Papers on Society and Social Issues
Japan: Social Customs
Number of words: 470 | Number of pages: 2.... well as many rooms to celebrate their wedding in Western style after the vow. A bride wears a pure-white Japanese Kimono (Shiro-muku) in front of the God at first. Then she changes it to a colorful Kimono at the beginning of the wedding party, then again to a beautiful Western-style in the middle of the party and finally to a pure-white wedding dress (Western-style). Changing clothes in the middle of the party is called oiro-naoshi.
However, recently some people prefer the tendency of simplification, so they choose the way in simple styles, sometimes without oiro-naoshi or even without the party itself. Of course, there also exist .....
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Cars: New Or Used
Number of words: 436 | Number of pages: 2.... is performance. Japanese cars were the first to offer multi-valve engines, which have only recently come available in American models. Multi-valve engines allow for greater power while maintaining a higher fuel economy. There are other technologies concerning performance indigenous to specific Japanese automakers. Honda offers a V-Tech engine that incorporates a computer to open and close engine valves dramatically increasing horsepower, range of power across the tachometer, while maintaining fuel economy. Mazda introduced a rotary engine in 1979 that, although was an internal combustion engine, differed markedly from tradition .....
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Persuasive Essay: Overpopulation
Number of words: 258 | Number of pages: 1.... of around 10 billion by the year 2050. Two billion of these are
extremely poor, the poorest of which live in absolute poverty and misery.
One very serious effect of the population explosion is its detrimental
effects on the global environment. Increasing amounts of food, energy, water,
and shelter are required to fulfill the needs of human society. Much of our
energy is derived from the burning of fossil fuels-releasing millions of metric
tons of toxins into the atmosphere annually. The amount of land required for
food production will grow increasingly larger, while the amount of available
land will grow increasingly sma .....
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Torture, Not Culture - Female Genital Mutilation
Number of words: 1167 | Number of pages: 5.... Soraya got into the car, she
wondered where the armed guards were. Being the daughter of a Somolian
general, she was always escorted by guards. Despite her mother's promise
of gifts, they did not stop at a store, but at a doctor's home. "This is
your special day," Soraya's mother said. "Now you are to become a woman,
an important woman." She was ushered into the house and strapped down to
an operating table. A local anesthetic was given but it barely blunted the
pain as the doctor performed the circumcision. Soraya was sent home an
hour later. Soraya broke from her culture's confining bonds at the age of
18 by running away from an .....
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Slavery: A Justified Institution
Number of words: 1206 | Number of pages: 5.... launched a defensive against slavery which explained the "peculiar institution" as a positive good, supported, in fact, by the sacred words of the Bible and the philosophy of the wise Aristotle. The moral and biblical justification surrounding their belief that the relations between slave and man, however admitting to deplore abuses in it, was compatible with Christianity, and that the presence of Africans on American soil was an occasion of gratitude on the slave's behalf before God – basically, the slaves should have been grateful for their bondage. Plantation owners even stressed religion by teaching the slaves the principle .....
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The Real Threat Of Nuclear Smuggling
Number of words: 552 | Number of pages: 3.... 50.4 cubic centimeters, or one seventh the volume of a standard aluminum
soft-drink can.
In addition to this, analysts have found that security is much to lax in
even the supposedly "most protected locations". For example, the Russian stores
in particular suffer from sloppy security, poor inventory management and
inadequate measurements. Then there is the virtually nonexistent security at
nuclear installations that compounds the problem. The main reason for this lack
of security is that pay and conditions have worsened and disaffection has become
widespread. So with an alienated workforce suffering from low and often late
w .....
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Dangerous Driving And The Effects On Youth
Number of words: 1975 | Number of pages: 8.... driving as viewed from a theoretical standpoint
can easily be identified with the social control theory. The control theory
questions not what motivates individuals and society in general to indulge in
societal deviant behaviour but rather examines what is within the structure of a
society that causes individuals to conform to social laws. A social control
theorist would argue that it is social pressures that prevent people from acting
out in deviant manners; otherwise people would act upon inborn animal impulses.
In this case, Mr. Park it seems felt the need to drive his sports car very fast
and dangerously because it cat .....
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Poverty And Welfare
Number of words: 434 | Number of pages: 2.... We're more spread out now, but our travel time
is not any greater.
What I learned leads me to wonder: Why can't we do the same? Were
Americans then a different people than we are today? Have we become so
corrupted that we don't care about others? Have we become so lazy that we are
unwilling to suffer with? I think not. I hope not. But we have become used to
having someone else do it for us - even though we know that a professional
social worker, with a case load of 200 or so, can't do much more than shuffle
paper. Bad charity drives out good.
My conclusion is that when we complain about a spendthrift mo .....
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Number of words: 672 | Number of pages: 3.... these categories, the "conservative" teenager describes the class of
teenagers who follow the rules and teachings of the adult world without a
complaint or rejection. One will most likely find a "conservative" teen in
the front of the classroom trying to get as close to the teacher's desk as
possible. One will find that this person is usually quite timid and quiet
the majority of the time.
The description of any of these abstract creatures is quite difficult
because of the vast difference in each one's features. These beings may
range from 3 feet in height up to around 7 feet. They can be either tall,
fat, thin, sh .....
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Communication Skills
Number of words: 803 | Number of pages: 3.... thoughts and ideas. This is how different
things can effect one's communication skill, speaking.
A second communication skill is body language, a very personal way of
expressing yourself without words. One's body language can carry a whole
conversation without even saying a word. Sign language is an excellent example
of this, one can spend there whole life communicating only with there body.
Still one can be able to understand exactly how a person is trying to express
themselves. Speaking and body language goes hand to hand, without gestures when
talking one cannot truly explain certain things to someone. Also there is no .....
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