Papers on Society and Social Issues
Child Abuse
Number of words: 496 | Number of pages: 2.... abuse their children. Australian research suggests that this
figure may be higher. F thermore, children are likely to be at greater risk
of physical abuse by mothers who are being physically abused by a spouse
than children living in families where violence is absent. Here are some of
the factors that tell why parents hit their children : 1) Substance abuse
(Alcohol and other drugs) 2) Poor self image 3) Distrust in others 4) Low
impulse control 5) Unrealistic expectations of children 6) Limited or
incorrect knowledge of child development 7) A negative view of children 8)
Fear of spoiling of children When a woman is threatened or a .....
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Interpersonal Skills
Number of words: 504 | Number of pages: 2.... These types of classes should be offered to all employees, in all areas of the bank. When managers have stronger interpersonal relationships, it seems that their employees hold a higher regard for them. Because good communication is such a valuable skill, it is just as important for employees as it is for managers to receive communication training.
Next, I will discuss my communication strengths and weaknesses. are one of my strengths when communicating with others. I am a very good listener, which is very important when communicating. I often check to make sure that I fully understand what the other person is saying t .....
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Educating Children About Sexuality
Number of words: 1278 | Number of pages: 5.... C. Spread of AIDS
1. Quote(DeCarlo 1)
2. Quote(DeCarlo 1)
D. With statistics such as these, school officials should demand that sexuality
education programs be allowed and kept in their schools.
IV. Several different types of school programs educate children about sex.
A. Girls, Inc.
1. “Will Power/ Won’t Power”
2. “Taking Care of Business”
3. Prevention of teen pregnancy(Friedman 76)
B. Postponing Sexual Involvement(PSI)
1. Teens teaching teens
2. Quote(Friedman 76)
3. Quote(Fr .....
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The Statutory Definition Of Pornography
Number of words: 5243 | Number of pages: 20.... against the subordination of women. Any man, child or
transsexual who alleges injury by pornography in the
way women are injured by it also has a claim.
[emphasis added]
My goal in this paper is to suggest that a slight modification to this
subsection of the ordinance would make it very difficult for liberals and
legal conservatives to object to it. This modification would restrict the
cause of action to the same persons as the other sections of the ordinance,
namely, the particular victim of the specified injury. I shall argue that
such a modification would largely cohere with the concepti .....
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"Please Let Us Skate"
Number of words: 489 | Number of pages: 2.... I have
started to skate with a couple of my friends whenever we have the time to. There
has never been a time where we haven't been stopped and kicked out. This has
been very irritating for us and we still don't understand why we're not welcomed
at any parks, other than the answer we always get, "You might hurt someone".
Personally, I think the only people that are going to get hurt are the ones with
the skates, us.
Another big problem we Roller-bladers face here in Hong Kong is the fact
that we are not only rejected by society but also by other skaters, skate-
boarders. There are many places to skate here in Hong Kong and of th .....
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The Problems Of Conflict
Number of words: 5596 | Number of pages: 21.... inequities and injustices. These advantages are raised to justify a normal healthy occurrence and to stress the importance of understanding and handling it properly. Everyone has conflicts and almost everyone readily acknowledges at least some benefits. Negative views of conflict tend to persist in the twists and turns of a specific case.
Several features in common with destructive conflict that might easily turn in a destructive direction: First the situation the situation is tense and threatening. Even for “old hands’ of negotiation, conflicts are often unpleasant and frightening. Second, participants are experiencing .....
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Bulldozing Our Past
Number of words: 754 | Number of pages: 3.... Well, the owner’s of the home
were not financially in the poverty zone. They actually were making above
$35,000, which did not allow them access to government funding. Even
though the $35,000, before taxes, was to feed a husband, wife, two
children, pay mortgage, insurance, taxes, utilities, college and buy
clothes. The district insisted that the owners should have enough money
to remodel the home. The owner’s however did not have the extra money.
They discovered it would be cheaper to take a bulldozer to the house and
level it, leaving their 79-year-old tenant homeless.
There are numerous socioeconomical levels. Unfo .....
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Number of words: 770 | Number of pages: 3.... man has the right to "harm" his country peacefully. That is what democracy is based on a country for the people and by the people. These people have the right to try and change things in a peaceful manner. That is how far I would go to stop a friend from harming my country.
How far would I go to obtain revenge on someone or some group who destroyed my best friend? Once again, it depends on your definition of destroyed. If you are referring to destroyed as in lethal means I would devote all my time and energy to bring them to justice. Seeing them convicted in a court of law would be my revenge. Now if destroyed means to rui .....
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Sports In Society
Number of words: 1177 | Number of pages: 5.... time self-confidence is viewed in accordance with
how well an athlete performs at a certain sport activity. To examine this
further one must look at how an athlete prepares themselves before the task in
order to understand how their self-confidence reigns so high when it comes time
for them to actually compete. An athlete must trust what enables them to
build their self-confidence.
(2) To start, an athlete needs to know themselves and what their limitations are.
Through personal experience an athlete will know what they are capable of
doing, and also what challenges them. From such personal experiences an athlete
can recall .....
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Being Young
Number of words: 612 | Number of pages: 3.... schools in various countries have tried to solve
this problem. They have introduced a rule that allows pupils to go at school
only if they are dressed in a specific school-uniform. But many students don't
like these uniforms. They want to decide for themselves how to dress.
During the last years it has become more usual for parents to divorce. Some
people think that this conflict may have a positiv effect on kids, because the
children get a bigger family to hold on to. Others think the opposite. But it is
obvious that parental separation can harm or ruin many childhoods. I don't think
it is healthy for the kids if they feel .....
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