Papers on People and Biographies
Doris Lessing's Life And Her Writings
Number of words: 1181 | Number of pages: 5.... farm hands trying to save a
maize crop from a huge swarm of locusts. Although their crop is ruined,
they are thankful that the swarm of locusts did not settle and lay eggs on
the farm. As a result, Margaret, the wife, who was brought up in the city,
slowly learns to adapt to her harsh yet beautiful surroundings” (Bloom,134).
In the story the main character is Margaret, a city girl is now a
farmer’s wife thrown into a way of life that is all new to her. “Margaret’
s love for her husband opposed to her despair for his future as a farmer”
(Thompson,1258). Her whole style of living has changed. Even though
everythin .....
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Harriet Tubman
Number of words: 1153 | Number of pages: 5.... where she led her sister, Mary Ann Bowlet and her two children to the North. In 1849, Harriet was to be sold to a slave trader. She was taken from her husband and didn¡¦t know where she was going to end up. She escaped that night. She traveled only when it was dark and slept during the day. She would hide in haystacks, barns, and houses. Harriet would always carry a revolver during her many trips to the South because a slave who returned to slavery could reveal people who facilitated the passages of escapees by offering them food ad shelter. Harriet would threaten to shoot anyone who out of fear of being caught decided to .....
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Number of words: 467 | Number of pages: 2.... she also became Caesar's mistress and followed him to Rome. In 47 b.c. Ptolemy Caesarion was born. However the Romans refused to believe that Ptolemy Caesarion was Caesar’s child. She stayed in Rome until his assassination 44 BC. He was killed by Brutus and Cassius. It was rumored later that helped the Caesarian party to assassin Caesar. But her world was shattered after his death.
When she was just fourteen years old she met Marc Antony for the first time. When she met him later in life she saw him as an opportunity for power and fame. She used her wit, charm, and wealth to gain the interest of Marc Antony. They we .....
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Marcus Aurelius
Number of words: 2598 | Number of pages: 10.... more apt to want a war than the contemplative Aurelius. Verus was an "Epicurean" and definitely would never be called a philosopher. However, Verus died suddenly in 169, leaving Aurelius to rule Rome on his own. It is important to mention that during basically all of Aurelius’ rule, Rome was engaged in a long series of defensive wars. In fact, the book Meditations was written during these wars, possibly during the darkest of conditions. And even though these wars were successful, they were taxing both on Rome as a state, and on Aurelius himself. However, he somehow managed to stay somewhat unaffected throughout, an amazi .....
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Thomas Jefferson
Number of words: 721 | Number of pages: 3.... many other documents dealing with the colonial protest of British rule. (3) A Summary View of the Rights of British America was a pamphlet denying right of Parliament to rule over the colonies. Jefferson proved to be an able writer of laws and resolutions because he was very concise and straight the point. (4) Jefferson was often turned to when skill with a pen was needed, as in the Declaration of Independence, but he also used his talent when his wished to voice his own opinions of what the principles of the nation should be.
Most of Jefferson’s values were expressed in his draft of the Declaration of Independence. It stated .....
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Ann Frank
Number of words: 493 | Number of pages: 2.... feelings. She wanted to make Hanukkah special during their time in the annex. Ann had no money so she had to use her imagination to come up with special gifts. She thought about each person individually and made a personal gift for each one in her family and the Van Dann’s family. They were all very surprised and treasured the gifts because they realized it came for Ann’s heart.
was a special person. She made the best out of a bad situation. She was trapped in the annex of a building for a very long time. She couldn’t do the simple everyday things, like go for a walk, listen to the radio, smell .....
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Number of words: 860 | Number of pages: 4.... the eye of Lorezno Medici the Magnificent, the power in Florence. Lorenzo invited to sculpt for him. This visit allowed to meet many people who immersed in him in the principles of humanism.
During his visit, sculpted the Madonna of the Stairs and the Battle of the Centaurs. After Lorenzo, his patron, died in 1492, left Florence. When he returned to his home, he studied the anatomy of the human body by dissecting humans. This followed the religious practices of Sarenetto, who was eventually burned at the steak. Soon after, created the Statue of a Man and Christ in Rome and sculpted the Virgin Mary holding the dead Christ .....
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Henry VIII
Number of words: 1044 | Number of pages: 4.... to do much of the political and religious activities. Henry soon got tired of his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, so he decides that he doesn't want to be married to her anymore, so he tells Thomas Wosley to talk to the pope so he can divorce Catherine. But, Cardinal Wosley wasn't able to convince the pope, so in 1529 Henry took Wosley's authority away from him. Henry then appointed Sir Thomas More. Henry then got that divorce through Thomas Cramner, that he wanted with Catherine of Aragon and then married Anne Boleyn. Cramner now the Arch Bishop of Canterbury, made Henry's marriage with Catherine void and his marriage with Ann .....
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Horace Mann
Number of words: 665 | Number of pages: 3.... was a right that was passed on from generation to generation. Denying children this right was horrible to Mann. Today in the United States, education of the public is seen as a right and is partaken in by countless young people every year. thought that if children were taught well they would make good goverrment officials.
Mann thought that schools must emphasize moral, civic, and cultural values. These ideas are what schools try to accomplish today. Mann believed in a common program in schools that would educate everyone. He thought that common schools should not teach vocational training, but instead offer an education .....
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Dustin Hoffman
Number of words: 495 | Number of pages: 2.... character
in this movie was probably difficult to act because of the events that took
place in the film. His character's personality and surroundings changed so
much. One minute Hoffman's character is a white Indian and the next he's a
I thought that the role that Hoffman played in “Kramer Vs. Kramer”
was fairly simple, however it showed how he could play diverse roles in
different movies. In this film he played a father who's wife left him and
his son but then returns and attempts to obtain custody of their eight-
year-old son. Hoffman shows how he can act his emotions in this movie. I
was convinced that h .....
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