Papers on Book Reports
Bless Me, Ultima
Number of words: 780 | Number of pages: 3.... advised Tony to not grow too fast but that would not happen as we know.
Another example of loss of innocence in the book would be Tony’s friends. The gang seems to be fairly innocent enough but they go through the lesser part of losing their innocence in this story. They have minor things such as hearing about the mischief around town and some of the horrible things that happen. Also the way they talk and act show how their childhood innocence is floating away while they don’t even know it. Then, there is the big example in one of Tony’s friends, Florence. An atheist, he didn’t accept the god of the church .....
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A Separate Peace: Contrasting Gene And Phineas And The Struggle For Power
Number of words: 796 | Number of pages: 3.... classmates. Phineas'
spontaneity inspires many others to be like himself and jump off the tree.
Another example of Phineas' power is his character establishing scene of
disrespect to the school by wearing his pink shirt and the Devon School tie as
his belt. We here, again, see him as the spontaneous individual who "can get
away with anything" (p.18). Phineas' nature inspired Mr. Patch-Withers, a
teacher at Devon. Phineas has an eloquence about himself, allowing him to get by
with so much. Phineas "might have rather enjoyed the punishment if it was done
in some kind of novel and known way" (p.20). Even with negative actions,
Phinea .....
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The Beauty Myth: Themes
Number of words: 1366 | Number of pages: 5.... on their masculinity by their achievements and women’s femininity has been based upon by there looks. The fourth issue in the book is about health. The book talks about how women would jeopardize their health to look good for men by starving themselves or by having another form of an eating disorder. The fifth and last issue in the book is that of violence. One example given is that women would subject themselves to plastic surgery to become more attractive to men. This, in a way, is a type of violence to a woman.
“A woman looks like a million dollars, she’s a first-class beauty, her face is her fortune” (Wolf 20). Thi .....
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Wright's "Black Boy": An Oppressionist Impression
Number of words: 882 | Number of pages: 4.... anger and
fear, Wright converses with the reader as though he were a youth leader telling
a story to a group of boyscouts outside by a campfire. His spellbounding words
chant the reader into his world and produce a map through which the reader
follows his life in the shadows of others. “ I mingled with the boys, hoping to
pass unnoticed , but knowing that sooner or later I would be spotted for a
newcomer. And trouble came quickly- a bloabk boy came bounding past me, thumping
my hat to the ground and yelling.” To keep his audience from dazily drifting
into a state of semi-consiousness, Wright interjects into his prayer with .....
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Sarte's "The Wall": Themes
Number of words: 1263 | Number of pages: 5.... in front of me
and I thought, "It's a damned lie." It was worth nothing because it was
finished." In this passage Pablo realizes that his entire life has been a
continuous sequence of events and eventually the outcome must be the same
for him as well as all men, which is death. This passage also shows the
reader that Pablo, like most people, deceives himself about mortality by
not dealing wiht it conscientiously until it is too late. The majority of
people live as if their existence is limitless and their days on earth are
not numbered. Neither Pablo, or the other two men, entertained even for an
instant the possibility of s .....
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Of Mice And Men: The Feeling Only The Lonely Could Feel
Number of words: 502 | Number of pages: 2.... his color.
Candy was a character who felt the despair of loneliness when he
was forced to have his best and only friend killed. His friend was a loyal
and loving sheepdog that grew up with Candy and had stuck with him through
thick and thin. This destroyed Candy's heart and replaced it with an empty
pit of loneliness. Candy felt he had no one to live for anymore. This is
a horrible tragedy because Candy allowed the lonesomeness to devour his
hopes of living.
Curly's wife was not a character to pity much, although she did
experience loneliness in the story. She was lonely because everyone
stereotyped her and refused to ta .....
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Static And Dynamic Characters In THe Diary Of Anne Frank
Number of words: 960 | Number of pages: 4.... because of the war. Whatever Miep brings for them is not enough. Mr. Van Daan goes by the name, "Putti" by his wife, tries to steal food at night, because of his hunger, but leaves less for everyone else. He realizes, when he gets caught by Mrs. Frank, that what he did was wrong.
Mrs.Van Daan is Mr. Van Daan's wife. She is over protective, and one-sided over him, while everyone is against him. She takes care of oneself and her husband without regard for others, even her own son.
Mr. Dussel is another person that moved in the Annex after the Frank's and the Van Daan's settled in. He's only supposed to stay for a couple of days un .....
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The Crucible: John Proctor
Number of words: 791 | Number of pages: 3.... was a kind man-powerful of body, even tempered and not easily led”(20). He goes on to say that he has a “quiet confidence and an unexpressed hidden force”(21). He is well respected in the community and Mr. Parris, the town Reverend, goes as far as to say that he has “followers”(30). Also, at the end of the play Parris and Danforth want to post his confession of being in league with the devil on the Church door because “It is a weighty name”(141). They feel that since Proctor is such a respected member of the community that his confession will restore the people’s confidence in the court and urge others to con .....
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Polonius Is Folish
Number of words: 1749 | Number of pages: 7.... (Are) of a most select and
generous chief in that. Neither a borrower or a lender (be,) For (loan) oft loses both itself
and friend, And borrowing (dulls the) edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self
be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.
(1. 3. 71-87) The advice that Polonius gives to Laertes is simple and sounds foolish being
told to a person of Laertes’ age. Martin Orkin comments on the nature of Polonius’
speech: 2 “Shakespeare’s first audience would recognize in Polonius’ predilection for such
commonplace expressions of worldly wisdom a mind that runs a .....
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1984: The Structure Of The Novel
Number of words: 397 | Number of pages: 2.... him. He is always the face of hate in the Two
Minute Hate and everywhere else, but for some people like in The
Brotherhood, he is a hero. Winston thinks about the brotherhood and
wonders if it is a myth or a reality. Therefore, Winston's conversion to
Party doctrine becomes obvious when he writes in his diary, and when he
questions Goldstein.
Secondly, by the structure of the novel, in the second part the
reader becomes aware of Winston's conversion to Party doctrine as he
understands it. Winston has a love affair with Julia. As it goes along he
understands why the Party does not want people to get together. It gets
them .....
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