Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Education Through The Television
Number of words: 320 | Number of pages: 2.... also
seems to support somewhat decent morals, a very religious person may not think
so but television still follows the good guy-hero, bad guy-loser theme. From
certain shows on TV one can learn what sort of things are socially acceptable
for instance fashion, behavior and hobbies.
Television features many "how-to" shows like gardening, painting, cooking,
etc.. It also has many documentaries on foreign lands and historic events.
Television is also an inexpensive form of entertainment. There are many movies
and sporting events shown on television.
In my opinion there are many positive things associated with televisi .....
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Commercial Radio As Communication
Number of words: 1175 | Number of pages: 5.... communication as an end. Rather, it views communication as an instrument to be used in achieving an end which, is money. Every movement made by the broadcasters is directed towards this one goal. Any action done beyond what is necessary for this motive is deemed superfluous.
Such a motive also represses the growth of new ideas and innovations. There exists a given medium of expression that disc jockeys are ordered to follow. Since the managers of these radio broadcasting institutions treat it as a business (as opposed to a communicative institution), they follow guidelines that pertain to the economy. Meaning, they typify .....
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Fire Or Ice? How Will The World End?
Number of words: 656 | Number of pages: 3.... range.
For one, the majority of psychics claim they cannot see past 2012 in the
future. Also, the Mayan calendar, recently revered as a major clue holder,
ends on December 21st, 2012. The Mayans believe time on earth will roll
over into "fourth dimensional time" in 2013, following the end of
civilization. Another interesting point involving this time frame centers
around the ozone hole. Between the years 2010-2020, the hole is expected
to be at its most dangerous levels. This could in turn be the cause, but
there are more connections to be made regarding events that are prophesied
to happen during the apocalypse.
When deal .....
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Guide Dogs
Number of words: 370 | Number of pages: 2.... are many breeds of dogs to choose from some of the most common are golden retriever, German shepherd, and Labrador retriever. Many people can pick almost any breed they are looking for though. The common breeds I pointed out are used because of their intelligence, willingness to work, and their mobility. The dogs that help are really filling a hole that these people have. And making their lives easier by doing this.
In my research I have learned a great deal of these dogs importance to the disabled. I have also seen how these dogs are trained and when to train them. I have seen the common breeds used by the people. I have seen tha .....
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Christopher Columbus Voyage
Number of words: 649 | Number of pages: 3.... sail known as a lateen. In addition, the ship carry a small square sail on the bowsprit, and small topsail on the mainmast above the mainsail.
B) A caravel, a smaller, lighter, and faster ship than the First Ship about length of 17 meters, keel length 13 meters, beam 5 meters, and depth 2 meters with three masts, and most likely carry sails like those of first ship, except for the topsail, and perhaps the spritsail.
C) A another caravel with square sails on the fore and main masts with four masts, including a small counter-mizzen at the stern with another lateen sail with the ship length at 15 meters, keel length 12 meters, beam .....
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Cricket, A Civilized Game
Number of words: 805 | Number of pages: 3.... Near each wicket a set of lines are drawn, these marks are the bowling and popping creases. Each wicket has its own bowling and popping crease. The bowling crease is drawn in the straight line with the three stumps measuring four feet on each side of the two end stumps. The second line, the popping crease, as drawn parallel to and four feet in front on the first line (Formals 29). Both bowling and popping creases are drawn by using a chalk or whitewash line about 11/2 inches wide. Batting in cricket is very similar to the style of batting used in baseball. Batsmen may hit the ball in any direction and, after hitting the ball, .....
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John Stuart Mill Verses Immanu
Number of words: 1166 | Number of pages: 5.... other man's pleasure (or pain) as equally as his own. Each person's happiness is equally important.
Mill believed that a free act is not an undetermined act. It is determined by the unconstrained choice of the person performing the act. Either external or internal forces compel an unfree act. Mill also determined that every situation depends on how you address the situation and that you are only responsible for your feelings and actions. You decide how you feel about what you think you seen. Immanuel Kant had an interesting ethical system. It is based on a belief that the reason is the final authority for morality. Actions of an .....
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Cigarrete Kills
Number of words: 615 | Number of pages: 3.... and what the tobacco industry do is to indirectly physiologically condition then to be attracted to cigarettes by using cartoons and cool slogans.
We the non-smokers might be asking each others …'So how come tobacco advertising is legal, if smoking is so bad for you?' Well there are two reasons for this, first because is ironically legal in the constitution of the United States which states the right of freedom of speech. The second reason is mainly because of money, tobacco company spend millions on lobbying congress and even more on donations to campaigns funds than any other industries.
What many people don't know is tha .....
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The Internet Terms
Number of words: 1545 | Number of pages: 6.... the Internet. See the Internet History
4. Backbone A central network connecting other networks together. Formerly a network run by the National Science Foundation for the US, there are now multiple backbones run by commercial providers such as MCI, Sprint, UUNET, and AT&T.
5. BBS (Bulletin Board System) -- A computerized meeting and announcement system that allows people to carry on discussions, upload and download files, and make announcements without the people being connected to the computer at the same time. There are many thousands (millions?) of BBS's around the world, most are very small, running on a single I .....
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Men's Health Vs. Glamour
Number of words: 1066 | Number of pages: 4.... they treated the reader as a professional and they have some knowledge about jobs. Glamour also was able to put in a beauty tip on what type of makeup to use and what is the current fashion. Which I thought that tip should have been an another article separate from "Jobs & Money."
Both magazines covered a range of health issues. Men’s Health and Glamour have common ground when it comes to topics on health. However, I found that when they address the same health issues, they address them in different ways. When it comes to age, Men’s Health has an article called “The end of the Lines" which talks about cosmetic surgery .....
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