Papers on Society and Social Issues
Executive Women: Substance Plus Style
Number of words: 713 | Number of pages: 3.... at leading, influencing, and motivating groups, as well as
analyzing problems. The authors go on to show that, despite these similarities,
women are disproportionately represented in the ranks of Fortune 500 company
Repeated references are made to studies that were conducted with 22 people, 16
men and 6 women, whose job is to select executives for top jobs. These people
are continually referred to as "savvy insiders" throughout the article. These
so called savvy insiders were tasked with providing an example of what they
considered to be a woman who "made it" and one who "derailed". They describe
what basically .....
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Parent - Teenager Relationships
Number of words: 431 | Number of pages: 2.... on my nerves I'd say just
about anything to shut her up sometimes.
Have a look at Josephine in the novel "Looking for Alibrandi" and compare her to
her mother. Jose may absolutely hate her mother sometimes but at others be
unable to live without her presence. I don't think that Jose could ever imagine
her mother being in the same position as her. What I don't understand is if our
parents have been through this themselves, then why do they have such a hard
time understanding why their children often hate them for the same reasons?
My main point is that if our parents have resented their parents for the way
they were brought .....
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Number of words: 1525 | Number of pages: 6.... not strong enough to make kids do things that are strongly against
their morals.
One of the ways that kids morals are bent so that gang violence
becomes more acceptable is the influence of television and movies. The
average child spends more time at a TV than she/he spends in a classroom.
Since nobody can completely turn off their minds, kids must be learning
something while watching the TV. Very few hours of television watched by
children are educational, so other ideas are being absorbed during this
period of time. Many shows on television today are extremely violent and
are often shown this from a gang's perspective. .....
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Observing Relations Between People And Their Eating Habits
Number of words: 899 | Number of pages: 4.... to eat while shopping. The women shared similar attributes, for example they both had short brown hair and wore dark clothing. One of the women seemed to dominant in most of the conversation. She was very expressive with her hand gesturing as well as her facial expressions. She raised her eyebrows and smiled quite a lot through the conversation. The dominant women leaned forward to get closer to the other woman when speaking almost as though she was telling a secret. Then she would sit back to listen to the other lady reply. The women stayed there for about a half an hour before leaving.
The third table that I observed had a larg .....
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Age Of Reason
Number of words: 1419 | Number of pages: 6.... the control of my instructors, I entirely abandoned the study of letters and resolved no longer to seek any other science than the knowledge of myself, or of the great book of the world”(16). The knowledge of oneself, and of his so-called “book of the world,” can be obtained solely through a process of reason. He argues that it is reason alone “which constitutes us men, and distinguishes us from the brutes”(13). Therefore, according to him, the human being is an elite animal, distinguished by his (or her) ability of rational thought. It is this nature as a rational animal that puts humans in their supreme position a .....
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How To Win An Argument
Number of words: 885 | Number of pages: 4.... your side, but as we've learned from our politicians,
it is not necessary. However, if the truth does eventually get out you may end
up looking like a fool. In a multi-sided argument, an argument which is not
dealing in absolute truths, but rather different opinions, it is preferable to
believe in the side you for which you are arguing, but isn't necessary if your
background is strong enough. In simpler terms, don't get into an argument you
know “nothin” about.
It is important to know with whom you are arguing. If you are in a relationship
(guy - girl), and you are the guy, give up now you can't win. The laws of nature
are ag .....
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The Problem Of Domestic Violence
Number of words: 1920 | Number of pages: 7.... one it didn't just happen overnight, it has just been popularized
overnight, domestic violence has been going on from as far back as anyone
can remember and probably farther than that, and two, this is not affecting
many people at the same timem, because, as I've stated before, "in most
families men and women do not engage in physically abusive behavior". If
you as the reader gets anything out of this paper, it is important to me as
the writer, that you find that, while domestic violence is a major problem
for some families, it is by no means an epidemic.
The major reason domestic violence has become so widespread over
th .....
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Ethical Values And The Classroom
Number of words: 1242 | Number of pages: 5.... be evaluated holistically. All students leaving high school should be proficient at a college entry level; able to read, express themselves eloquently in written and oral form, think critically, compute mathematics, have some first hand appreciation of the arts and a strong sense of values. The inadequate education California's students are presently receiving can be amended by personalized teaching, the teaching of ethical values, and a hands-on, inquiry based teaching of the basics.
To realize these educational goals for every student may seem like a pipe dream, but to try for anything less would be to sacrifice individual m .....
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Instore Help?
Number of words: 897 | Number of pages: 4.... it leads to a near total ‘green out’ of the aquarium obscuring even the fish. Although I had an idea as to how I might deal with this problem I decided to ask at the local fish store to see if some breakthrough product or method has been developed since my stint in the business. This yielded absolutely nothing.
I was able to find no one who, a) knew what exactly I was dealing with, b) could provide a viable solution or c) was honest about the first two. No one asked how much light the tank receives, what type of filtration system is installed or whether the tank is maintained properly. Although they had tried to placat .....
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Linguistic Bias
Number of words: 509 | Number of pages: 2.... alderman etc..." not as a malicious attack upon woman, but as non-sexist, non-biased terms. "English language is alive and constantly changing"(Gelder). One only has to read out loud sentences from the 19th century to sense the shifts that have occurred in the last 150 years. When readers pick up something to read, they expect different formalities depending on the time in which the material was written. We are even beginning to see people who are scrutinizing the Bible.
While many United Church members are singing the praises of their Church's new hymn book, others are attacking it's gender sensitive language. Why do w .....
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