Papers on People and Biographies
Nathan McCall
Number of words: 498 | Number of pages: 2.... society have for them. They end up
hating themselves.
"I learned to hate myself by the time I was 12 years old," he said. McCall
said he and his friends did not believe they had a future. Self-
destructive behavior was the result. He credits his 12 year prison sentence
for changing his attitude. His fellow inmates told him "don't do what
we've done," and encouraged him to change his lifestyle. He read books as
part of the prison programming and was influenced by authors that wrote
about being Black.
In February '94 he landed a contract with Random House; the hard-back
edition of his book made The New York Times best-seller list .....
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Werner Heisenberg
Number of words: 1578 | Number of pages: 6.... the Nazi's in power, and World War two on the horizon it was
inevitable that his German heritage would play a crucial role in his career.
Before Germany's blitzkrieg on Poland Heisenberg decided to make one final visit
of his friends in the West. Many tried to convince him to stay and accept a
professorship at Columbia, but Heisenberg declined. He felt that it was his
duty to preserve the foundation of science in Germany during the war. He also
believed that by staying in Germany during the war, he could help individual
German scientists. In fact, he did offer jobs to Jewish scientists when they
were fired from their posts .....
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Franklin Roosevelt
Number of words: 573 | Number of pages: 3.... by a "Brain Trust" of experts, he immediately launched his reform program. Banks were reopened, federal credit was restored, the gold standard was abandoned, and the dollar devalued. During the first hundred days of his administration, major legislation to facilitate industrial and agricultural recovery was enacted. In 1935 he introduced the Utilities Act, directed against abuses in the large holding companies, and the Social Security Act, providing for disability and retirement insurance. The presidential election 1936 was won entirely on the record of the New Deal. During 1935-36 Roosevelt was involved in a conflict over the .....
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Charles Darwin
Number of words: 1989 | Number of pages: 8.... of
public and the church that were at the heart of Darwin's contribution to
biological science.
Charles Darwin did not invent the concept of evolution. A number of prominent
scientists and other thinkers during the eighteenth century and the first half
of the nineteenth century (among them Charles Darwin's grandfather, Erasmus
Darwin) had offered detailed theories of evolution (Clark, 1984, pg.24-25).
Therefor the idea of evolution went very far back in Western history.
At that time this concept was referred to as The Great Chain Of Life and was
conceived in the middle ages, based on a mixture of classical and Biblica .....
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Cornelius Vanderbilt
Number of words: 544 | Number of pages: 2.... Albany trade and they paid him to go elsewhere. Vanderbilt continued to improve his businesses and his boats, adding luxury and comfort to all his boats, he launched the largest steamboat ever in existence in 1846 and it was named for him. By 1840 his company had more than 100 steamboats and more employees than any other company in the United States at the time. By the time he was 40, Vanderbilt's fortune exceeded 500,000 dollars, but he was still looking for new opportunities. During the 1849 gold rush, Vanderbilt offered an overland route across the isthmus of Panama that saved 600 miles and this got him over 1 million doll .....
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Harry Elmer Barnes
Number of words: 2757 | Number of pages: 11.... that similar corrections of Allied propaganda and popularized conceptions of the methods of warfare in the Second World War would meet even sterner resistance.
Today - half a century after the conclusion of the Second World War - it would be fair to expect a less emotional environment, one in which historians, researchers and writers were free to examine the actual causes of the war as well as the atrocities committed by both sides in the conflict. However, those and other topics are more forbidden than ever with the greatest taboo surrounding analysis of the fate of Europe's Jews and others in what has come to be known as the Hol .....
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Henry Ford
Number of words: 998 | Number of pages: 4.... year alone. It was easy to operate, maintain, handle on rough roads, and immediately became a success. Along with success came expansion, and in 1910 he established another assembly plant in Highland Park, Michigan. Through interchangeable parts, standard manufacturing, and a division labor, the demand greatly increased for the Model T. It was at this time in 1913 that Ford introduced the assembly line and forever changed our economy, our industry, and our culture.
Ford’s concept of an assembly line sprang from the thought that a car could be produced much quicker if each person did one, single task. He applied this in .....
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Benedict Arnold
Number of words: 947 | Number of pages: 4.... was in the army, and not a farmer). To his own sister he said, “No, Hannah! No, no!” when he had in fact deserted his post.
Arnold did not admit to himself that he was a cruel and selfish man. After his fight with Hannah, he confessed to himself that he was a deserter. . Even so, he did not blame himself, instead he said, “Well, if I am a deserter it isn’t my fault. They hadn’t treated me fairly in the army. They never gave me the chance to prove I could be a soldier, and a good one. Why wouldn’t I have slipped away? It was somebody else’s fault, not mine!” (23). He said this last sentence repeatedly as i .....
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The Life Of Alexander Hamilton
Number of words: 4858 | Number of pages: 18.... or perhaps even outward disdain
from the townspeople he encountered. Rachel's husband, who had had her
imprisoned in Christiansted some years before for adultery, had posted a
public summons for her to appear before a divorce court, declaring her a
whore who had given birth to illegitimate children. After Rachel's death
from yellow fever, her husband then sued for all her assets, depriving her
"whore children" of any benefit her meager belongings might bring.
That Hamilton frowned upon as a youngster can be reasonably assumed
by his behavior later in life: primarily his preoccupation with matters of
honor and character .....
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James Earl Jones: A Voice In The Crowd
Number of words: 2739 | Number of pages: 10.... believe my ears,@ recalls Jones, AThey
called me James Earrrrl instead of James Uhl, as it had sounded in the
After the initial shock of hearing Northern dialect, Jones Aquickly
absorbed this different rhythm and style@ and embarked on the first half of a
long vocal journey leading to his distinctive speaking style. Until he was 14
years old, James Earl Jones rarely spoke mostly due to shyness, preferring
silence to the sound of his own voice.
Around the age of 10, James Earl Jones witnessed his brother, Randy,
having an epileptic seizure. His grandmother applied the only remedy she knew -
a thimbleful of bluing .....
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