Papers on People and Biographies
Adolf Hitler
Number of words: 1946 | Number of pages: 8.... with his performance, and gave him a really hard time and said to him "You will never be painter." The rejection really crushed him as he now reached a dead end. He could not apply to the school of architecture as he had no high-school diploma. During the next 35 years of his live the young man never forgot the rejection he received in the dean’s office that day. Many Historians like to speculate what would have happened IF.... perhaps the small town boy would have had a bit more talent....or IF the Dean had been a little less critical, the world might have been spared the nightmare into which this boy was eventuall .....
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Stephen Vincent Benet
Number of words: 1336 | Number of pages: 5.... of July 1898 (Roache 102: 11, 13). He described himself as a
positive-thinking and modest man, who is thin, attractive, vivacious, whereas
his wife and his mother-in-law would consider him a plain, tall, large biter-of-
nails who carries a foolish expression, but whose intellect is too much for
words (Parsekian 1).
He couldn't have been too foolish of a person due to his positive
upbringing. Benet's parents planned for him to be a success in whatever he chose
to do. Their open-mindedness encouraged him to explore books and ideas in a
professional state., as well as to appreciate and take literature and history
very se .....
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Number of words: 955 | Number of pages: 4.... evil. It is almost like a small lie that can grow and grow to ultimately consume your life. In its content, the Inferno also shows the reader what a sin is really like by creating a symbolic punishment which mirrors the actual sin. Hell is a place "where penalties are paid by those who, sowing discord, earned Hell’s wages." For example, in canto V lines 31-45, writes, "[Referring to those who lusted] I came to a place where no light shown at all, bellowing like the sea racked by a tempest, when warring winds attack it from both sides. The infernal storm, eternal in its rage, sweeps down and drives the spirits with its blast: .....
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Finest Young Man In Rome
Number of words: 716 | Number of pages: 3.... did not know what to do. He did not know who is telling the truth. He had believed that his father's death was an accident, but his mother tried to convince him that Manlius, his best friend, is responsible for it. He ordered him to pursue the Gauls, knowing that they were stronger than Romans. After his father's death, Manlius appointed someone from his own family instead of Rufinus' brother. This argument made Rufinus think about everything, again. He did not know whom to listen to his friend or his mother. Her conspiracy was very offensive and brutal. She wanted to kill Manlius, consul of Rome, and the best friend of her son. .....
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Comparison And Contrast Of Washington Irving And Edgar Allan
Number of words: 754 | Number of pages: 3.... yet dramatic. This is demonstrated in “Rip Van Winkle” when Rip comes back from the “Kaatskills” and is talking to all the people in the town. There, he finds his son and daughter and asks, “Where’s your mother?” By asking this question, Irving implies both curiosity and even fear if Dame Van Winkle is still around. This humorous approach to the subject of Rip’s wife, makes light of the fact that Rip can’t stand her. Poe uses tone similarly to give his story a ‘feel’. The especially dramatic and morbid tones of “The Fall of the House of Usher” are d .....
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Ulysses S. Grant
Number of words: 524 | Number of pages: 2.... the first group of Union volunteers in Galena and accompanied the men to Springfield. Grant longed for active duty and, on May 24, 1861, offered his services to the U.S. government, suggesting that he was “ competent to command a regiment.” Although he failed to gain this appointment, he accepted from Governor Yates the command of the 21st Illinois Regiment, quickly brought it under excellent discipline, and did good service against guerrillas in Missouri.
On August 7, 1861, President Lincoln appointed Grant Brigadier General of volunteers, and he took up headquarters in Cairo Illinois. Only a few days after he assum .....
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Five Against The World - Perl Jam
Number of words: 8827 | Number of pages: 33.... note to the studio framed on the living room wall. This is gorgeous country, where locals look out at the expansive green horizon and say things like "George Lucas owns everything to the left." This is where Pearl Jam would face the challenge of following up "Ten," one of the most successful debut albums in rock. There was only one problem.
"I f---ing hate it here," says Vedder, standing in the cool blur room where he is about to sing. "I've had a hard time." He places the lyric sheet in a stand between two turquoise-green guitars. "How do you make a rock record here? Maybe the old rockers, maybe they love this. Maybe they .....
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Theodore Roosevelt’s Domestic Accomplishments As President
Number of words: 392 | Number of pages: 2.... work for conservation. During his tenure in office he designated one hundred and fifty national forests, the first 51 federal bird reservations, five national parks, the first 18 national monuments, the first four national game preserves and the first 21 reclamation projects. He provided protection for almost to 230 million acres.
Roosevelt brought large corporations under the control of the people. He established the department of commerce and labor. He preached a “ Square-Deal “ for all Americans enabling millions to earn a decent living wage. He built up the Navy as the “ Big Stick “ thereby establishing America at .....
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Isabella I
Number of words: 965 | Number of pages: 4.... to the Catholic sovereigns, and to Queen Isabella fell the honor of appreciating the genius who had not been understood at Genoa, at Venice, or in Portugal. He was presented to the queen by her confessor, Padre Hernando Talavera, and Cardinal Mendoza (el Cardenal de España); and with the means which the king and queen procured for him he fitted out the three famous caravels which placed America in communication with the Old World. Sailing, 3 August, 1492, from the port of Palos, he discovered on 12 October-the day on which the feast of Our Lady of the Pillar is observed in Spain- the first of the Bahama Islands. Not only di .....
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Mark Antony
Number of words: 1233 | Number of pages: 5.... the People. Soon Antony became a quaestor with a reputation of being a speaker on behalf of Caesar’s interests while he was no there.
It was during this period in Rome where Antony met Fulvia. Fulvia also had a hate for Cicero from her last marriage. They soon were married and Antony was making his way higher in the Roman world. In 49BC, he received the title of Augur (priest and soothsayer). It was during this same year that he vetoed the Senates attempt to take Caesar’s command. Antony left Rome and traveled to Gaul until things cooled down where he went back to watch over Caesar’s interests. Caesar soon became enemies .....
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