Papers on People and Biographies
Moll Flanders
Number of words: 1164 | Number of pages: 5.... Newgate Prison, and in English society, there was little chance for Moll to escape this class. But Moll had the blessing of the kind "nurse" who raised her, kept her out of the dreaded servitude, and found a high class family for Moll to live and grow up with. Moll was a beautiful girl and thanks to her "nurse" and this family, she was well along the road to truly becoming a gentlewoman. Had events continued flawlessly from here, Moll might have achieved her goal without any pain, suffering, or remorse. Unfortunately, this was not to be the case.
Moll's problems began with her relationship with the eldest brother. H .....
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Adolph Hitlers' Rise To Power
Number of words: 1039 | Number of pages: 4.... of propaganda he used, and was successful in using, were his words. Hitler made many speeches, but the one speech that was a famous one, was his final speech at his trial for treason. In this speech he gave his views and opinions on the events preceding the trial. This is an excerpt from his speech: "...I aimed from the first to....become the destroyer of Marxism....The army that we are building grows more from day to day, from hour to hour. Gentlemen, not you who will be the ones that deliver the verdict over us, but that verdict will be given by the eternal judgement of history, which will speak out against the accusation that h .....
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Zora Neale Hurston
Number of words: 1907 | Number of pages: 7.... alone for months out of a time (Lyons 1). Zora's mother, Lucy Potts Hurston was the "hard-driving force in the family."(Lyons 2) Lucy was a country schoolteacher, who taught all her children how to read and write, which lead to six out of her seven children earning a college degree (Lyons 2-3). Unfortunately, Lucy Hurston died when Zora was nine years of age (Otfinoski 46). Zora was the seventh child out of a family of eight (Otfinoski 45). During her childhood she felt unloved by her father and thus was seen as the odd on out (Lyons 2).
Zora's education was comprised of six years of grammar school, high school, and se .....
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Shel Silverstein
Number of words: 1527 | Number of pages: 6.... cartoonist, but this time for a little-known magazine called Playboy. Despite this wide range of literary audiences, Silverstein’s main purpose was to entertain.
Two of his major collections of works of literature are the critically acclaimed Where the Sidewalk Ends and A Light in the Attic. They have no real historic significance; they were written to entertain. These two books contain some of Silverstein’s most accredited work. Since the books are children’s literature, not many critics have taken the time to review the works. However, Book Reviews reference to a review of Silverstein’s A Light in the Attic sa .....
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Julius Caesar
Number of words: 2011 | Number of pages: 8.... of the optimates, in 82 BC on the latter's return from the East. On each occasion the massacre of political opponents was followed by the confiscation of their property. The proscriptions of Sulla, which preceded the reactionary political legislation enacted during his dictatorship left a particularly bitter memory that long survived.
Caesar left Rome for the province of Asia on the condition that he divorce his wife because Sulla would only allow him to leave on that condition. When he heard the news that Sulla had been killed he returned to Rome. He studied rhetoric under the distinguished teacher Molon.
In the winter of 75-74 .....
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Number of words: 749 | Number of pages: 3.... he had developed a reputation for fine improvisatory performances. In Vienna young soon had a long list of aristocratic patrons who loved music and were eager to help him.
Onset of Deafness
In the late 1700s began to suffer from early symptoms of deafness. The cause of his disability is still uncertain. By 1802 was convinced that the condition not only was permanent, but was getting progressively worse. He spent that summer in the country and wrote what has become known as the "Heiligenstadt Testament." In the document, apparently intended for his two brothers, expressed his humiliation and despair. For the rest of his life h .....
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Booker T. Washington
Number of words: 1237 | Number of pages: 5.... on a small tobacco plantation. His only true relative was his mother, Jane, who was the plantation's cook. His father was probably the white son of one of the neighbors, though it is not known for sure. Washington spent his childhood years on the plantation, but since he was so young he never had to do the heavy work. He did the small jobs, such as carrying water to the field hands and taking corn to the local mill for grinding. This hard work at an early age instilled in him the values he would teach for the rest of his life. When the Civil War ended in April of 1863, Washington and his mom were set free. Unlike most of the oth .....
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Karl Marx 3
Number of words: 635 | Number of pages: 3.... and social views. In 1843, he married Jenny Von Westphalen. In 1844, Marx met the man who would change his life forever. Both Engles and Marx had gone through the German Philosophic school and had come to the same conclusions but while Marx arrived at an understanding of the struggles an demands of the age basis of the French Revolution, Engles did so on the basis of English industry. (The Story of his Life, Mehring, page 93) In 1845, he left for Brussels, Belgium. It’s during these years that Marx is said to have really developed his views and his intellectual standing. In 1848, the Communist Manifesto or Manifest der Kommun .....
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Kurt Cobain
Number of words: 1986 | Number of pages: 8.... to notice that Kurt was very good
in art. Most of Kurt's friends didn't really like things like art and music.
He loved these things so much he stopped making friends because he was different.
Kurt was not such a health kid. His whole life he suffered chronic bronchitis.
At age of seven he was diagnosed hyperactive. He was put on Ritalin. This
seemed to make him stay up until four in the morning. They soon put him on
sedatives. This did not work either. They made him fall asleep in school.
Doctors told Wendy to try subtracting sugar and Red Dye #2 from his food. This
was the right prescription for Kurt. Sometime d .....
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Abraham Lincoln: Biography
Number of words: 420 | Number of pages: 2.... Our
defense is in the spirit which prized liberty as the heritage of all men, in all
lands everywhere. Destroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of
despotism at your own doors. Familiarize yourself with the chains of bondage
and you prepare your own limbs to wear them (World Book Encyclopedia).
He lost his campaign for the Senate, but during the debates with his
opponent Stephen Douglas, he became well known for his opposotion to slavery.
The southern states, which believed they depended upon slavery to remain
prosperous in the cotton, tobacco, and rice industries, threatened to secede
from the nation if Lincoln won .....
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