Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Advertising 2
Number of words: 1031 | Number of pages: 4.... that you always wanted to take, or the blood analyzer that you kept forgetting to order. Nonetheless these ads persuade the consumer to open their imagination and dream of the brighter things in life. The impression of is left embedded in their mind and will always come up when they see something similar in the future.
Comparing the two ads, which I have selected, both of which are promoting blood analyzers, I find different contrasting techniques and schemes that were used. First of all, these ads were pulled from a magazine called DVM (Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine) NEWSMAGAZINE, which is only available to practicing .....
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Mark McGwire: A Season For The Ages
Number of words: 949 | Number of pages: 4.... the month of May. In his next twenty-five games in the month of May, Mark hit sixteen homeruns giving him twenty-seven homeruns so far. With his sixteen homeruns in May, McGwire tied Mickey Mantle for the most homeruns in May.
Then, out of nowhere a familiar enemy of Mark's shows it's ugly head, Mark misses three games with back spasms, injuries are something that has plagued him most of his career. On June 5th Mark is now healthy and ready to play, In the first inning Mark came to the plate with a runner at second and one out. Mark lines the 1 ball 2-strike pitch into the Centerfield Bleachers at Busch stadium. On June .....
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Rise Of The Tech Stock
Number of words: 1538 | Number of pages: 6.... of a company (Brian 1). The reason one would do this is because he wants part of the profits of the company. If one purchases 1% of a company, he will receive 1% of the income, to put it in a simplified manner. The money the company gains from selling their stock is placed back into the company. This way, the company can grow, and produce more profits for the stockholders. The company’s value is represented by the stock price on the stock exchange (Brian 2). Over time, a method of judging a stock’s performance, called the "profit to earning ratio" was created. "P/E is shorthand for the ratio of a com .....
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Editorial Essay
Number of words: 356 | Number of pages: 2.... happy, they will probably ground you
to your room for the rest of your life. You get a record that is kept on file on the police
station, so when you get older and you want to get a job they will look at that and they
might not give you the job, they might give it to a guy who has nothing on his record.
That was our paper about smoking, I hope you thoght it over about smoking. Just
don't smoke or you could be a victim of all of those bad things that we talked about.
Everything that I said was true so just don't smoke. .....
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Database Design
Number of words: 400 | Number of pages: 2.... produce them.
You don’t need to design your tables using Microsoft Access. In fact, it may be better to sketch out and rework your design on paper first. A table should not contain duplicate information, and information should not be duplicated between tables.
After you have designed the tables, fields, and relationships you need, it’s time to study the design and detect any flaws that might remain. It is easier to change your now, rather than after you have filled the tables with data. (see figure 1-2 on page 4)
Use Microsoft Access to create your tables, specify relationships between the tables, and enter a fe .....
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Privacy On The Internet
Number of words: 1587 | Number of pages: 6.... you have visited to know who you are and almost every thing about you? No. That is why Intel had to disable their serial number feature in the new Pentium III. With this feature, each site on the Internet that you have visited could use this number to look you up and see who you are and almost every thing about you. Before released Intel told the U.S. Senate that they had disabled this function on every chip, but when these chips where out on the market for a while, programming companies found a way to go back in and enable this function without the computer user knowing it. So when the Senate heard this, Intel had yet anothe .....
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Marriage In Japan
Number of words: 490 | Number of pages: 2.... he has been witnessed what his parents have been done and now he considers himself as a head of his own family. In case of woman, it is difficult to keep her job after the marriage, because she needs to take care of her child, which is considered to be a wife¡¯s job. She has to do everything else except making money for the family, which makes her dependent on her husband who has the economic power. However in western culture, it is natural for both partners to have their own jobs and to be responsible for every single household job after marriage. Until recently it has been true in Japan but now it is changing. More women hav .....
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Influence On Proxemics
Number of words: 594 | Number of pages: 3.... (3) Near (12 to 20 inches) - soft voice, confidential.
(4) Neutral (20 to 36 inches) - soft voice, personal information.
(5) Neutral (4.5 feet to 5 feet) - full voice, non-personal.
(6) Public distance (5.5 feet to 6 feet) - full voice.
(7) and (8) stretching the limits of a distance (up to 100 feet) are hailing and departure distances. *1
The intimate distance (under 12 inches) in American culture is used by lovers, husband and wife, children or other members of the family, and very close friends. Generally, they do not want to their intimate space boundaries violated by those with whom they do not have intimate relation .....
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The Sport Of Running
Number of words: 1867 | Number of pages: 7.... strong you have became, and how to plan
properly. Measure your weekly total and try never to improve grater then
ten percent a week (more then ten percent opens the door to injuries). Most
people train for a marathon on a 12 week schedule. Another restriction is
injuries. You should consult your physician before starting anything. 2,5
When you get the go ahead to start your training take it easy. Do not
go out and run as hard as you can as long as you can. This can cause
injuries and plus you will feel bad and want to stop running. You should
plan your schedule by the week and try to work it in with your other
activities. If y .....
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Number of words: 1230 | Number of pages: 5.... to Build...").
In order for people to dream, they must be in a period of rest which they lose awareness of their surroundings. This is more commonly known as sleep. Once a person has fallen asleep, they will enter into the first of five stages of sleep. Stages one through four are usually termed as non-REM sleep with stages three and four also being referred to as delta sleep, due to the evidence of low frequency brain waves. It is said that non-REM sleep makes up about 80% of sleep and REM sleep makes up the remaining 20%. Stage one lasts around seven minutes. This stage is a time when the brain produces alpha waves as w .....
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