Papers on Book Reports
The Chosen: The Similar Desires Of David Malter And Reb Saunders
Number of words: 616 | Number of pages: 3.... do with his future was not of major concern to him. He enjoyed his son for who he was, whereas Reb was very focused on what he wanted his son to become.
Another major difference between Reb and David was their relationship with their sons. Reb had a very silent relationship with Danny, while David had a very communicable relationship with Reuven. Reb thought that in order to teach his son to make his own decisions and to learn the difference between right and wrong, he had to be silent and almost non-communicative with his son. This method involved love, but there was also much fear included. At the same time, David though .....
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The World Anti-Communist League: "Inside The League"
Number of words: 998 | Number of pages: 4.... that involved
terrorists, Nazi collaborators, racists, assassins, anti-Jewish bigots, and
right- wing anti-communist American politicians. The one factor all had in
common was their involvement with the World Anti-Communist League.
The Latin American death squads, for instance, were found to be linked
through an umbrella group of Central and South American rightists called
the Latin American Anti-Communist Confederation (CAL). CAL in turn was
affiliated with the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), lead by a retired
U.S. Major General, John Singlaub. Singlaub boasts WACL is the
coordinating body for raising private aid fo .....
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Jack London Stories, The Red O
Number of words: 692 | Number of pages: 3.... or they humbled themselves as being only a solitary one being on the earth. His stories satisfied the civilized American readers yearn for knowledge of what awaited them over the horizon, with either promise of prosperity or demise with a manifestation of dismay.
Jack’s stories have to do with as much from the unknown as it does in dealing with personal experiences. At the young age of thirty-two, London set sail for Hawaii and then the South Pacific. Where he encountered cannibals and inspiration for the later to be, “The Red One”. Mr. London’s tale consisted of a foolhardy character named Bassett. B .....
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Explication Of Dulce Et Decoru
Number of words: 747 | Number of pages: 3.... gas is slow and painful. The soldiers who died did so painfully, it was as if they were drowning. Choking slowly, like being drown, death by compression and collapsing of the lungs. This is a horrid death. The poem is from the viewpoint of a soldier watching another soldier die. The soldier is experiencing the death of the other soldier. He is describing his dreams of choking and grasping for breath, grasping for life. As he watches the other soldier die he is thinking about his own death, about the deaths of other soldiers, about the deaths and casualties of war.
The author is discussing the realities of war...war is death. The .....
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There Are No Children Here
Number of words: 970 | Number of pages: 4.... the book, we are much like flies on the wall. We see and feel everything the boys' go through at Henry Horner Homes, the project where they live. LaJoe moved into the Henry Horner Homes in 1956 with her mother and father. Back then it was a beautiful place. There was a green, grass baseball diamond, which was regularly mowed. For the children there was a playground with swings and jungle gyms. The bricks were smooth, the windows were shimmering, and the walls were freshly painted white. The adolescents joined boys and girls clubs, marching bands, and other constructive organizations. Now things are different. The remnants .....
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Hemmingway's The Sun Also Rises
Number of words: 506 | Number of pages: 2.... to Jake that they go and find him.
Jake did not fight her on this issue, but he certainly did not provoke it.
Jake was more of a stooge for Brett. She would have had her way even if
Jake had not helped her. She uses her feminine charm, and there is, little
that Jake can say. At one point she says “Oh, darling, please stay by me.
Please stay by me and see me through this”(188). Jake is to wrapped around
her finger to refuse.
There is no question in Jake¹s mind that he will be losing Montoya as a
friend and also the respect that others had once held for him, yet he
choose Brett over these losses. Jake even goes as far as to .....
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Animal Farm: The Effect Of Propaganda
Number of words: 622 | Number of pages: 3.... promote Animalism by building a windmill. This
windmill was to be used for luxuries that would make life better for
everyone on Animal Farm. Snowball also said that although the construction
would be difficult all animals would benefit in the long run. His positive
attitude, ideas and propaganda excited the animals so much that they wanted
to build it, until the demise of Snowball and his crimes of treason.
Napoleon decided to use propaganda in a negative manner to destroy
the reputation of Snowball's righteousness. During a vote when the animals
of Animal Farm were to decide the fate of the windmill, the animals seemed
to be sidi .....
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An Essay On Ben Mikaelsens Cou
Number of words: 1264 | Number of pages: 5.... become to first teenager in space and begins his nine month training along with his alternate, Mandy Jane Harris. This was it, the only chance that Elliott Andrew Schroeder was going to become a national hero and the only thing in his way was Mandy. Because of that he developed a disliking towards her which almost costed them their privilege to go to space. Then Elliott realized that his disliking had to reasonable justification and they became the best of friends for the last four months of training. Then the day came, when Elliott was really going to become the first teen in space and his only duty was to speak to anyone on .....
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All The Kings Men 2
Number of words: 641 | Number of pages: 3.... it affected was Jack. Jack found out that the Judge was his biological father and never had the chance to have his first true “father son” talk. Even though Jacks goals from the beginning were to discover truth and Knowledge, he found that the truth is not always a good and noble thing. In this case the truth led to what destroyed the Judge Irwin and a part of Jack.
The story provided by Cass Mastern gives and an interesting comparison to the current tale of Jack Burden and Willie Stark. Cass is tormented, as Jack is, by the truth and this drives them both to the edge. Only Cass falls over and cannot recover. .....
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Lord Of The Flies 2
Number of words: 1225 | Number of pages: 5.... as the leader. Ralph then assigns the Choir, led by Jack, to be the hunters. Then Jack, Ralph, and Simon set out to explore the island. Near the end of their journey, they encounter a wild pig. Jack tries to kill it, but is unsuccessful. When the explorers get back, a meeting is held. The explorers explain that the island is deserted but there is enough food to keep them alive. Jack and the hunters promise to supply meat. Ralph makes a rule that whoever is in possession of the conch shell is allowed to speak. Ralph proposes the idea of a signal fire to alert passing ships of their presence. All the boys agree and everybody rus .....
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