Papers on Book Reports
Bolt's "A Man For All Seasons": Reasons For A Person's Actions
Number of words: 781 | Number of pages: 3.... that life is the greatest value to man, and to place anything
above it would be asinine. More's behavior was bizarre even to his own time
period. His daughter, Margaret, pleaded for him to sign the oath, "Then say
the words of the oath and in your heart think otherwise"(81). Her father could
not morally be satisfied by this. More believed that when an oath is taken, one
is placing his pledging his self and soul. " When a man takes an oath, Meg,
he's holding his own self in his own hands. And if he opens his fingers then-
he needn't hope to find himself again"(81).
On the other hand, Richard Rich's actions were not based up .....
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St. Augustin
Number of words: 1245 | Number of pages: 5.... took him from this world (Confessions, 75).” “When all hope of saving him was lost, he was baptized as he lay unconscious (Confessions, 75).” This passage about e’s friend helps to illustrate that as death drew near in Augustine’s time, thoughts went to the after life in heaven. This hypothesis is furthered when Augustine writes about the death of his mother. “And so on the ninth day of her illness, when she was fifty-six and I was thirty-three, her pious and devoted soul was set free from the body (Confessions, 200).” Some might argue that the sorrow that Augustine .....
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Hunting My Own "Bear"
Number of words: 782 | Number of pages: 3.... slept late from the night before. It was 7 o' clock in the morning and I was thinking to myself: "What am I doing here, when everyone else is sleeping comfortably in their beds." In addition, I was the youngest and the most ill-prepared, so the whole day was just learning how to do this and that, and what not to do. The following days got easier and easier for me just getting used to the schedule, but my uncle had this trepidating aura that surrounded him all the time, which made it hard to approach and ask him for advice. So usually, if I had a question I would just wait for him to look at me(which sometimes took like a whol .....
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B.F Skinner's Waldo Two: Positive Change In World Through Manipulation Of Behavior
Number of words: 815 | Number of pages: 3.... we give up this illusion, says Skinner, we
can condition everyone to act in acceptable ways.
Skinner has a specific prescription for creating this utopian society.
He declares that all that is necessary is to change the conditions which
surround man. "Give me the specifications, and I'll give you the man" is his
simple yet remarkable message. He claims that by controlling what a person's
environment is, it is possible to craft a man to behave in any way. Skinner
wants to use this notion to create a world without pain and suffering. In
Walden Two, he systematically describes what conditions are necessary to create
a world of ha .....
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The Canterbury Tales: The Wife Of Bath
Number of words: 993 | Number of pages: 4.... tooth.
"Gat-toothed was she, soothly for to saye.
Upon an amblere esily she sat" (p.91, ll. 470-471)
This physical feature is attributed to lust and passion. The fact that she
could ride a horse easily also could take on sexual connotations (Maclaine
32). The horse she "rides" so well could actually be her husband.
Early in the Wife of Bath Prologue, The Wife of Bath declares that
experience is more important to her than knowledge.
"Experience, though noon auctoritee,
Were in this world, is right ynough for me"
(p.117, ll. 1-2)
She .....
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The Insanity Plea By Winslad And Ross: Summary
Number of words: 1164 | Number of pages: 5.... the verdict there were Riots
breaking out in the streets because of the verdict. Before hand he was elected
a Supervisor and resigned because he didn't like the way that Politics worked.
The point before, that I may not have mentioned, is that the defense argued
that he was insane and that "a person with a normal background who was brought
up in a good home, something is obviously missing." Since he was being charged
on 3 accounts of Murder in the 1st, they somewhat bought the insane defense so
they lowered his charges to 1 account of voluntary manslaughter, where he
received 7 years and 8 months with a possibility of parole .....
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The Underdogs
Number of words: 835 | Number of pages: 4.... was generous and helpful to his followers, of which he insisted on loyalty and trust, but to those who violated his trust and authority, he was merciless and cruel. We can clearly see the similarities of these two leaders when we analyze their noble actions. Demetrio’s reluctance to stop after he is injured is quite common among your average hero. He continues to fight for the cause, and keeps a strong focus on what his surroundings are. Demetrio plays the man who is full of power, and desires women and alcohol. He is even interested in Luis Cervantes’ soon to be wife, when he drunkenly fights everyone to get what he wa .....
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Call Of The Wild
Number of words: 431 | Number of pages: 2.... or hardly nothing, about managing
a sled team. There trip began with a very bad start. The family had loaded up
their wagon with too much unneeded baggage, and it was top heavy. As the dogs
began to pull away and pull around a curve, the baggage tipped over along with
the sled and thus the unnecessary baggage was discarded, and the trip was barely
completed because of harsh weather, wrong supplies, and poor management skills
of the dog handlers. All except a man that went by the name of John Thornton,
perhaps the only sane one in the group. After one of the men repeatedly beat on
a dog, Thornton became enraged. He threaten .....
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The Color Purple By Alice Walker
Number of words: 610 | Number of pages: 3.... She writes
to God, because she has no one else to write to. She feels that what happened
to her is so terrible that she can only talk about it to someone she feels loves
her. She knows her sister Nettie loves her, but she is too young to understand.
Celie believe only to God may she talk honestly and openly about her suffering.
Celie is not, however, at this point, complaining to God, she is simply
confiding in him.
Celie was born into a poor family; her mother was sick most of the time,
mentally and physically; there were too many children in the family; and Celie
was abused by the man she believed was her father. Celie feels u .....
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A Review On Durable Goods By Elizabeth Berg
Number of words: 346 | Number of pages: 2.... to come to his senses. Her father is a highly ranked and respected
serviceman who moves his family to a Texas army base after the death of his
wife. Katie struggles with the tradgety of her mothers death but handles
her pain in a heartwrenching, stoic manner. Her abusive father, on the
other hand, handles his sorrow by showing aggression towards his daughters.
This is especially difficult for Katie considering that her father is all
that she has to look up to, aside from the neighbors who take her in every
now and again. Still, the image of her mother haunts her. As she tries to
grow up, she also longs for a time when she coul .....
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