Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
African Women
Number of words: 2958 | Number of pages: 11.... is that 16 2/3 percent of women are battered by their partners and 46% of these cases the children are beaten too. "If you go to the police and complain that your husband is abusing you or hitting you the authorities would think, ‘Oh well she probably deserved it!"’ Said Lindy Mieza. A woman named Geli wrote about her life in which she says, "My mother…she constantly suffered terrible physical and mental abuse from him…" Fifty percent of women in Africa women will be raped in their life time.. There were 23,806 rapes in the first six months of 1996. And what worse is that police estimate that for every rape reported anoth .....
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American Dream
Number of words: 502 | Number of pages: 2.... in the Washington Post for talking about his dreams. Plant had the goal of turning the Florida wilderness in to a “shining utopia.” His dreams came true, Plant created a historic museum in the Pinellas Suncoast. He’s able to provide historical information to the public while making money for himself. Plant wanted to turn people towards the historical side of Florida along with the sunshine, sand and sea, which he was able to do through his museum.
Richard Leiby writes about Marc Ewing in the Washington Post for doing what so many wish they could do, become wealthy young. Ewing is the co- owner of a newly formed .....
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The Hippocratic Oath And Kevorkian
Number of words: 286 | Number of pages: 2.... should be given to anyone by diagnosis or if asked. The
emphasizes the belief that no sician is to aid in the death of another person.
Another major point in the Hippocratic Oath is that any houses entered by a
physician should be entered for the benefit of the sick only with no acts of
mischief or corruption taking place. Finally the oath states that anything seen
or heard in connection or not in connection with a physicians practice should
not be divulged. this means that all information given to a physician during
practice or not during practice should be kept secret.
One major point of the Hippocratic Oath is addressed in .....
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Chocolate History And The Growing Of Cocoa
Number of words: 376 | Number of pages: 2.... who first realised the commercial value of the beans. He brought cocoa beans back to Spain in 1528 and very gradually the custom of drinking chocolate spread across Europe reaching England in the 1650s.
The London Chocolate Houses became the fashionable meeting places for the elite of London society to savour this new luxury beverage.
The heavy import duties which had made chocolate a luxury that only the wealthy could enjoy were reduced in 1853. Chocolate and cocoa became within the reach of the wider population and a number of manufacturers of cocoa and drinking chocolate started in business including John Cadbury of Birmingh .....
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Friend 2
Number of words: 427 | Number of pages: 2.... box and will use it regularly. Ferrets do have claws, and owners must make provision for this. A tall scratching post in a favorite Ferret area of the house will usually keep the Ferret content to leave the furniture alone. As a last resort, of course, Ferrets can be declawed.
Lastly, one of the most attractive features of Ferrets as housepets is their ease of care. Ferrets do not have to be walked. They get plenty of exercise in the house as they play, and they do their business in the litter box. Cleaning a litter box is a quick, painless procedure. Ferrets also take care of their own grooming. Bathing a Ferret is almost never .....
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Number of words: 635 | Number of pages: 3.... than an attempt by those from the less popular animal "rights" movement to ride the coattails of the more popular environmental movement. In some cases, warnings of impending environmental cataclysm are used to advance an ethical agenda. However, arguments to the effect that eating meat is "destroying the planet" overlook that the planet has not yet been destroyed despite millions of years of omnivorous and carnivorous eating by millions of individuals from a multitude of species. The Second Law of Thermodynamics dictates that some energy will be inevitably lost as one moves up the food web. Therefore, arguments about how it tak .....
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I Believe: A Code Of Ethics
Number of words: 1967 | Number of pages: 8.... I believe we have the worst justice system in the world with the
exception of every other system...
I believe in Wally and the Beaver...
I believe I didn't learn anything in kindergarten...
I believe we are all in this together...
I believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day...
I believe the ozone layer is just fine...
I believe in dedication...
I believe my daughter is a prodigy...
I believe that Kathy Lee is the Anti-Christ...
I believe my dad can still beat me at arm wrestling...
I believe I wouldn't w .....
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Alienation In Schools
Number of words: 537 | Number of pages: 2.... course, it would be an A in a general course. Researchers are often divided themselves on this issue. While some have found that students with LD should interact with other students, other believe they need more attention and should be separated.
Another form of alienation found in schools, is the honor roll system. Students who have a high GPA are often commended for their outstanding performance. At my high school, their names were read over the loud speaker and published in the newspaper. The principle even takes the time to sign the report cards of those with honors. While it is important to give recognition to those who hav .....
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Bottled Water
Number of words: 406 | Number of pages: 2.... the premium waters like Poland Springs and Avian. These waters are usually an alternative to a soft drink or an alcoholic beverage. (waterweb.com, Sept. 28).
is extremely safe. It is regulated on the federal and state level. The Federal Trade Commission and the Food and Drug Administration also regulate it. According to the Centers for Disease Control, has never been responsible for a water born illness (water.org, Sept. 28). One reason it is safe is because must come from protected sources such as aquifers and springs. Tap water comes from rivers and lakes.
So why do people drink ? It is seen as America's most affordable stat .....
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Psychological Effects Of Long
Number of words: 761 | Number of pages: 3.... can be afraid of many things ranging from them never getting better to never getting to play again to being afraid of the unknown. In order to conquer this fear the athletic trainer needs to help reassure the athlete about their injury. This can be done by presenting the truth about the injury and rehab process in a manner they can understand and gaining the athlete’s trust in the athletic trainer.
A common secondary reaction is anger. During this time the athlete may have an angry or hostile attitude and the person around the athlete at the time often takes the force of the anger. It is usually just a release for .....
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