Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Human Resource Management In E
Number of words: 3668 | Number of pages: 14.... is analyzed, in which several aspects are covered, such as political context and history. The emphasis lies on culture and (possible) implications for business, and HRM specifically. Secondly, specific Eastern European HR practices are dealt with in chapter three. Here too, several topics are analyzed. In the fourth chapter the implications of EU enlargement are considered in relation to Eastern Europe. As many of these countries are potential candidates for a membership of the EU, the necessary changes and implications are investigated. Based on all the forgoing, an attempt is made to establish an Eastern European HRM m .....
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Aspects Of City Life - Crime.
Number of words: 637 | Number of pages: 3.... status. This has not only increased the size of the university in
terms of property but also the number of students attending it. This therefore
means that the overall size of Sunderland has increased, including the numbers
of shops, clubs, recreational activities and also houses.
A great deal of people in Sunderland believe that their local pubs and
clubs have been 'taken over' by students and at first there was a great deal of
apprehension and tension between locals and students, often resulting in violent
conflict. This still exists but to a much smaller extent. However, something
that can be connected with .....
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Greek Myth - How The Turtle Was Created
Number of words: 733 | Number of pages: 3.... clay
that Prometheus had fashioned had continuously been changed and changed
again into many shapes during the course of their argument. In the
beginning, it was just a lump of clay. Then Epimetheus fashioned it into a
shape of a man, in the image of the Prometheus twisted it into a beast of
burden, like an animal. Then Epimetheus twisted it back, and Prometheus
back, and so on, until the lump of clay that was formless and shapeless had
taken the look of a twisted, warped, God-shaped animal. It still had its
familiar lumpy look, but the limbs of countless animals and the heads of a
different men were still there. Prometheus a .....
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Number of words: 736 | Number of pages: 3.... Since the water around them would appear invisible, much like the air and space around us, they would be baffled that the water lilies could move around by themselves.
Now imagine that there is fish “scientists” that would concoct clever invention called a “force” in order to hide their ignorance. Unable to comprehend that there could be waves on an unseen surface, they would conclude that lilies could move without being touched because a mysterious invisible being called a force acted between them. They might give this illusion impressive names (such as
Many scientists believe we are like the .....
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Public Misunderstanding Of "Officer Safety"
Number of words: 770 | Number of pages: 3.... stops, the driver gets out of his car and is struck by a passing
motorist. Again, this happens more than you would like to believe.
The FBI conducts semi-annual research regarding the subject of officer
safety and procedural changes which increase the chances of law enforcement
officers surviving their high risk work day. These are the some of the
procedures which they have published in regards to traffic stops, and which
myself and other trainers have used to train their mobile patrolmen in hopes of
reducing their risk:
Step #1: Park your patrol car approximately 1.5 car lengths behind, and
with the passenger's side headli .....
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The Art Of Negotiating
Number of words: 631 | Number of pages: 3.... for negotiating. The author says that the first in preparing for negotiations is to “know thyself,”
or understanding how you will react in certain situations. Also to properly prepare, you should research who and what you are negotiating. The newer methods of negotiating are also discussed, including psychological ways of negotiating.
Chapter 5: Hidden Assumptions
When we are born we start making assumptions, according to the author. Assumptions can cause serious breakdowns in the negotiating process says Mr. Nierenberg. The wrong meaning ascertained from something someone says can cause negotiations to stop .....
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Cats Rule
Number of words: 454 | Number of pages: 2.... use it without fail from that time on. Even stray cats generally understand the concept when shown the box and will use it regularly. Cats do have claws, and owners must make provisions for this. A tall scratching post in a favorite cat area of the house will usually keep the cat content to leave the furniture alone. As a last resort, of course, cats can be declawed.
Lastly, one of the most attractive features of cats as housepets is their ease of care. Cats do not have to be walked. they get plenty of exercise in the house as they play, and they do their buisness in the litter box. Cleaning a litter box is a quick, painless pro .....
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The Best Way To Choose A Rottw
Number of words: 451 | Number of pages: 2.... If the breeder has many years of experience, they will know how their puppies moves about. The breeder must also be a person you can work with is case difficulties arise later on.
When evaluating a litter of pupppies, look for simple signs of good health: proper weight, cleanliness, including clean surrounding; lack of oder; not runny or red, eyes and nose; clean ears; full hair coat without balding patches, and no excessive scratching. Healthy puppies should appeat well socialized, playful and friendly. The puppies should be really active adn friendly. If you want to get an idea of the puppies' orthopedic health, ask to see orthop .....
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Number of words: 795 | Number of pages: 3.... trees
can store much, much more carbon dioxide than a new tree could. By cutting
and burning these magnificent seasoned trees, the CO2 is being released
back into the atmosphere. These releases of carbon dioxide add up in our
surroundings, only to intensify Global Warming. Although this shows what
happens when one burns and cuts down old forests, one must still plant new
trees for long term plans, not letting them grow for a few years, to then
cut them down.
There are many methods for planning a forest. The simplest method of
replanting a forest is to leave it to nature. A suitable seed bed in which
trees will read .....
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The Summa Teologica By Thomas
Number of words: 686 | Number of pages: 3.... sinful to wage war because punishment is not inflicted except for sin. Now
those who wage war are threatened by our Lord with punishment; therefore, all
wars are unlawful.” (172)
However, he justifies the act of war by giving three necessities. The first he
mentions is only an authority of the sovereign can order a war to be waged.
This reply in itself is a contradiction to the quotation above in the way that
he states that wars are justified if you have power and authority. He first
states that all wars are sinful, but if it is justified it is not a sin; however, I feel that just because one has authorit .....
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