Papers on Society and Social Issues
Women In The Labour Force December 17, 1992
Number of words: 1045 | Number of pages: 4.... economic activity,
the reason why is it affects their marriage and the care of their only child.
An observation of labour force participation rates in Canada show that
female rates rose a lot between 1971 and 1981, while the male rate rose
unnoticeably. The increase in the female participation rate was found in all
age groups except in older women. For women aged 15 to 19 the rate was as
almost as high as the men. But the largest increase was in the age group of 25-
44 years old, where the rate rose almost 50 percent. This meant that the
participation rates of the females had become more alike with the men.
Fa .....
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Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Number of words: 627 | Number of pages: 3.... from the parents is painful for them. This is when the mother realizes that there son/ daughter does not go to them for the basic nourishing needs. The views that were brought up in class have shown in forty years the growth of television sales have drastically increased.
Sex becomes a very important stage in a young persons life. Experimenting with different partners becomes a game and feelings of being used are taken in. Teenagers at the age of eighteen are aloud to but pornography which leads them into a sense comfort from there girlfriend/boyfriend. Mothers are taken over buy girlfriends, fathers are taken over buy boyfri .....
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Underage Drinking: A Problem For Society
Number of words: 1125 | Number of pages: 5.... the urge to drink. Social environment, peer influence, stress, and even factors such as media influence contribute to underage drinking. “Researchers have found that peer influence, a more subtle form of peer pressure, can be a powerful predictor of alcohol use among teens.” (Mitchell, 27) Americans have a burning desire to be accepted and liked by their peers. Everyone wants to feel a sense of belonging. Many adolescents feel that they need to drink alcohol to gain this acceptance by the others around them. Stress is also another reason why teens may feel apt to drink alcohol. Stress causes teenagers to look for a .....
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Violence Due To The Media
Number of words: 545 | Number of pages: 2.... of the shows level of maturity.
Television violence and vulgarity are not the only examples of unjust censorship. Who can speak their mind on controversial subjects such as the murder that occurs every day, which is abortion and the faults in our government? The message needs to be heard about these and other wrongs of society, but they aren’t. No one can make their message heard to wide masses of people unless it is a politically correct and non-controversial message, and that’s not the way that it should be. That further demonstrates the injustice of censorship.
And it doesn’t end there. There are people who want to la .....
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Date Rape
Number of words: 1181 | Number of pages: 5.... did too many drugs to know what exactly was happening. Many people will say that when alcohol is in their system, it disables your vision, allowing other people to become more appealing to the eye. This could be one of the reasons why often occurs on college campuses at fraternity houses or bars. Between a woman’s lowered inhibitions and delayed reactions and a man’s raised confidence, it is often difficult to resist some sexual advances. Sometimes a woman will pass out and wake up with a man having sex on top of her. The woman would not even know that she was being raped if she hadn’t woken up. This also wouldn’t happe .....
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Number of words: 2018 | Number of pages: 8.... an enlightenment
on the reincarnation concepts as they apply to Taoism and Buddhism.
The goal in Taoism is to achieve tao, to find the way. Tao is the
ultimate reality, a presence that existed before the universe was formed
and which continues to guide the world and everything in it. Tao is
sometimes identified as the Mother, or the source of all things. That
source is not a god or a supreme being as with Christians, for Taoism is
not monotheistic. The focus is not to worship one god, but instead on
coming into harmony with tao. Tao is the essence of everything that is
right, and complications exist only because people cho .....
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India's Hunger Problem
Number of words: 911 | Number of pages: 4.... there are many ethnic groups in India, and these acts may have been committed out of revenge or hatred. But they contributed to India's problem today. Majorly the widespread cause of poverty in India led to its famine problem. Roughly 200 million people, half the population lived below the poverty line at independence. After twenty-five years of independence the number below poverty increased to 300 million and over. The nation is simply just poverty-stricken and there is high unemployment in most areas. In the village of Ghosrawan, many of its residents must catch and eat rats to survive. The small towns are "dirty, there is unc .....
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Protection From Abuse And Neglect
Number of words: 1129 | Number of pages: 5.... supervision. This may interest children to comment
on situations and on general conversation that they normally would be scared to
ask their parents. I feel that this is relevant to children in today's society
because these situations of abuse and neglect occur in many households, and
children either do not know their rights or fail to take action to them.
The kinds of topics and issues discussed in the association and in
connection with children's rights will vary according to importance. The
beginning stages of the meetings will consist of examples and definitions of
what abuse and neglect constitute. We will the .....
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The Repulsive Effects Of Smoking
Number of words: 1207 | Number of pages: 5.... and millions of people. Just in the United States alone, 400,000 people have died due to tobacco related illnesses. Study has shown that a single cigarette contributes to the loss of seven minutes of a person’s life. As Lawrence C. An, MD, documents, “Each day nearly 3000 young people begin smoking, one in three of whom may die prematurely.” Doctor An tries to convince people that chronic smokers have a good chance of dying at an early age. One reason for this magnitude of death is lung cancer. Smoking causes severe damage to a person’s lungs. When you inhale cigarette smoke, you are depositing a great amount .....
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Gang Violence
Number of words: 975 | Number of pages: 4.... gangs use graffiti to show their power and to mark their turf.
"Everywhere you go you see graffiti." Professor Allen Walker Read of Columbia
University said, "The pen is mightier than the sword." Gangs in Parma are very
active with the pen. They "tag" their property buildings and houses everywhere.
Police want to know where all the parents are. Why aren't they doing anything
about this? Many people in Parma want to know the answer to the same questions.
Cincinnati also has active gangs. "Graffiti is a creeping problem in
every neighborhood and in and on public buildings" said Mayor Roxanne Qualls of
Cincinnati said. .....
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