
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The Legalization Of Marijuana
Number of words: 4470 | Number of pages: 17.... and local communities spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually on prevention programs such as Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE), in which local police officers visit schools to teach young people to refrain from trying marijuana and other drugs.
However, public controversy has been growing over the two assumptions-high abuse potential and no legitimate medical use-that underlie marijuana’s status as a Schedule I drug. In turn, disputes over the abuse and medical potential have shaped differences of opinion over public policy. Many of those who question one or both of these assumptions about marijuana have advo .....
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Interpreting The Actions Of Th
Number of words: 1656 | Number of pages: 7.... surround the great Greek epic
poem The Iliad by Homer.
One instance when the gods were used to explain a strange and unusual thing
was towards the beginning of the book. When King Agamemnon didn't give up his
wife, a priestess of Apollo, the god became angry and did this to the Achaian
people "First he attacked the mules and dogs, then he shot his keen arrows at
the men and hit each mark. Pyres of the dead began to burn up everywhere and
never ceased" (p12) This to me sounds like a disease that suddenly infected
the Achaian army. Diseases usually start with animals, as that disease
evolves, it is able to attack .....
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Constructing Indentity In The
Number of words: 660 | Number of pages: 3.... internet, or chatting with the others we learn more about the different cultures from one place to anther. However, there are some dishonest people in chat room. People on the net are not always honest people. In the internet Indian Wars by Glen Martin, a white software consultant running the Native American seminar and chat room offered by AOL, Rapp, said “Basically, what we did was done in fun” (127) after he was discovered that he was dishonest, he wasn’t a native American. Rapp was a host of Native American seminar, discussing about Native American culture while he was not a member of any Indian group. A .....
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