Papers on People and Biographies
Nikola Tesla
Number of words: 1045 | Number of pages: 4.... of Edison, and in May 1885,
George Westinghouse, head of the Westinghouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh,
bought the patent rights to many of Tesla's inventions. After a difficult period,
during which Tesla invented but lost his rights to many inventions, he
established his own laboratory in New York City in 1887, where his inventive
mind could be free. In 1895, Tesla discovered X-rays after hours upon hours of
experimentation. Tesla's countless experiments included work on different power
sources and various types of lightning. The Tesla coil, which he invented in
1891, is widely used today in radio and television sets an .....
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William Mackenzie King
Number of words: 645 | Number of pages: 3.... by- Election on Feb.15, 1926. William’s government was shaken in 1926 by the Revelation that the Customs Department was tainted with corruption and incompetence. King William was also interested in labour coincided with an expansion in manufacturing and a concern elations. King also acted as a conciliator in a number of strikes, his major legislative Achievement being the industrial dispute investigation in the Act of 1907, which delayed Strikes, or lockouts in public utilities or mines until a conciliation board achieved a settlement or published a report. King was defeated in the 1911 for the federal election and in 191 .....
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Dante Alighieri: A Poetic Descent Into Metaphorical Hell
Number of words: 1653 | Number of pages: 7.... of Guido Cavalcanti, a
popular Italian poet of the day, as Dante's skill became more defined the
two became friends. It is also thought that Dante studied at the
university in Bologna around the year 1285.
He became involved in some political altercations, he joined the
Guelphs, as opposed to the Chibellines, and he was involved in a battle and
emerged victorious. It was around this time, 1290, that Beatrice died,
after she died he began studying philosophy, he read the works of Boethius
and Cicero. He soon after married Gemma Donati, a member of a noble
Florentine Guelph family. He attempted to settle down and forget .....
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Richard Nixon 2
Number of words: 1047 | Number of pages: 4.... office.
Nixon’s first stab at political office was when he ran for the Republican seat in the House of Representatives against Jerry Voorhis. Nixon started his dirty campaigning in this election when he made suggestions that Jerry Voorhis might be a Communist. This is where I feel Nixon went to far. In a public election you let the people decide whether or not Jerry Voorhis is a Communist. That is why the people have the right to vote. If you use the name-calling tactic you are completely going against the reason public elections are held. Nixon won his seat in the House of Representatives. While he was in the House he was on .....
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Edgar Allan Poe
Number of words: 1463 | Number of pages: 6.... In the spring of 1826, Poe entered the University of Virginia.
There he studied Spanish, French, Italian, and Latin. He had an excellent
scholastic record. He got into difficulties almost at once. Mr. Allan
did not provide him with the money to pay for his fees and other
necessities. Poe was confused and homesick. He learned to play cards and
started drinking. Soon he was in debt in excess of two thousand dollars.
Poe discovered that he could not depend upon Allan for financial support.
His foster father refused to pay his debts, and Poe had to withdraw from
the University (Asselineau 410).
In May of 182 .....
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Quarter Paper: Antonio Vivaldi And The Music Of His Time
Number of words: 1401 | Number of pages: 6.... writers of
the 16th century found absurd and pointless. On the contrary, Baroque
music is far from being absurd or pointless. The word "baroque" is
derived from that or from the word "barrochio" that is an Italian word
used since the middle ages to indicate shifty or tricky procedures.
Wherever it's beginnings, the word "baroque" had been used since the 18th
century to indicate paintings, poems, architecture, literature, and all
else that is dynamic, dramatic, and to some eyes, astonishing and
incredibly even ugly. This really comes to a surprise to me because I've
listened to baroque music like Antonio Vivaldi and Johann Seb .....
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William Mosby Is A Hero
Number of words: 382 | Number of pages: 2.... He always knew what he was up against.
Lastly one must be daring. You got to have guts; a wussy hero
isn't any good. Mosby was very daring. You had to be to take six men into
an enemy camp armed with just pistols and a few rifles and steal millions
in gold and equipment. Once he snuck into an enemy held town, he creaped
right up to the command post and proceeded to tease and then kill their
commanding officer. He later pillaged the town for all of it's supplies.
That is what I call gutsy. Especially when at anytime the whole
union army could march right on in and discover what he was doing.
William Mosby po .....
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Nelson Mandela
Number of words: 1251 | Number of pages: 5.... Representative Council. He was suspended from college for joining in a protest boycott. He went to Johannesburg where he entered politics by joining the African National Congress in 1942 (Woods).
At the height of the Second World War, members of the African National Congress set themselves the task of transforming ANC into a mass movement. In September of 1944 they came together to form the African National Congress
Youth League. Mandela soon impressed his peers by his disciplined work and consistent effort and was elected to the Secretaryship of the Youth League in 1947 (Ngubane).
By painstaking work, the ANCYL was able to .....
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Ralph Ellison’s Life
Number of words: 1315 | Number of pages: 5.... he and his family lived among middle class whites. Ellison was endowed with learning and intellectual curiosity. Ellison was introduced to a new world, one that he would make his own. His history, folktales, and music were already important to him. He often wrote about his Afro-American heritage:
“There is no point in complaining over the past or apologizing for one’s fate. But for blacks, there are no hiding places down here, neither in country or city. They are an American people who are geared to what is and who yet are driven by a sense of what is possible for human life to be in this society. The nation could n .....
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Frank Lloyd Wright 2
Number of words: 701 | Number of pages: 3.... His rooms became wide open to one another and the overall configuration of his plans became more and more alike, reaching out toward some real or imagined expansive horizon.
In contrast to the openness of those houses and as if in conflict with their immediate city environment, Wright’s urban buildings tend to be walled in with light entering primarily from above, through skylights. These features contrasted with those of his mentor’s, Sullivan, work. Wright’s distaste for urban environments and his embrace of the natural environment are observed in the contrasting features of some of his finest buildings i .....
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