Papers on Society and Social Issues
Number of words: 2969 | Number of pages: 11.... to Egypt. Terrorism is a means of influencing
international relations.
How can you prevent acts of terrorism when those paid to protect the
people are among the guilty? The Ku Klux Klan is a prime example of police
corruption and a government that turned its' back on its' people. Dirty cops and
prejudicial governments provided the fuel that burnt black churches of the
Southern States in the past . Many white citizens were not members of the Ku
Klux Klan, but most whites were reluctant to take a stand against the Klan until
the KKK's acts of violence began to threaten whites who were not white
supremacists. When whites began to op .....
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Development Of Communist Theory
Number of words: 828 | Number of pages: 4.... ten measures needed to convert to communism (Engels, Marx 94). 1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to the public. 2. Heavy progressive income tax. 3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. 4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. 5. Centralizing of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with a state capital. 6. Centralizing of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state. 7. Factories and production owned by the state and cultivation of wastelands. 8. Equal liability of all labor. Establishment of industrial armies, espe .....
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Colonial Super Mom
Number of words: 692 | Number of pages: 3.... compared to today’s standards. Along with maintaining her own children she also brought other children into the families of others.
The midwife today is not so important as it was two hundred years ago. Back then it was the highest paying job for a female. Martha in her life time birthed over three thousand babies. She received generous amounts of money doing this and also made many friends. As a woman it was hard to earn money in those times for things other then knitting and what not. Martha was a ground breaker though and proved that a woman could succeed in the new world of America. She was considered the main doctor in .....
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Gender Inbalances In School
Number of words: 492 | Number of pages: 2.... a “fruitless” effort to engage in a way that would promote women in these fields. Since I have been in college I have change my major 3 times. Most of my friends have also. So it is not the case that women have made up their mind by the time that they enter college and it can’t be changed. It may not be the individual teacher’s responsibility to encourage female scientists but the weight does fall in the college’s administrative office. The dean of these colleges should take the inceptive and start the process of encouragement.
It is possible that women see the world of science as a man’s world and that is why th .....
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Hiring Quotas In Employment
Number of words: 1408 | Number of pages: 6.... is not with hiring a variety of people from different ethnic groups. The problem begins when the person who is best qualified for a job, loses the position to someone less qualified. More and more, white males are having problems finding jobs because they are not black or Hispanic or do not have breasts. Affirmative action, which is action in the form of quotas and special treatment for "protected classes", has resulted in a politicized hiring process in which white males are openly discriminated against. A 1984 poll found that one in every ten white males lost a promotion because of quotas. They have become invisible victims becau .....
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A Black Cloud
Number of words: 513 | Number of pages: 2.... silhouettes,
German Soldiers echoing “Hail Hitler!”, and the infamous Skinheads are
harsh reminders of hatred which exists throughout the world.
In the same way that prejudices of large groups of people are
expressed, hate crimes are committed to demonstrate acts of hatred. Most
recent are the burning of black churches across the South. A crime of this
sort shows hatred against the black race. Sometimes leading to
manslaughter, racial tensions are abundant. Furthermore, the burning of
crosses or flags are offensive crimes that are committed to show a person's
hatred for religion or the government. Spousal abuse, chil .....
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Optimism Verses Pessimism
Number of words: 428 | Number of pages: 2.... radiant. Although everything has both pleasant and unpleasant attributes, a pessimist overlooks the positive and dwells on the negative. For example, if someone was to make an A on a test, a optimist would say “ good job,” when a pessimist would say “it was a very easy test anyway, and anyone could have passed it.”
If a person gets diverged in pessimism he will become depressed and discouraged. A pessimist strives on negativity and sorrow. A pessimistic person scrutinizes himself for even the smallest mistakes or failure. Even when a pessimist does his best, he believes he can do better. He feels he can never succe .....
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Shopping In America
Number of words: 869 | Number of pages: 4.... enormous island of commerce in a sea of asphalt, the mall
offers plenty of docking points — usually next to major commercial outlets —
for cars that circle in search of the closest slot and an easy entrance.
Third, the mall offers an extraordinary variety of products under
its one gigantic roof. Specialty stores and boutiques offer items that
people don't realize they need until they're put under the spell of
brightly lighted, beautifully furnished window after window of beguiling
wares. Malls are built to respond to Americans' insatiable desire for
stuff; either that, or a generation of Americans has been genetically
enginee .....
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Number of words: 2228 | Number of pages: 9.... about it. I basically hide it from them because I don't need that hassle.
Fire-Shade: My family has a great respect for the artist inside us all. I know you live in Michigan, and our family could always use new operatives all over the world. You have to understand what our family is about, it is about always fitting in and never hiding the truth to be liked or cool. Are you interested?
Jay18: Well maybe
Fire-Shade: Give me your phone number we really shouldn't talk about this here.
Jay18: I would rather not give my phone number out. You give me yours, I won't be able to talk for long though.
Fire-Shade: Trust is very .....
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Effects Of Media And Pornography
Number of words: 1448 | Number of pages: 6.... used for entertainment or pleasure. These feelings are spread into society. This is exactly why the concealment of the sex organs and teaching feelings of shame toward human sexuality is so common worldwide (Christensen). Contrary to the beliefs of many, the mass media did not create these settings. In some societies women have no qualms about showing their bodies. In several European cultures it is common for women to sunbathe topless, or even nude. However, in other societies, such as the Middle East, women cover their bodies from head to toe. The media has been bombarded with criticism, overwhelmingly from the female com .....
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