Papers on Society and Social Issues
Psychology: Women And Territory
Number of words: 378 | Number of pages: 2.... personal space.
Some people are allowed into the bubble while strangers usually must stay
outside. The bubble varies from culture to culture. A person in Europe will
stand closer to a friend than an American would. The odd feeling that Americans
experience in foreign countries when talking to local people is a common
misunderstood concept.
Naomi Weisstein's article Psychology Constructs the Female, explains the
various misunderstanding that male psychologist have towards females. One the
prominent psychologists of the sixties, Erik Erikson, explained his biased
opinions that women primary function is the being a mother. "W .....
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Stay Tuned: The Exploitation Of Children In Television Advertisements
Number of words: 4363 | Number of pages: 16.... of
advertisements. Children spend thousands of hours captivated by various
advertising tactics and do not understand their subtleties. Though advertisers
in America's free enterprise system are regulated because of societal pressures,
they also are protected in their rights under freedom of expression to unfairly
target America's youth in order to sell to their parents, regardless of the very
young's inability to recognize the art of persuasion.
In the free enterprise system, the advertiser's role is to persuade
consumers to buy their products/services. They are given a product/service and
are required to use their best creativ .....
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Number of words: 4266 | Number of pages: 16.... settlement in America there was gang-like activity, especially when class distinctions came into being. Gang members tended to be from the poorer classes and tended to be from the same race or ethnic background. They banded together for protection, recreation or financial gain.
The 20th Century Gangs
In the early 1900s the U.S. economy worsened, the population grew at a rapid pace, and the gap between the rich and poor widened. All across the nation gangs appeared where poor, hopeless people lived. The dawning of the 20th century also brought with it a widespread use of firearms. 1920sBy mid 1920s there were 1313 gangs in Chicag .....
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Communication Progresses Between People
Number of words: 808 | Number of pages: 3.... ocean, one in England, the other in Newfoundland. This is
where the telephone plays a role. It facilitates an almost instantaneous
connection at a reasonable cost, and bridges a gap. Fortunately, this is
now made possible by satellite systems launched into orbit by a recently
developed rocket deployment system. Aside from this, people should attempt
to communicate with people in their immediate surroundings more often, and
use the more up-to-date technology sparingly, and only when appropriate.
If a walk is taken down the street, or perhaps a ride on the subway,
there will always be people seen with "Walkmans" or similar e .....
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Interpersonal Communication
Number of words: 1042 | Number of pages: 4.... no communication at all. Even if the message is perceived wrong
interpersonal communication still exists as long as the feedback is given. For
example: when you talk to someone that is hard of hearing and you ask them to do
something and they hear you say something other than what you said there is
still interpersonal communication, although it is miscommunication. If the
person, however, does not here the speaker at all and does not give any feedback,
then interpersonal communication has not been established according to my
Another important dimension to my definition is that the information is
exchanged in order t .....
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Kinship As A Mechanism For Social Integrating
Number of words: 1038 | Number of pages: 4.... that all descent groups and
kinship recognition are passed through the mother. They are organize into dalas,
matrilineal descent groups and kumilas, one of four named matrilineal clans.
During Wiener's fieldwork in the Trobriand Islands, she experienced the death of
an old chief, Uwelasi. The preparation of the burial of a dead person is a
complicated division of responsibilities. These roles of obligation are filled
by those in Uwelasi's dala and his kumila. All these people must come together,
from other villages sometimes, to help with he planning of this event. A large
part of Uwelasi's death was the distribution of his p .....
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Importance Of Good Self-Esteem
Number of words: 1634 | Number of pages: 6.... impatient, sarcastic, jealous, violent, cruel, hateful, unfriendly, insensitive, vain, greedy, unethical, rude, phony, paranoid, dishonest, co-dependent, obnoxious, sad, mad, lazy, oversensitive, irresponsible, rebellious, moody, depressed, suicidal, stressed, revengeful, unforgiving, shy, shameful, lustful, selfish, materialistic, or envious?” All of these descriptions could be a start to having a low self-esteem. If you asked people this same question most people would admit that they have these feelings at one time or another. And once you have admitted to this, then you already have the advantage of knowing that you co .....
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Number of words: 635 | Number of pages: 3.... bringing
manufactured goods, capture Africans and take them to the Caribbean, and
then take the crops and goods and bring them back to Europe. The African
people, in order to communicate invented a language that was a mixture of
all the African languages combined, called Creole. This language now
varies from island to island. They also kept their culture which accounts
for calypso music and the instruments used in these songs.
Slavery was common all over the world until 1794 when France signed the
Act of the National Convention abolishing slavery. It would take America
about a hundred years to do the same (Slavery Two; Mi .....
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Homeless Youths
Number of words: 714 | Number of pages: 3.... to risk forming deep friendships. They experience depression as a result of leaving familiar places and people, and may fall behind academically as they miss school. Children who have to keep moving have no sense of roots, personal space, or possesions. Most see life as temporary, and are restless and leaving projects half finished. Nearly all cling to their few possesions and can be agresive trying to claim something for themselves. Because they lack control in other areas of their lives, nearly all of the kids will literally fight for control at school. School is just one of the many places homeless kids have trouble in, b .....
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Importance Of Womens Suffrage On Home And Life
Number of words: 588 | Number of pages: 3.... a sign that the women wanted to get away from the old way of life....hint the flappers and the new brand of music called jazz.
Then the first Women's Rights Convention was held on July 19 and 20 in 1848. The convention went along as planned taking over two-days of just discussion, they want to get 12 resolutions agreement on and endorsement, one by one, with a few amendments. The only resolution that did not pass unanimously was the call for women's authorization. That women should be allowed to vote in elections was impossible to some. At the convention, debate over the woman's vote was the main concern.
Women's Rights Conve .....
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