Papers on People and Biographies
Number of words: 3008 | Number of pages: 11.... about everything in a more abstract way.
The Gods during time seemed to be further away from humanity, they did not disguise themselves as humans to help or punish them anymore (1). He only knew of them from old stories, myths, and Homer. He had a voice in him that stopped him from doing certain things as he was about to, and he thought that that was gift from the gods. He knew that goodness was the very mark of the gods and that is why he tried his best to be just towards everything and everybody.
As a teen talked and studied with many other accomplished scientists and philosophers, whose names are not known. Later, from when he .....
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George Washington
Number of words: 2361 | Number of pages: 9.... whatever worthies have merited from man an everlasting
In Williamsburg, when it was the seat of Virginia's government, Washington
secured his first military commissions, learned and practiced the arts of
politics, and moved from the attitude of being just another country squire to
become the leader of a continental revolution.
Born February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County he was the first son of his father
Augustine's second marriage: his mother was the former Mary Ball of Epping
Forest. When George was about 3 his family moved to Little Hunting Creek on the
Potomac, then to Ferry Farm opposite of Fredericksburg o .....
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James Joyce
Number of words: 1091 | Number of pages: 4.... preoccupations of his work are a sense of betrayal. Ireland, dominated both political and economically by Britain and religiously by the Catholic Church caused Joyce to regard them as "the two imperialisms" (Attridge P. 34). Roman Catholicism is an integral aspect of the novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. In 1917, the English novelist H.G. Wells in a review of the novel in the New Republic wrote, "by far the most living and convincing picture that exists of an Irish Catholic upbringing." Joyce's focus on betrayal was a consequence of the downfall in 1889of the Irish leader Charles Stuart Parnell when he wa .....
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Julius Caesar Biography
Number of words: 796 | Number of pages: 3.... to return
to Italy where he started a career as a criminal lawyer. In 75 BC he went
to Rhodes for more education and was once again captured by pirates, who
asked the usual tariff. Caesar demanded it doubled and threatened to kill
them. After the ransom was paid, he defeated the bandits and had them
After continuing his studies, they were quickly interrupted when
Mithridates of Pontus attacked Asia Minor in 74 BC. Caesar raised a small
army and defended some towns giving time for Commander Lucullus to also
raise an army and defeat them. Now Caesar was a war hero and returned to
Rome in 73 BC. His career as a g .....
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Autobiography Of Thomas Jefferson
Number of words: 5155 | Number of pages: 19.... age of 19. daur of Isham
Randolph one of the seven sons of that name & family settled at Dungeoness
in Goochld. They trace their pedigree far back in England & Scotland, to
which let every one ascribe the faith & merit he chooses.
My father's education had been quite neglected; but being of a strong mind,
sound judgment and eager after information, he read much and improved
himself insomuch that he was chosen with Joshua Fry professor of Mathem. in
W. & M. college to continue the boundary line between Virginia & N.
Caroline which had been begun by Colo Byrd, and was afterwards employed
with the same Mr. Fry to make the 1st map of .....
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H G Wells
Number of words: 349 | Number of pages: 2.... categorized as thesis novels. Among these are Ann Veronica, promoting women's rights; Tono-Bungay, attacking irresponsible capitalists; and Mr. Britling Sees It Through, depicting the average Englishman's reaction to war. After World War I Wells wrote an immensely popular historical work, The Outline of History. Throughout his long life Wells was deeply concerned with and wrote voluminously about the survival of contemporary society. For a time he was a member of the Fabian Society. He envisioned a utopia in which the vast and frightening material forces available to modern men and women would be rationally controlled for progress .....
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Mark Mcgwire Vs. Sammy Sosa
Number of words: 691 | Number of pages: 3.... a "testosterone-producing product that is banned in the NFL, Olympics, and NCAA," they fail to mention that neither the NHL nor the NBA has banned this over-the-counter product.
More relevant than the drug's legality is it's effect on McGwire's ability to hit home runs. "In 1987, his rookie year, McGwirehit 49 home runs" (Dimanno). In fact, if McGwire had not been injured so often throughout his career, Maris's record would have been surpassed several times already. After eleven years of learning how different opponents pitch, developing an effective swing, and working out in the gym, is it any wonder that McGwire has finally put .....
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The Life And Death Of 2Pac
Number of words: 715 | Number of pages: 3.... scene from any movie, although the story will likely wind
up as a made-for-television drama. Rather, it is the dramatic finale of
the life of rapper/actor Tupac Amaru Shakur, who was shot four times
during this escapade while traveling from a Mike Tyson fight to a nearby
club on September 7th. He later died of the wounds, after six days of
intensive care and several unsuccessful operations.
Tupac Amaru, or 2Pac, as he spelled it --distinguishing him from
the violent Peruvian terrorist group of the same name-- was one of today's
most popular "gangsta rappers." His lyrics are usually vulgar, offensive,
and explicit, and glorify .....
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Henry VIII's Divorce From Catherine Of Aragon
Number of words: 2911 | Number of pages: 11.... England not only loved her as their Queen, but as their
friend. Catherine of Aragon came into Henrys life as a sister-in-
law. She was married to Arthur, Henry's brother. Arthur soon died after
their marriage and Catherine was left a widow. Two years after his death,
Catherine soon realized her love for Prince Henry. Although a few years
younger than she, Henry still found it in his heart to love her back. The
two planned on getting married, but there were obstacles, very difficult
ones, that stood in their way. In 1502, Henry decided to marry her.
Everyone agreed with the marriage except the Archbishop of Canterbury,
William .....
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Muhammad Ali
Number of words: 1313 | Number of pages: 5.... Olympic Game was about to take
off, Ali was provided with an opportunity to represent his country. At this
point he had fought 103 amateur matches, and had only lost five. Ali went with
the Olympic team to Rome, and he did not only participate, he also won the
precious Olympic gold medal. Ali returned home from Italy, and he felt that he
had made a difference when he won the gold medal for his country. When he got
back to his hometown, Louisville, he thought that he was going to be treated as
a champion, but he was still discriminated by the white society. In anger, Ali
decided to throw his Olympic gold medal into the Ohio river, .....
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