Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
What Makes A Good Parent
Number of words: 466 | Number of pages: 2.... the parents play the key role in their life. Financial support is something not all parents can give, but it they can its is really helpfull for the kid. When I say financial support I do not mean giving them spending money any time they ask for it, what I mean is more like money for school activities and funds for later education in their life. This will give them many opportunities later in life. It is up to them to take advantage of those opportunities.
Good parents sacrifice many things in order to provide for their kids. Sometimes they will miss an important social event just so that they could stay home and help their .....
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Existence Of Man
Number of words: 1025 | Number of pages: 4.... himself as in the mirror largely
determines his actions during the day. Estelle had to look into the "mirror" of
men to confirm her identity. A man is the number one determining factor in
discovering who he is. Each individual must understand that he is responsible
for his own pain, misery, unhappiness, or for his own joy. Man is not a product
of what people have done or are now doing to us. Man has the power to become
whatever he wants to be; to feel as much love or anger or joy as we want to feel.
Another subsequent factor in determining our identity is the image, name, or
label given to us by society. In other words, wh .....
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Online And Research Journalism
Number of words: 1195 | Number of pages: 5.... sources and community building are new to newspapers, as is the continuous production cycle that the Internet requires.
The information that seems to be given away so abundantly on the Internet is largely free. Throughout the interactive process, we are also able to influence the information on offer, or create our individualised version.
However, is the information on offer as free as it seems? Users 'buy' information with their attention and data about their preferences and interests. They are rewarded by membership of a 'club' and free individualised information. Marketeers and publishers are working side by si .....
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Brazilian Jujitsu Vs. Kickboxi
Number of words: 502 | Number of pages: 2.... the use of various locks and holds that can be used to quickly break the limbs of an opponent or render them unconscious. Kickboxing includes a lot of fast maneuvering and centers on the idea of using the strong parts of your body to cripple your opponent in a swift attack. Jujitsu is a more defensive and arguably more technical art that relies on patience and capitalizing on an opponents offensive mistakes.
The supremacy of jujitsu over kickboxing can be made clearly evident in a hypothetical head to head match-up of equally studied counterparts. The kick-boxers success would rely heavily upon the initial interaction of the fi .....
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Why I Have No Hero
Number of words: 684 | Number of pages: 3.... want to be a hero. A hero needs
to be honest with the public so that he/she will get the public's support to
retain that hero status among them, and possibly gain that status with more
individuals. Being honest is a quality that is never usually overlooked in
naming someone a hero. This includes being honest with one's self. Honesty
with yourself is a very important virtue. It is hard to get through life,
especially as a hero, lying or fooling yourself into believing something about
yourself or others that you really know is not true. For example; you are seen
as a hero to many people, but you know that you did something to .....
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Economics, Supply And Demand
Number of words: 518 | Number of pages: 2.... are in demand, there is an increase in the amount of children who need to be watched yet there are relativly few who choose to babysit from the allready decreased amount of the babysitter work force. This gives the babysitter the advantage of a noncompetitive work force, allowing the baby sitter to set the price with out bargaining. If we were to compare two different production possibility frontiers, we would see a left shift of the curve while demand for baby sitters rises, from 1980 to 1996. In economics we concider this an inflation, the amount of resources(babysitters) decreased while the demand for them rose. This is what .....
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Field Of Dreams
Number of words: 1067 | Number of pages: 4.... viewers and himself to go on both a physical journey as well as a journey of the heart. After hearing voices proclaiming, "If you build it, they will come," Ray risked the economic and emotional stability of the family he loved dearly to build a baseball field. At first, Ray Kinsella was highly skeptical, but eventually he realized the significance of his obscure calling. Upon the completion of the baseball field, "Shoeless Joe Jackson", the baseball player who had been his father's hero before he passed away, suddenly appeared in the field to talk with Ray and to play baseball. As the plot progressed, Ray continued to receive m .....
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Why Our Grading System Is Impo
Number of words: 390 | Number of pages: 2.... to have written reports regarding certain character traits of job seekers. This, he states, is more helpful to the employer than say, “a B-plus in college algebra.” This idea is altogether untrue. Working as a computer technician, I was informed by my employer that the most advantageous part of my application was my advanced level of high school classes and standardized math test scores. Letters of recommendation were disregarded in his statement. In short, any job that requires high levels of thought and logic can be matched with individuals who present high test scores. Any Microsoft employer would quickly argue .....
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Number of words: 2453 | Number of pages: 9.... National Institutes of Health. Its coverage includes the U.S. and 70 foreign countries, with a total of 8.6 million records dating back to 1966. Very few of the journals have any consumer focus, nor are they even intended to be read or understood by consumers.
MEDLINE is but one of 40 databases in the MEDLARS family of databases, which includes AIDSLINE, TOXLINE, and HEALTHSTAR. There is overlap among many of the MEDLARS databases, but some unique coverage in each as well.
The Journey from Fee to Free
How did we get to free MEDLINE on the Internet? Until the mid-70's the National Library of Medicine provided access to .....
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Number of words: 4559 | Number of pages: 17.... tip for balance and a more stable base, it was dubbed the "Snurfer",
a mix with snow and surfer, because of its no-binding surf style of riding.
Another pioneer was Dimitrije Milovich, a surfer from the east coast. He
made his invention because of the lack of warm water in the winter. This
board also had no bindings, to stick with the surf philosophy, but it
included iron edges. In the early seventies Milovich began limited
production of these custom boards. Also in 1972, Bob Webber received a
patent for his "SkiBoard," another board directly from the surf idea.
In 1975, Dimitrije Milovich developed the Winterstick, a historic .....
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