Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Community Service At Colleges
Number of words: 412 | Number of pages: 2.... entertaining children in a campus Youth Day.
"I decided to volunteer because my friend was doing it with her sorority," said Allison Mulcahy, a 7th semester communications major. "I've never volunteered for any community work before, but I had a lot of fun and I plan on volunteering again next semester."
Griswold said that the goal of the program is to give participants a one shot volunteering experience. This applies to the novice volunteer who wants to get involved and see if they enjoy it and to the veteran volunteer who is in search of new areas. "There is no follow through required," he said. "We have many participants w .....
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Prepubescent Strength Training
Number of words: 3019 | Number of pages: 11.... have enabled many people associated in medical and exercise sciences to take a further look at the field of prepubescent athletics and their impact on the developmental patterns of the children involved. The research in the field has provided feedback regarding the physiological, mental and social effects - negative and/or positive - that strength training influences over prepubescent growth and development.
American society has entered into an era in which strength training has become the standard and most popular method of keeping the musculature of the body in aesthetic shape. Fitness centers and personal home gyms have e .....
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The Aristophanes' Ideology: Creation Through Separation
Number of words: 1578 | Number of pages: 6.... His ides, or rather theory of "wholeness" is truly one of, if not the most, original and convincing of answering the complex question of: what is love? Aristophanes, argues that love is simply the name for the desire of pursuit of the whole. Aristophanes could not have been any closer to answering the question that has baffled souls (minds) of the intellectual and traditional man for centuries. There could be many conclusions to the theory that Aristophanes brought to light, bout an obvious conclusion that one could come to is, when the gods split humans in half, they created what we suggest as love.
Aristophanes theory is .....
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Effects Of Divorce On Children
Number of words: 1173 | Number of pages: 5.... keep from getting too stressed as a single parent (DeBord, 1997).
One of the most important ways to help children, even an infant, cope with divorce is to continue with constant habits. This will provide a secure and anticipated environment, which will lower the stress on the infant. Infants need to know what is expected of them (Duncan, 1996)
"Toddlers" (DeBord, 1997) are the second group. They know that they do not live with both parents but they cannot grasp the reason why. Toddlers that are going through this may experience a worsened terrible two's syndrome. This can include difficulty sleeping and "growing up". "Growing .....
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School Prayer
Number of words: 743 | Number of pages: 3.... violate the very essence of the spirit in which the US was formed. (Haas35) Therefore, having a prayer in school would be unconstitutional. “A radical amendment would attack the heart and soul of the bill of rights which safeguards the rights of the individual from tyranny of the individual.” (Jasper96) Teachers are public employees, paid by the taxpayers. The time it takes to recite a prayer is an expenditure of tax dollars. (Haas36 ) This is a violation of the separation of church and state. This whole issue is a big waste of time because students do have the right to pray at school. No one can stop them from praying indivi .....
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The Effects Of Friendship
Number of words: 909 | Number of pages: 4.... him or her with many affects. As memories flow through your head remembering the person that left seems to get harder and harder. In the book Dandelion Wine John started to notice little things that he never noticed before, and this scared him for he was afraid that Doug wouldn’t remember him. “Shut your eyes, Doug. Now, tell me, what color eyes I got? Don’t peek. What color eyes I got?” Douglas began to sweat. His eyelids twitched nervously. Aw heck, John that’s not fair. Tell me. Brown! John turned away. No sir. What you mean, no? You’re not even close!” John closed his eyes. Turn around here, said Douglas. “Ope .....
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Sports Entertainment ( Wrestli
Number of words: 492 | Number of pages: 2.... professional wrestling to do, is to tone down, just a bit. In a recent study of 50
episodes of RAW by Indiana University and the TV program Inside Edition between January 1998 and
February 1999. Researchers found 1,658 instances of crotch grabbing, 128 simulated sexual activities, 157
flippings of the finger, 47 instances of simulated satanic activity, and 42 cases of simulated drug use.
Now I know this all may seem bad, but just go back to the ratings, it is number one. Obviously this
mix of sex and violence sells, and sells big. Now what about those 10 year olds? Well the WWF does
produce edited versions of RAW, t .....
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Charter Schools
Number of words: 1110 | Number of pages: 5.... within a wide range of potential parental concerns.
The primary content of the book is intended for parents and goes into more depth than a typical teen section. Illustrated with easy to follow graphic organizers, the section intended for parents is packed with numerous case histories, tables and charts, questionnaires, dialogues, and issues common to families with teenagers. Of particular importance are the case histories, dialogue, and issue boxes.
The case histories are taken from real-life situations and present both problem and solution for a wide range of situations. These stories present the point of view of both paren .....
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Hackers 2
Number of words: 803 | Number of pages: 3.... of software to increase, thus increasing the price the public must pay for the programs. Companies reason that if they have a program that can be copied onto a disc then they will lose a certain amount of their profit. People will copy it and give to friends or pass it around on the Internet. To compensate, they will raise the price of disc programs. CD Rom programs cost more to make but are about the same price as disc games. Companies don't loose money on them because it is difficult to copy a CD Rom and impossible to transmit over the Internet (Facts on File #28599 1).
Hackers have hit one company in particular, American On-lin .....
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Definition Of Race
Number of words: 2011 | Number of pages: 8.... to certain physical characteristics, anthropologists at one time agreed on the existence of three relatively distinct groups of people, namely Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid, distinguished by such traits as skin color, hair type and color, shape of body, head, and facial features, and blood traits. Today, however, there is no scientific basis whatsoever for a general classification of races according to a scale of relative superiority, and racial prejudices and myths are no more than a means of finding a scapegoat when the position of individuals and the cohesion of a group are threatened. Anthropologists stress the heterogene .....
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